PS4 Data Corruption (!) When Starting the Game

When i open game it shows me corrupt save game, after i press restore save data it kicks me out of the game pls help

Vladtheinhaler has started a previous thread for this topic bud,he and I are experiencing the same problem,hopefully they can fix it soon.

Same here fix this game it won’t load at all. ps4 pro !

I’ve now moved all reports covering the issue to this thread. Please search for your issue before you post, it saves a lot of time. Let’s hope we can see this solved soon.


So a friend I play with had some success in playing and I’m going to try this now myself and I’ll edit if it works, but he went offline, turned his connection off, then loaded his game and it went just fine.

Edit: works perfectly. You can even turn your internet connection back on after you get into the game.


I Feel the same way ive only been playing for a couple of days (with my friend). And i am so pissed today has been a really bad day and all i wanted to do was hop on with my friend but of course it crashs as soon as i log in. Ive also tried everything i can think of For example (Check for update,restart my ps4,uninstall then reinstall, ect).

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For me it didn’t work for me all i got was a hand cramp lol.

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i love you this worked well ive been trying to get in for about 11 hours


i can confirm this works
i have been playing for the last 7ish hours because i unpluged my network cable then pluged it back in out of pure curiosity

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Ive been playing Generation zero on the ps4 for a couple of days. but recently i’ve noticed EVERY single time i try to to start the game i go thought the loading screen then get to the menu for about a second then my game says “An error has occurred in the following application. Generation zero”. Im really looking for some help because im falling in love with this game

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disconnect internet from playstation work your way threw the menu bug free then once into the actual game plug internet back in i have been playing for the last 7 hours like this

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game keeps crashing was in some sort of save corrupt loop used ps4 could save to try and fix but game still crashes at main menu…

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Lo mismo me pasa y creo que a mucha gente también, encima yo no me di cuenta de fijarme antes si alguien más tenía este error que reinicie mi PS4 de fabrica porque era lo último que me quedaba por hacer para ver, si se me solucionaba el error, espere a descargar el juego completo y resulta que tenía el error todavía, ahora estoy frustrado pero se que no soy el único

dont play online turn the internet off


Merged more reports and added some search tags.


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Team is actively looking at this right now! Hope to have it solved soon!


Hello, is there an estimated time for the fix? thanks for your work

Same issue here! I’m on an original PS4 aswell. Game started up fine when i loaded up. Then came off to do something. Then it started crashing and corrupting. Have even tried uninstalling and reinstalling to no avail

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Ho lo stesso problema,ieri ho comprato il gioco x playstation4 slim,e crsch esattamente come te,non sono riuscito nemmeno a giocarci una volta

,:pray:t2:Per piacere Qualcuno ci aiuta?