Schematics - Fixed Locations

Those were the coordinates i found from discord. This is the list posted by JDBooker on discord.

All but EMP rocket and .44 was already posted here (i think). So what i can see only the EMP rocket have the right coordinates.
Edit: 9mm smg also wrong. The coordinates are not precise.

Removed off-topic replies. If you guys have anything other to ask/say, that doesn’t fit to this topic, do it in the PMs.


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EMP rocket


HEDP :grin:
2123, 53


I put together a list of all the ammo and equipment schematics that the people on this forum has reported finding, hope you like it


Schematic Coordinates Location Region Special notes
.32 ACP Hollow Point (2730,2520) Stenhaga Farm Archipelago
.32 ACP Full metal Jacket (6,-257) Stralsund Farmlands
9mm FMJ (handgun) (-,-) - -
9mm AP (handgun) (-,-) - -
.44 Hollow Point (575,385) Balders Vall Forest
.44 Full Metal Jacket (-885,-3320) Ruskele Marshlands
9mm FMJ (SMG) (-405,1115) -unmarked- Farmlands
9mm AP (SMG) (-,-) - -
7.62mm Full metal Jacket (-1120,400) Älgnäs Farmlands
7.62mm Armor-Piercing (1374,-3740) -unmakred- North Coast Inside Burning car
5.56mm Full Metal jacket (-3780,4125) Tokeröde Data Center -
5.56mm Armor-Piercing (-4040,225) Military Compund Mountian
12ga Birdshot (-133,3570) -unmarked- Archipelago
12ga Buckshot (-,-) - -
12ga Slug (1740,-2630) Fårhult Forest
.243 Soft-Point (-,-) - -
.243 Full Metal Jacket (-,-) - -
.270 Soft-Point (-195,-1855) Klockarstugan Farmlands
.270 Full Metal Jacket (-2497,988) Beredskapsförråd 109 Mountains
.50 BMG FMJ (-2780,-2700) -unmarked- Marshlands
.50 BMG AP (100,-3470) Hermelinen CB North Coast See Schematics - Fixed Locations for Navigation
Smoke Round (2190,-3610) -unmakerd- North Coast
ElectroMagnetic Pulse Round (-2195,-4400) -unmarked- Marshlands
High-Explosive Dual-Purpose (2123,53) IGA Industrial Facility Forest


Schematic Coordinates Location Region Special notes
Simple First Aid kit (1183,3363) Seggesta Farm Archipelago
Standard First Aid Kit (-2690,-725) Beredskapsförråd 104 Mountains
Advanced First Aid Kit (-750,-4449) Stenmyra Marshlands

5.56 AP. Coords:-41043.322, 221.842


Damn, this growing to be one of the most helpful threads on the forum. Well done people :slight_smile:


It’s a schematic coop…:coffee:


I updated the list with it. :slight_smile:

I also have .32 FMJ. coords 1053,- 258. In the rubble of the house. Kinda hard to see. Lemme grab a screenshot if I took one.

Edit. Sorry did not take one, but it is there.

.44 Full Metal Jacket

I saw this just on facebook Went there.

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I can’t find anything at those coordinates

It is deep inside the house, sunk into the rubble a bit
edit; Wait I must have pulled the wrong coords. I was just going through all the one I found

the correct coordinates are: -884, -3321

coords are 6.8, -257


Hey Thagen. Do you mind if I use your list for the wiki?

Found it

I’ll add both of your finds to the list

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Don’t think I have seen this one on here yet:
5.56 AP Commandant Villa
-4624.818, 403.765


Found another one!

  1. soft point ammo

.1484.263, 2106.611
South Coast Region near Farmlands border

Directions: you can go there from Safehouse “Knaperanna Farm”
Inside the House in the living room

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9 mm AP Handgun
-4966 1339

In the SAAB inside the garage Bjørkvillan