Should machines be able to follow you indoors?

Before anything, this is not about the current teleport inside bug, clipping, or too big machines into a too small space bug, which do occur.
It is about nothing but what the topic says: should a machine/machines be able to follow you indoors.

Let’s state out front a few rules:

  • Machines need to enter through doorways
  • Machines can open or bash down doors, either through weaponry of by sheer weight
  • Machines can ONLY enter places they can actually fit in (so a Tank cannot enter a barn, but a Hunter and smaller can).

Having this out of the way: Should they be able to follow you in?

As I see it (mere an opinion, not even a suggestion (yet, depending on the answers)), let me state one thing:
Generation Zero to me is a serious thing.
No, it is not a life to death kind of in real life thing, but I approach GZ from the seriousness of a role player.
If I fire up GZ, then I enter that reality, and I act in there as I (at least I think so, never been in that situation) would act in reality.
Killing myself (or allowing myself getting killed) to trigger a Rival?
No, can’t do that.
Game is about SURVIVAL, not about suicidal tendencies…

From that ideology, seeing that machines are meant to endlessly hunt you down and kill you in the most horrible ways, it seems fit that machines would follow me indoors.

  1. Ticks and runners should be able to either open or destroy doors and chase me into the house.

  2. Ticks, runners and hunters should be able to chase me into barns, opening or destroying the doors.
    Tanks… they cannot for the simple reason that they are too big to fit in a barn.
    They could tear the door down, gas you out or send in a tiny army of ticks, maybe, but entering?

  3. Bunkers…
    Well, in GZ, the only way to get to war boards is to kill a few enemies, take their bar code, and open the door with said bar codes.
    Seeing these codes can open the doors… it should be logical that machines too can open these doors with these codes, no?
    Thus, as long as the size of the doorway allows it, I believe they should be able to follow you in.
    Not to mention, if a bunker has no door, it should be populated by machines already.
    Then again, even closed down bunkers should be machine populated, as these have bar codes.

  4. Safe Houses:
    This is where I would draw a line for the discussion.
    A safe house would not be safe, but mere a house, if machines could enter it.
    And in GZ, a tad of safety is simply a necessity.
    IF they could OPTIONALLY follow me in… I might consider it, if only for the role play, the logic and the story of the game.
    I mean, it is their code to get you out of the picture by any means, and machines do not really care whether a safe house should be safe or not: they only “care” about their objective: to erase you from the equation.

But… that is me.
That is, how I see it, as a “kid” (you’re a teen, in the end) in a world where machines try to kill you, and as fast as they can.
in the REAL WORLD if these would exist and we were in this situation, they would follow you in, hell, no, they would nuke the house with whatever weapon they could carry.
Level the place with you inside.
They would not even bother to open the door…

Considering that immersion FOR ME is important, I would like to see this.
Yes, I would like to see clipping gone.
Yes, I would like to see the current teleporting in being replaced by a open or tear down the door to follow in.
As this is what they are meant to do, to complete their job: ensuring your death.
And as they would follow you indoors (if they did not just flatten the house.barn/whatever you are in) to get the job done if it were the real world, it would make sense to have them do this in game, since, well, that basically is the story from their (the machine’s) side.

Back to the question:
Would you like to see them chasing after you indoors?
Would you prefer them NOT to follow you in, and if so, why?
What is the motivation?
Would(n’t) you like them chase you into a safe house, and why (not)?

Mind, there is no wrong answer, this is, to me, a check to see whether it is worth or not to suggest this.
I mean, if 90% says “Hell no, you insane???”, then I think, it would be a tad silly to suggest this.
If however, 90% would say: “Damn, that is a good motivation, I can see the logic, hell, go for it.”, then yes, I will move this to ideas and suggestions…

So: a “simple poll”, basically.

Thank you.

Pro: 12
Against: 2
Abstain: 1 (sir IanForce, COULD be reconsidered in time)

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I would, actually. At first these encounters scared me, but now I think it is actually pretty nice, so you can’t constantly sit still In one building and snipe robots. I would gladly see more of this!

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Thank you for replying :slight_smile:

Yes, they should! And tanks could blast down the house, barn, shed whatever at least a wall over time and other mechs would pour in if present… The same with harvs they should burn down a wooden house etc over time. Fnix hunters could make a hole(s) in the wall to let ticks and even runners to pass through. This would bring the terror and anxiety back into the game :metal:

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I too would love terror ingame, sir.
Sadly, houses, barns and so likely can’t be torn down due to the engine limitations of the Avanche house engine.
I suggested increased response times for machines, increased awarenes…
I believe it might change the entire game for the better.
I could see a tank run up to you, jump and… death from above.
Instant death, ofc…
100+ tonnes of armour flatting a player, not many would survive this.
We’ll see where it goes too.

Thank you for replying, sir.

Sad to hear it is’nt possible…the flying tank idea would be great though, and increased awareness of the mechs too. I still hope for a new terrorizing mech in the next update…

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New Machine type was confirmed.
I SO hope it will be a true beast…
Something like Pinhead (Hellraiser) combined with Darth Maul in Mech style (pointing to aggression, awareness and sheer brutality)…

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I’ve been shot through walls, stabbed through walls and blown up through walls. So this woulkdn’t change much. I’m not sure they should be alllowed upstairs…

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Agree, I really love the game but since I found out that hiding in houses is a safe way to destroy hunters etc. it is getting a little easy, I just lure them to a nearby house. I was surprised by the gas grenade that one threw into the building which was great! So yes, don’t let us be too safe in houses.


To me it seems a few weapons are a tad OP, like the AK76 and the Exp Sniper.
A bit less damage would be nice, I guess.
For the .44 then, a bit more would be nice (at the current state it seems obsolete, damage wise, compared to Moller and Klaucke?)

Ok, just dusted off my Xbox and remove the linen from my flat screen to do a few minutes gameplay. So, regarding the topic, Hunters can obviously occupy a shed:

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Thank you sir, but are you pro or con to machines following you indoors, if the above rules are applied?

I would like them to stay away from the first floor inside houses, also because climbing narrow stairs is not an easy task for a robot to learn (I’ve seen a Boston Dynamics climb stairs, but I think it was a one trick robot). And if they tried, I guess it would be all too easy to take them out, while they did it. Anyway, a hunter would probably not fit within houses anyway, and I’ve met with plenty runners inside the living room already. And both ticks, seekers, runners, and hunters gladly make their way into barns and bunkers. So I would rather see the sparse development resources applied to other tasks that meddling with this. Since you asked for my opinion :slightly_smiling_face:


Well, true, however, the GZ machines are like 30 year in our future (so to speak).
As said: hunters in barns, OK, in houses, not OK, as they would not fit.

If I understand, you’re against it, my friend?

I have no strong opinion in that regard, but if i close the doors, I wouldn’t expect a runner to be able to open it. Break it, perhaps, but that is not currently possible, it seems. And if it could climb the stairs, I should be allowed to throw a chair or a TV at the stairs, very effectively blocking its way.


I’ll write you down as 1 for each, or abstain?

Mind, I like the TV idea…
Coupled to a few grenades. :stuck_out_tongue: :wink:

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As the engine evolves, new things like this might be introduced. If I don’t make sure to close the doors, it would be fair that the machines follow me inside. And safehouses aren’t necessarily safe. Some safehousrs on small hills in fields does not protect you against machines attacking you.

If you require me to vote, it will be a blank for now.


Abstain granted, my good friend. :wink:
As always, respectfully yours! :slight_smile:

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Machines entering buildings? Yes, I’m all for it.

That said I want some restrictions. First one is size of course have to be able to fit through the door.

How they get access, I have a hard time seeing Ticks and Runners open a house door so they have to shoot it down or blow it away. Ticks can’t shoot and I don’t want them to be able to clawing it down, so that leaves FNIX Ticks doing a suicide explosion to bring down the door for its friends. Runners, ever try to shot out a door with a pistol or rifle, not easy so Runners armed with those can’t shot the door away so that leaves shotgun and missiles. Hunters are likely strong enough with their blade to shred a door but are on the other hand to big to fit, so they can remove the door but not enter a house.
Barns, big doors could probably be pushed open so Runners and Hunters could open doors that way, ticks not strong enough to push a door open but FNIX Ticks can blow them away.
Seekers can enter open doors but not open them theirself.
Tanks and Harvesters are obviously to big to enter doors but they have their missiles and are strong enough to rip a door away.
Doors already open is free for all given they can fit through the door.

Now I have no idea if this is possible to do in this game given ai and what the graphics engine can do but I’d be glad if it was possible.

EDIT: Safe houses. That’s difficult as a lot of safe houses are the same as normal houses so it wouldn’t be very safe if machines can follow you in. I think we would need a new type of safe houses, one that machines can’t follow you inside but also one that you can’t shoot from. I imagine it is possible to do for the developers but I don’t know how much work it would be or if it would be worth it given the cost in work and money.


Yes, I somewhat outlined a few rules in that regard, I am 100% with you.

  • Doggies might be able to say “shoot locks out” (there seems to be restrictions in the engine not allowing damage to certain “furniture” I understood?), meaning we have to “imagine” them doing this.
    They would be shooting at the door, depending on the ammo used, one up to 5 shots as AP can take out locks or hinges, sludge and that other non-birdshot (name eludes me atm) can too (barn doors are not heavy armoured, are they (thoughts, please?)
  • Ticks simply cannot open doors, only travel through open doors.
    If they want inside they rely on their bigger brothers.
    Suiciding to open a door, well, if the engine does not allow doors being broken down…
    Thoughts on this?
  • Size matters, as I said in first post: hunter cannot enter house, Tank cannot enter barn.
  • Considering Bar Codes, machines (also size dependant) can enter bunkers.
  • Seekers do not need to enter houses or barns, as is, they can detect you through the walls, so…
  • Safe Houses: I would leave this optional, IF possible.
    Personally, I would not really mind safe houses not being safe, BUT!!!
    I would not mind them inaccessible either!!!
    In the regard of safe houses I personally am OK with either.
    IF not possible as optional, then I would vote: Not accessible!
    We DO need a “safe spot”…

General thoughts on this, sir?
And thank you for responding.