I am also reporting a very similar issue, runners escorting harvesters sometimes disappear when engaging in combat.
This issue started after the Rivals update, and it`s still present after the new update.
Platform- PS4
Description- Runners escorting Harvesters disapear during combat, usually happens 1 in each 6 fights .
Also noticing this behaviour - a general fast unspawn time on objects in general. A lot of times you don’t reach the rival that you just took out before it vanishes in smoke.
Had this happen to me yesterday after downloading the update. Never before that. Shot several runners that were escorting a tank and when i approached them they were gone.
Yesterday I saw something strange that might be related.
I was walking in the middle of a field and saw a pack of runners that were about 300 meters away. Strange was that they were flickering, like one second they were visible and the other invisible. As I aproached them more and got closer (about 100 meters) then the flickering stopped.
That was very weird. I have never seen anyting like this with the runners. Is that somehow related to combat disappereance?
Also last night in MP some ammo drooped by my team mate disappeared in under a minute. Not sure if that will be part of the same bug? We also had Tank disappear the other night we where in a 3 tank and 2 harvester + loads of hunters and runner battle.
On a few occasions recently ammo boxes have disappeared right before my eye. Now you see it, now you don’t…So I walk away and return somewhat later and they are back and lootable.