I think a few people are coming to the right conclusion and that the crafting system they have started withis just a test to see how players would react and see what feedback they would get.
Yeah I guess. The 1% has put my interest for crafting on hold. I think I got most of the schematics from the static locations, and so far nothing worth crafting.
So there is 23 schematics at the moment, with one crown? Right?
Yes. Though, chances are good that devs add better schems along the way.
I have some… The 3 stars I got from Rivals, the one and two stars from finding in the world and posted coordinates, I think.
Hello all yes i have had ones drop from rivals, sorry can’t remember if any dropped from normal tanks.
As a side note you need the previous schematic to actually use the higher schematic.
Just as i predicted, the resistance bonus is same as the schem tier is. E.g 4* bullet-resistant jacket schem gives 4% bonus. Same schem but 5* version should give 5% bullet resistance bonus.
With the exception of fall damage resistance and visibility reduction. These two are considerably more.
Found this duplicate for something. Didn’t say what is was when i picked it up.
I will get the location coords, and edit them into this post.
Whats the drop link on the 5* schematics, any particular setup favourable to drop?
3*, 4* and 5* schems are RNG drop from Rivals.
It is rival drop? I thought it was higher level enemies. Like tanks and harvesters, And they did not need be rivals. Thanks for the info!
Part of the discussion moved to proper topic, without getting way too off-topic in initial topic.
Yes. 3*, 4* and 5* schems drop only from Rivals. This also gives less than lvl25 players reason to go after Rivals.
Thats really useful information! Now i have a reason to destroy my rivals!
The current machine loot table, considering weapons, weapon mods and schems is as follows:
Proto harv/tank - 1* and 2* weapons + mods
Mil harv/tank - 3* and 4* weapons + mods
FNIX harv/tank - 5* weapons + mods
Apo runner - 1* and 2* KVMs + KVM mods ( + when on Himfjäll: any item in Resistance clothing set)
Apo hunter - 3* and 4* KVMs + KVM mods ( + when on Himfjäll: any item in Resistance clothing set)
Apo tank - 5* KVMs + KVM mods; 5* weapons + mods ( + when on Himfjäll: any item in Resistance clothing set)
Rival - 6* weapons (no drop, until char lvl25 or above) + 3*, 4* and 5* schem + any item in Experimental clothing set
Also, the Rival status doesn’t override the regular loot table, it adds to it. This can lead to a situation where taking out e.g Rival FNIX tank, you get two weapons from it, one 5* and one 6*.
Thanks for the info. Now i know where to get some more schemes.
Ooooh very nice. Good clarity on this - very handy to know as there are over 100
Or it can lead to a situation where rival hunters have nothing else than a measly few .44 rounds, etc.
So I guess it can add to the loot table but it must not necessarily, right ?
Oh and they really should rework the loot table of FNIX and APO hunters, especially the latter because of a real waste of ammo + (often enough) medpacks and mostoften getting only crap (=nothing) in return.
Your on console right?