PS4 DLC: feedback and discussion

I just want to play the fnix rising update. Are there any news out there?


Same discussion topics merged.


Just don’t hype about the monday news. It’s probably about how they solved issues, and were closed to release the update but then new issues happened so they’ll delay it again to an unannounced date. At least it will be like that for PS4… It’s just communication to make PS4 players remember about the game but it will bring nothing new, just the classic “we delay the update on PS4 because of new issues but we were closer than ever to release the update. It will come sooner than you except, thanks for the patience”

They probably just focused on the Xbox patch again and maybe on the next PC DLC too, GZ just look like a Microsoft exclusivity now.

No release date will be announced, I wouldnt be surprised if they just make it official that they gave up on the PS4 version to focus on PC/Xbox.


That is a wee unfair, sir.
They do not focus on one system, but it’s a small team, and for PS4 it is VERY hard to figure out just what the issue is.
PS4 uses a totally different system from XBOX or PC.
Where XBOX and PC are very much the same, PS4 is totally different.

Then there is the small team.
And the CoViD-19 restraints.

I agree though, yes, it’s ALL but fun, really…
But things are what they are, sir.
And while they do their very best… there is no such thing as Harry Potter’s wand to fix those issues, sadly…

Thanks I understand that part, small team, different systems… So why did they choosed to release it on PS4 ? If they can’t handle it, they should have focus on PC/Xbox instead of selling a game on a platform they need so much time to deal with.

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Early on, they could.
Something along the path sadly borked up, and it is darn hard to find the issue.
It is not a 3mb file with coding, it’s several gigabyte worth of coding, and even a misplaced comma can turn everything awry.

Now, seeing they did release it, and it went good for a while, they now are tied to having to fix it, for those that bought the game for PS4.

The game was originally meant for PC.
This game got ported over, and where it worked for XBOX, PS4 gives immense issues.

Question is: WHAT is it that borkes it up for that particular console?

And what from there on?

Can they even call the game back from PS4?
I mean…?

It would be nice to get a refund on PS4 as it clearly looks like they can’t handle this platform anymore.

It’s just a shame we paid the same prices as Xbox, higher than PC but we have to wait a lot more to get such an update. Especially while the game has so much issues on PS4. They let down the PS4 community since April, we’re stucked with gamebreaking issues.

I’m just a player who bought GZ on PS4 and I’m punished, forced to wait months for the game’s issues to be solved. The only mistake I made is basically to buy the game on PS4.

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I don’t think this is true. They’re working to crack this nut. But since it’s a bit harder to crack it takes a while longer. Letting down the PS4 community would basically mean they develop the game only for PC and XBox further which is not the case. The PC community has the patches and the DLC already but has not received an update to new bugs as well. True that it takes some time to develop things especially with a small team but I think “patience is a virtue” is not just an empty phrase.

Nobody forces you to not play the game. This is your decision only. True that the game is harder with the April update but that basically means to rethink the way you fight and adapt to it. And yes, the KD ratio is irrelevant with it :wink:

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First let me say i´m calm and already used to waiting forever for the update so all i have to say is the truth and no hate in the mix.
Look today marks 5 months they brought the bugs for the PS4 and it´s been 3 months since the new DLC was released.
Tell me another game on the past 10 years which something similar happened?
I can´t remember a single one.
Sometimes DLC´s arrive later, but having to wait so much for a fix?
Not really an excuse, they did let the PS4 community down, it´s a fact.
The phrase “patience is a virtue” can no longer be used under this circumstances, that is the truth.
Wait for a DLC? sure…but they introduced new bugs that changed the way the game is to be played and that has no escuse.
And the latest Xbox crashes (and certainly same situation for PS4) could have been avoided if they tested it properly, they could have just made a patch to fix the bugs from April in the console versions and release the Fnix rising for consoles when all the “new” bugs were solved.
One can simply not put a half made boat above the sea and expect it to float, it´s simple.


I totally agree !

And one thing people don’t think about while defending this bad management:

Okey PS4 is harder to deal with. So why didn’t they start with PS4 if it tooks more time ? They could have work on the PS4 update first if it’s the hardest platform to handle. And then once the PS4 update is ready, they could quickly release the Xbox/PC update as it’s so “easier”
This way the 3 releases would be closer.

Instead they focused on the easiest first wich means keeping the “biggest” work for later and now that’s where we are… PC and Xbox got the update, PC got a patch and Xbox will get one soon too. While PS4 still wait for the basic update.

And the fact that “it’s a small team” like everybody say to defend them just actually prove one thing: If the team is so small, they probably just put the PS4 update away while working on PC and then Xbox. So they just stopped working on the PS4 version because they are probably not enough people to work on 2-3 platforms versions at the same time. Wich truly demonstrates that they litteraly let down the PS4 community to take care of pc/Xbox players. They probably focused on the Xbox issues since the last update.

By the way, I disagree with people saying it’s a “choice” not to play the game anymore. I tried, it’s harder and it’s full of bugs. I can’t play online with my friends. The KD ratio is bad and I often end up under the map while playing with friends. And there is no point to play anymore, I got all collectibles/experimentals and I reached the ridiculy-low level cap with nearly all characters. I’m just done with the game as it is. Why would I play a game too hard, with so many bugs and that I already mastered ? I even got the Platinum trophy.

About patience, well it’s a no. It’s not about waiting for a new game, it’s waiting for the game we PAID FOR, TO finally be fixed. It’s okey to delay a game or a DLC, but delaying an essential update we need to play the game has it’s meant to be played… All of that wait without compensations. It’s a shame. At this point the DLC has to be free for PS4, because it’s a huge joke to let the PS4 version like that so long.

But you all will see, monday’s news will be about how PS4 update is still delayed without any release date. Same as always since April, at this point I’m not even sure that they tried to fix the PS4 update once…


They won´t make the DLC free for any PS4 user, that would be the right thing to do to any user who bought the game before April 2019 and bought one of the other DLC`s, don´t expect that.
Being a small team is not an excuse, there are others of the same kind under the same Pandemic working.
About the Team work, i have no info, and you most likely won´t have any but I doubt they are only working on a Platform at the time, i believe they are in a situation where they have 3 fronts at the same time, and they can´t advance properly in any one of them (thus the waiting).
What I hope is that They have this fixed at least on October and that when this is over the team learns from their mistakes.
Meaning they don´t launch any more updates or DLC´s without proper and Deeper testing which everyone can see it´s been a big problem.
Better have 3 months without new Updates than having 5 months with game breaking bugs or new introduced save corruption bugs.

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Everyone is being "punished " here.

Punished… yeah, they sure meant for this to happen, eh?

I get it, this ain’t fun for anyone.
“Especially the PS4 players!” I hear you think.
You have no idea what the strain is on them.
They need to uphold a certain quality, and it’s not working.
Think they like this?

Or, how about Avalanche?
Their mother company.
Think THEY are not on their case?

The last thing they need, is you being on their case as well.
It ain’t helping anyone.
If anything, you could try to be a bit more supportive.

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Sadly we actually have both months without updates and months with gamebreaking issues, it’s a not like we got a choice between the 2 situations


My support is delayed to an unknown release date, I was closer than ever to be supportive but then new issues happened (Xbox released before ps4, no release date communicated). But good news, I’ll support another game because it took too much time to be supportive with GZ.

And the DLC has to be free or at least 50%. It’s out since months on PC while we’re stuck with the April update. They can’t act like nothing happened and go full “Please buy our “new” DLC on PS4”. First we saw, thanks to Xbox, that this DLC can be a major issues-generator. Trying the new DLC is too risky for the saves. Second, the DLC is the reason we had to stay with a broken game. They put the dlc in an essential update meant to fix April issues, without this DLC maybe the issues would have been fixed way sooner. So paying for such a destructive DLC ? It brings new things, but at what cost? We paid that cost by waiting so long with a broken game.


No it’s not a fact since they are working on it. Wanting it to be a fact doesn’t make it so. By your definition I could also argue they let the PC community down since there are a batch of new bugs introduced that are not fixed for months.

What is it with people nowadays making everything “the truth” or “a fact” when it’s really not. Saying it doesn’t make it so.
I know it’s hard to wait especially for something you’re really looking for but bad-mouthing constantly doesn’t help anybody. My parents always told me: if you’re not having something positive to say don’t say it or rephrase it. Since everybody (hopefully) wants the same, having the game in a better state, I suggest turning this downward spiral of emotions and pseudo-arguments to a halt and concentrate on positive things.


I also feel a bit disappointed by this long delay. But what can you do, we must just have patience and wait.
… and wait.

I’ll try get the platinum trophy in the mean time.


FACT is, they ARE working on it.
FACT is, they DO their very best.
FACT is, it’s a BLOODY hard issue (clearly, or it WOULD have been fixed).
FACT is, they need support now more than ever.

I DO understand, yes, it takes long.
VERY long.
But this is not by their hand.
If anything, if it was up to them, there was never an issue in the first place!!!
That is a FACT.

Please tell me if I am wrong…?


At least a developer actually responded. Could be Borderlands 3 with no communication and they just change the whole end-game content to something nobody asked for. I am on PS4 and didn’t even know there was an issue with enemy scaling, just thought this was a challenging game. Looking forward to their updates for sure though.

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Hey everyone!

In case you didn’t see it, here’s a short update from Paul, our Product Owner, on the console issues.

Have a great day!
