Post your K/D ratios here!

My current K/D ratio is 52.4 with 18+K machines destroyed and almost 350 deaths. Not too shabby. :grin:

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Currently 33 kills per death. I haven’t actually hunted a really high K/D ratio in the game.

10701 kills and 324 deaths.

Another way to express it is deaths per hours game play. I have 1.16 deaths per hour (324 deaths and 279 hours of game time).

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Death over time is an interesting way to look at it. I think mine comes out at 280/30 ~ 1 per 9 hours. The down side is it hides that ‘new to the game bump’ if you got creamed at the beginning.

Embarrassed, I’m sitting down here at roughly 86 hours, 3000 kills and 100 deaths… I’m coming along as fast as I can! :wink:

A million kilometers, @tene? Haha, is that even possible? That’s the equivalent of running around the earth 25 times, or the whole length of Sweden 660 times! Are these counters even correct? I don’t wanna doubt you, I’m just an annoying skeptic. :smile:


The counters are wonky. Aesyle has spent nearly 13.000 days in combat, which is almost 35 years. Any way you look at it that’s wrong.


I’m not sure if it is! i mean i do travel a lot but it might not an accurate count of kilometers tbh :laughing: still it sounds impressive right?

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This is what I managed after completing all main and side missions (without Alpine Unrest) on a fresh save:

148,5 :yum:


Old save had like 70 deaths (mostly staircase assassinations or falling/drowning related) vs 3500 aboutish kills.

It’s sad that staircases are better killers than machines are…

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My ratio has gone to hell ever since the crashes started, since I’ve tried lots and lots of ways to make rivals spawn, read: letting yourself get killed, lol! Now I don’t care anymore! :slight_smile:

Very nice work dude!

Since this is back i might as well check in myself, killed about 5k-ish since my last check in and only died about 16 times in that time frame, and that’s after the introduction of the new apoco machines might i add :wink:
C’mon devs i’m waiting for a real challenge here!

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Damn this guy is as the kids would say ‘‘out here’’ with a kill count the size of a small country. Love your videos keep up the hard work!!!

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Since nov 1:st, a mix of solo/coop gaming:


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Thank you kindly bro, awesome to see a supporter of my channel on here!! Hoping to get to 30k kills by the end of April :grin:

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I know your channel is kind of small but, honestly it’s helped me quite a few times and due to how infrequent this game seems to be published on YouTube by other bigger channels it drives more people to view your content and helps your channel grow faster. Thank you for all the hard work you do!!! Happy Hunting!!!

Working my way up there, step by step… :wink:



Nice really showing those machines who’s boss out there! That’s something like a 1% death ratio, GG!

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No revives since I play solo.

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Threads like this one is fun! Can we necro it? :slight_smile:
We have a lot of new forum users since the last activity here, so it would be fun to see how you’re doing in slaying machines.

Here’s my current K/D after 189 hours of gameplay.
32,53 machine kills pr. death.
46,82 machine kills pr. hour.
1 death every 41,69 minutes.

(Skirmish difficulty, ever since introduction of difficulties.)

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Actually, this thread has lost its meaning ever since the introduction of difficulty levels imho.