Resistance Radio Maintenance mission bugged, flying building

All the dynamic/procedural missions, like this one, seem to work fine down in the South Coast—where they were originally introduced… Seems like the newer ones in all other regions currently have issues. They will supposedly be fixed with the next update…hopefully the sudden resurgence of crashes will be fixed, too.

Can confirm, the bug is still there. :pensive:

Yeah, the update that is supposed to fix this hasn’t happened yet.

IF your objective at this particular location is to refuel the generator, or do something else there on the ground, then you should be able to complete the mission… If the objective you get stuck with is up on the tower…you’re out of luck, on your world at least.

That said, you may be able to join someone else and work with them to complete the mission on their world, if possible—if they haven’t done it yet, and if they haven’t also gotten a bad random variable here. That should check it off your list on your world, too, if all goes right. (Done this a few times, at this point. Works on XBox, at least.)

It’s two months later now and the mission was fixed by the last update.
Your post just is picture spam.

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I agree. @Echelons-4th-Spy, please cut down on the amount of images you are posting,
the boards are for discussion, not what you are doing.

