Skills Respec please

For the love of this game developers please add a skill reset function its not that hard

I really want to have this chance, after playing for a long time I would like the skills that best suit my style of play.
I never took skills seriously, but now I realize they make the difference between life and death (mine of course)

Same feature request topics merged.


My biggest complaint and main reason I stop playing for months at a time is, No way to reset skills.
I play solo and I would like to be able to reset rather then make a whole new character.
Im sure it was made this way on purpose but its worst way.
It sucks that I need to make a whole new toon because I put a skill in something that sounded cool but like most things was Meh.
Would be nice, but I will from now on wait a couple months before I think about buying games they make. I bought this because of The Hunter, my mistake.

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It has indeed been said before by many people which is why I am moving the post here.


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Respec has been many a times been requested, and I too am all for it.
Strange, seeing this is a VERY logical request, it has not been implemented yet…

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Or perhaps devs have decided that once you make your choice regarding skills, there is no take back, no 2nd chance?

Then again, if one is so desperate to get another set of skills, one can always make a new char and spec him/her as one pleases. That takes away the need for respec IMO.


Issue, miss, is that when all missions were completed, it would take a long time to do so.
And not many want to invest in it.
Or… can…
Some work, and do not have the time for longer game sessions…


It is so in almost all of the games. Progression takes time.
In some games, it takes little time; in other games, it takes a LOT of time (years).

Having all unlocked for you from the start wouldn’t make it much of a game, wouldn’t it? Sure, you can have the kick for seeing/getting everything at once but that excitement lasts for a very short time. And that is the reason why almost all games have progression.


Absolutely not, miss.
Hence my regular request for a new, harder, more challenging mode option. :slight_smile:

I agree, miss.
But the difference of getting a new character to 31, or a secondary if you have no missions left, is… a lot.
Some cannot care to “go through that”, or have the time to do so…

What I find bizarre, miss, is when you create a secondary character, mission progress is shared.
It would be logical that gained experience and skill points would also be shared then.
But that is not the case…

Your bang on mate.

IF each character has its own independantly tracked map, and progress - there would be no issues for tracking and mission progress ( at least in solo ) allowing an independent play though.

But it doesn’t, it’s shared - and has caused the same issue since day dot. So what are you left with?


Precisely, sir.
It’s bizarre, one can make a “new” secondary character… that ain’t NEW at all?
I tried to understand this move, but I fail horribly at it.
To me, sir, a “new” character should be just that… new…?

I think you do understand. Aesyle explained that the extra characters are meant for players to switch between characters that have a different skill set. Not for starting a new game +.


Sir, I am not speaking of game+, I was saying, that to create a second character with different skill set takes a long time.
If the purpose is to have different skill sets, then either go totally NEW, OR share the Exp Pool.Skill Points from the first if you are going to share the mission progress.
Since both are tied in together.
Right now, you have one (mission progress) without the other (Exp/Skill points).

The current system as is, just makes no sense, sir…

I know you werent specifically, but I had the feeling you were lobbying for game+ really. And that’s ok. But don’t say a game mechanic makes no sense, because it does.

Discussion moved to proper topic.


+1 for respec

I’m one of those people that usually play one character and forcing me to restart will just force me to find something else to play. If I wasn’t on PC and able to respec I would have most likely stopped playing. (Yup, another one that fell into the Hacker trap.)

I do believe that if you have a good game a respec option wouldn’t hurt.

No where was G+ mentioned, sir.

If I meant G+, I would clearly mention G+, sir.

I think there should be a way to reset the stuff you unlocked on the skill tree if you by accidentally unlocked the wrong thing. By reseting you skill tree everything in the skill tree re-lockes its self and you get all the skill points back that you spent or earned. You should only be able to do this like 5 times ever or like once every few months, like 90 days or something.

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Good idea to one badly chosen or mistake.
Fixing multiple skill or doing partial re-spec, would take like 12+ months.

Easier to make new char, transfer good weapons. For me it literally took like 2-3 weeks to go from lvl 0 to 31.

Also if you make regular sequential backups of you save files (you have to be on PC). Just restore your backup, loose little progress. But you get your skill point back.