PS4 DLC: feedback and discussion

Just because they are working on it does not mean they did not let people down, you don´t seem to follow logic at all, i was just responding to that exactly, and had no intention to keep this topic up.
It´s not hard to wait for me, i have a life besides GZ, it´s just facts but for some reason you don´t see them that way,and are you really comparing the PC game state with the PS4 or Xbox? That is like comparing Syria state to any European country.
And I did say the truth, the errors the Team did and that it´s true they are doing the best they can.


Idk im seein alot of hate for the devs and the waiting game that are console updates… most of ya must not have played payday 2 on the console lol. These guys are at least releasing biweekly updates. 505 and starbreeze left consoles in the dark for months and months at a time. “Oh whats that? PC has 4-5 content updates including weapons and maps and character and consoles haven’t had one… eh we will tell them next year its coming”


Even once a month is still more than, like you said, most developers even address.

Avalanche, Sucker Punch, Techland, and Hello Games all have my respect as developers. Each with their unique style but at least they communicate.

List of developers who just don’t give a sh!t and leave fan base in the dark, or just flat out in denial is a lot, lot, lot longer.


“They communicate”. Good for Xbox maybe but it worth nothing for PS4 as it’s always the same “we’re working on it, no more infos” speech.
Friday they said we’ll get “news” about the consoles situations monday. Monday they just said they keep working on the PS4 update.

But they are closed to solve the Xbox issues…

It’s a small team like many said on this thread.

I’m sorry but to me it looks like they are just working on the Xbox version until it’s finally fixed without touching the PS4 update. I doubt a “small team” can work on 2 platforms at the same time. That would explain why there is still nothing New about ps4, they didn’t work on it at all, they focused on Xbox.

And when Xbox issues will be finally solved then, magically, they’ll start truly making progress with the ps4 version, you’ll see.

It has been so long since the last time I played GZ, I forgot the game soundtrack until I watched the monday announcement. I’m close to definitely give up on GZ.


Do you have the platinum trophy? Don’t give up until you’ve collected all those gnomes and mixtapes!


They Should not have bundled the FIXES with DLC build in the first place. Why on Earth would you bundle fixes with un-tested dlc build, dose not make sense ( dont tell me its because they want to save money on patches, its pathetic because its their fault the game is broken even after the delay since April) As a dev, pushing fixes is always the priority over content, you must first make sure the base build is stable and ready to accept a new build which will most definitely break the whole game.

This way you make sure that in the future if new contents is going to be delayed then at least player will have the fixes.

I understand that this is a small team that cant work on more than one platform, then at least release only the fixes ( April patch fck up).


How does it look like that? You even said yourself they published news where they stated they are working on it but you still believe they don’t. Sounds to me that you believe they are lying.
The community wanted news more often but what can they say when they are in the midst of fixing except the phrase “we’re working on it, no more infos speech”. Sometimes the details aren’t significant while in progress.

As a programmer myself most times I just communicate the part of the application I’m on but not what exactly I’m doing since most people don’t know what I’m talking about. I guess the same goes for game development.

The GZ team communicated they are working on the fix for the PS4 problems regarding the application of the patch. If they’d say they remove 163 lines of code, added 276 more lines of code and changed 1.458 lines of code would that be sufficient or more nonsensical stuff?


I work as a programmer. Not games, but other quite complicated stuff. I find it annoying when people claim the GZ devs aren’t working on the PS4 stuff, and are angry about the lack of information.

Developing software is hard. Not hard as in ‘you need to put your back into it’, but rather as in ‘my brain hurts, this is complicated’. Finding strange bugs requires a lot of detective work and logical thinking. It’s impossible to tell when a bug will be found and fixed, especially if the crash is hard to reproduce reliably.
You can spend days just trying to understand exactly what is happening when it crashes. It’s often a chain of events, A -> B -> C -> D, and the crash only happens when B suddenly comes after C, for some unexplained reason. Debugging is really, really hard.

Also, you don’t even know if the bug is in the code you wrote. It could very well be in the dozens of libraries that you use, written by other people in other companies. It could be in the PS4 operating system (maybe not that likely). Heck, it could even be that the code you have written triggers a glitch in the hardware that makes it crash. Yes, I’ve seen that happen.

In essence, when it comes to finding crazy hard to find bugs, it’s not like you can just work harder to find it. It’s really complicated. You just can’t tell when you’re going to find it. The only thing that is certain is that you often feel really dumb when you finally find it…

Yes, it’s annoying to buy a game that suddenly becomes unplayable after an update. Especially when you have to wait for months to get it fixed. Nobody wanted this, especially not the developers. You can argue that they could have rolled back the latest update, but if that was a real option, I guess they would have done that by now.


This is plausible since Paul did say that: “they are asking for as much help as possible”, implying that they are communicating with Sony and basically asking from Sony: “Why our fixes work on PC and Xbox but not on your platform?”.


Friday: We’ll have more information on the PS4 update in a video on Monday!
Monday: We have no definitive information for the PS4 update.

Thanks for nothing.


Sure, things aren’t always easy. Which is why you rollback while you work out the issues and perform adequate testing. This should have happened day one after release.


//mod changed the title to not include clickbait and to more accurately describe what is being discussed.


Platinum trophy-checked
All Alpine Unrest trophies-checked
All collectibles (plans, gnomes, mixtapes letters…) on both main game and AU-checked
All experimentals-checked
Level cap maxed-checked
All experimental clothes (in many different pattern)-checked
All bikes-checked
All weapons attachements-checked
All cosmetics packs-paid

All that until April. I didn’t play a single minute of GZ since May and uninstalled the game. To me it was an awesome game and I was a big fan of it. Some will say I’m not a true fan because I don’t support it anymore. I doubt they all reached this level of completion in GZ, investing that much time AND money: until now I bought all cosmetics packs, the DLC and the main game, all at full price, in my country so… Swiss prices (higher than elsewhere most of the time). I supported GZ.

But now I can’t enjoy the game and all the content I paid for, because there are too much bugs and an excessive difficulty.

So believe me, when I say the game is now broken, it means the game is truly less enjoyable/not enjoyable anymore.


I believe that they work on the Xbox update and that the PS4 update is a “work in progress” wich means it’s something they still have to work on, it’s on the list but, in reality, it’s just in stand by while they focus on the Xbox update. To me it looks like the most accurate explanation of why they made so much progress on Xbox (like releasing the dlc for example) while there is still not a single information on a potential ps4 release.

It’s a small team, I doubt they are able to work on both platform at the same time and I doubt they alternate the work between the 2 platforms. I guess they work on Xbox monday to friday and on PS4 only while there is a full red moon.

I know the classic “PS4 is harder to handle than Xbox” but if it’s the real reason behind this management, why didn’t they work first on the PS4 update if it’s harder/needs more time? Again, bad management.

All I see now is what I saw in…
(list still in progress, unlike the PS4 update):

Same game, same bugs, same difficulty, same speech.

Seriously they made a game where we have to survive against military machines but they are actually defeated by a PS4 and a Xbox. That’s so ironic.

If it’s so hard, just sell the licence to a bigger company with bigger teams. At one point the GZ-devs reached their limits and I doubt they’ll be able to handle this game anymore after that. It’s too late, they probably already lost lots of players since April. Just give GZ to somebody able to deal with it, this way players may finally enjoy the game again, thanks to a better/bigger team.


Seems a post was deleted somehow.

So, well…
If all is that simple, here’s an idea:
Why don’t you learn to code and fix the issues?

I mean, it’s simple, right?
Staring at hundreds of thousands lines of code, trying to figure out what part stomps the whole thing?
For HOURS on end?

Well, since it is all this simple, I can expect any of you to have it fixed by Friday, right?

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Personally, I’m not the right person for this task.
Actually, neither are the devs.

That’s why I think they should sell at least the PS4 version to another, more adapted, studio.

This time we wait since April (6 months). There is no reason to think that, once Fnix Rising will be fixed, they won’t fail again with the PS4, for months again. They can’t handle this platform, so it would feel safer to me if another team would take care of the future of GZ on PS4 (assuming there is one…)

They just should open their eyes and accept that they can’t handle this anymore and give this job to someone more skilled about PS4. Other studios already did this with PS4 or Switch versions of their games.

The more they try to solve this by themselves, the more we wait, and until now it brought nothing valuable to the situation.



They could ask for outside help… but that would cost immensely.
Considering it’s a small team, it’s a darn small budget they go with.

Which is why I suggested to make payed content.
So they got at least that income.

If they DID sell out…
Do you think, those that bought it, would still do what the Devs do for XBox and PC?

I think not…

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I think they would, they could simply have to “adapt” updates to ps4 so yes the game would be the same.

About paid content, I already paid all cosmetics 1 year ago and to be honest it was a mistake. Now the game is unplayable so all this content was useless.

Who would buy content for a broken game… To sell you have to earn the trust of the customer. After such issues who would trust such “a small team with a small budget” and investing more money in an unstable game ?

Every day, less PS4 players play GZ. When the update will finally be released, PS4 will just be a weak and small community that don’t trust in this team anymore. I wouldn’t be surprised if the GZ team go bankrupt without even releasing the update on PS4.

The game is 18 months old on PS4 and we still have the April issues for 6 months. 1/3 of the game life on PS4 is about waiting an update about fixing major issues. Soon it will be half the game’s life without a single patch for those issues.

If you read this thread, instead of actually playing the game, it means there is something wrong with the game. Maybe you also doubt, maybe you have hopes, but anyways it means all this situation and delays affected you, one way or another. I hope for you it will be solved soon.

Personaly I just give up. It has been too long. Have a nice day !


Well, one option would be to ban all consoles, and go for PC.
This way, issues had not been around, right?

However, I hope that the consoles do get fixed soon.
I really do.
But folks, please… be patient… even if “it takes forever”…
It’s dang hard to make a port from system X to system Y.

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In essence you are right, they messed up, and did not test the game well enough before the latest updates, but the update will not come faster because of your constant complaints, don´t you have other games to play? I own and know many other interesting titles, I could suggest some for you if you want?
And yes i understand, I haven´t touched GZ on the past 3 months, because it´s not the same thing.
And @Xogroroth you have been constantly anti console and too much on the defensive, if you love that much the game why don´t you go play it? If you play on PC, the bugs are less game breaking, go enjoy this great game.
Most PC users are very happy with the latest build (minus a few bugs).
I am surprised both of you have not been banned or interrupted by moderators, go check the number of replies you did on the last days over here.
Guys it sucks, but we can´t do anything, the best you can do is enjoy what you have, play other games, talk with friends, watch TV series and movies, it might be a pandemic but never in our History we had so much to do and see.
Keep the peace, sooner or later the game will be fixed.