Rivals getting glitched

I’ve been experiencing a few rival glithes over time since the big update. Recently they have been showing on the map, but not visibly there. I have seraches for two different ones, but one apparently died as I was running around doing base missions.

This one is a target I have been leveling too since its a Apocalypse Tank, but when I go there, there is nothing showing up. I walk through the tracked icon and everything. No detection meter, no noise from it, I even used OPV to look through the ground to see it. Came up empty handed and I cant do anything to remove him from the regin to get more rivals.

Is there any idea or help for this? Really dont wanna miss out on the loot like the other one.

Update: Another one is stuck there now and cant get him either…

Normally a relog fixes this issue, its been happening since 2020 at least, maybe even since Rivals were added.

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Really? This is the first time its every happened to me. I’ve come across their body after they fought other bots, but never been unable to see them

I just logged in to post the same issue and then I seen this post, exact same bug since the dlc a few days ago and has happened twice in the exact same place.

Maybe it’s in the tunnel network between IGA and the crater-bunker.

in the tunnel network :beers: in the break room, taking a coffee break, even robots need to rest there legs from walking all the time

At least could’ve invited me and chatted about a temporary truce first. Not fair they get a coffee party in my world without me :joy:

And wheres the entry?

Who knows… Who knows… :joy:

This happened to me too. Once there were 2 rivals stuck in that exact place, then somehow one got unstuck and I destroyed it. Then a new one spawned there and now 2 of them stuck again

Yup same place 2 invisible rivals

I have one stuck at that exact position also.