Skills Respec please

I totally disagree!
However I do vote for it, since optional.
No one would force me to use it.
But MUST have?
Hell bloody no!

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The point was that we “must” have the option to respec if we want to. Not that we should be forced to respec at certain intervals.

And, I agree, respeccing would be a major QoL improvement.


We did fine before, so it’s not a MUST have.
As said, then, I am all for it.
Bring it on.

But let’s be clear, it’s NOT a MUST HAVE… :wink:
You WILL survive without.
Planet will just keeps on spinning as it always did (Ung, imma shut up before the darn thing gives up on us…).

While saying that a respec is necessary is a bit hyperbolic, the skill system does need some love. Yes, the game is playable currently, but the skill system is a significant weak point.

To be honest, simply adding a respec wouldn’t be a real solution. It wouldn’t address the fundamental flaws in the existing skill system, it would simply give players a way to recover from making beginner mistakes early on.

I fully agree, sir!
I probably misunderstood, I tend to take things… literal… sadly… where not needed.
Merely informative, I am autistic, NOT an excuse, just an explanation as to where it might have come from.

I think, for one, the whole skill thing needs a look into.
As someone stated: some skills became overruled by another, pointlessly.
Then there’s the -what I consider- broken/unbalanced ones like Hacking.
As is: Medic in MP has no meaning, an obsolete tree, unless GZ becomes dangerous once more and a Medic could be a decent asset.
Medic in SP… not a clue, never played one, tbh.

This is based on what I read on this forum, I always play a combat oriented character in games, prefering close combat, disliking Mage typed characters.
It’s due to my military background, I suppose.
So I am only familiar with Marksman, truth be told.

Oh, I sure tried other builds, but these were so not my thing.
Tried them, because I felt I had to at least give it a try.
Most barely got to level 10, none past 15, simply because… not my thing.
So, I’ll leave that to those that have a better insight in the matter.

No matter: Respec? +1 for me.

I still think the specialization system is a good starting point for how to overhaul the skill system. Specifically being able to “toggle on” a limited number of skills (overall), with the ability to continue collecting abilities as you play. This could be as simple as: You pick your specialization, and then select five or six other abilities, and that’s it. If you wanted, you could swap out the active abilities, changing which skills were active, but, always on the strict budget of only a certain number being available. Possibly with synergy bonuses from your specialization for slotting abilities from that tree.

As for Medic, and really a lot of the specializations, they need some love too. They’re sound on paper, but most of them do not return the value you’d expect from them.

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If the game balances out accordingly?
Yup, all for that.

Before though: current non-existing balance should be severely revamped, as threat is inexistent.
Not just are machines far too dumb, they are FAR too exploitable to kill them off.
Example: Apo Tank: just be on high ground, it’s rendered useless.

Once that is done: then introduce new Skill revamps/Tree revamps/skill System revamps, and balance the game out on that, so the previously gained balance is not again just neutered.

Issue is though: folks “demand”, and don’t give a shite about balance, and Devs sadly… listened…
Instead of been true to the base game, things were added that, IMHO, should never have been ingame in the first place.
Exp Weapons at level 4? (example here)
How can this NOT be game balance breaking…

As is: Medic in MP has no meaning, an obsolete tree, unless GZ becomes dangerous once more and a Medic could be a decent asset.

I probably should come back and poke this with a stick. The problem with Medic isn’t that GZ isn’t dangerous enough, it’s that it’s too dangerous.

Right now, time to kill from direct fire is very low. Now, that’s entirely reasonable, but it means that, as the medic, you don’t really have a chance to heal someone. Either they evade all damage (which is doable), or they take a dirt nap.

Now, having said that, there are ways you could make the medic relevant. Right now, if you don’t die, you can recover to full from your own medkit supply. If there was a persistent element to damage, that a medic could heal off, that would make them useful. EG: You’ve been taking a beating and your max health is now 87%, but a medic could restore that to 100%, without you having to hit a safehouse and recover.

You could dovetail this by giving players access to armor again, having an actual armor condition which decays over time and reduces armor effectiveness, with the engineer being the one who can restore that in the field. (Ex: If each point of armor confered .25% damage mitigation.) And, you’d have some actual support roles. Time to kill would be slower, a medic could patch people up, and would also be able to provide medical support you couldn’t get on your own.

The downside, of course, is that most damage is avoidable entirely. Once you get to the point where you can waltz around without armor (like we have to now, with the clothing resists gone), and that’s become easy, there’s not much you can do that won’t adversely penalize new players.


That is a good point, true…
As said, I am not familiar with Medic.
But then the first part still stands: it’s obsolete, no?

Merely asking here… as I have not the slightest idea…

In the current game, yeah. There’s a lot of stuff that’s… it’s not, “obsolete,” but it is a bit of a “noob trap,” because it looks like a valid choice, but doesn’t really do what you’d expect. Some of that, like Medic, isn’t really necessary, others like Hacker (I’m told) simply doesn’t work.

This gets back to, yeah, the skill system needs some love.

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Fully agree, good sir. :slight_smile:

@Starke absolutely correct. One of the big problems the game has atm is that the enemy damage has become so incredibly high in order to be difficult for the good players, that it starts one- or two-shotting average and poor players. Good players can circle strafe around a tank while it’s shooting its front guns without taking any damage at all, for as long as they want. So in order to have a chance to damage those good players, the damage is jacked up high so if the good player falters at all, the damage connects. Which I guess is interesting for good players, but for average players who falter a lot, they now get shredded in one second.

It’s absolutely realistic for heavy guns to shred someone, but it’s not particularly fun for the not-good players. You can invite them into multiplayer mode to help them but I’ve noticed you end up doing the majority of the work (because you’re a good player) while they either spend their time constantly reviving and running back to the fight or standing back and letting you do the work. Still, neither of which is fun for them.

Nerfing machines then even further, is extremely bad for the better ones.

How do we solve that?

Also, is it me, or do console players have more issues in this regard than PC players?

I can think of one very good way to allow respeccing - every time you die, you lose a skill point.

Firstly it stops the stupidity of deliberately dying, just to farm a pair of shorts off a Rival, secondly it produces a whole series of different choices - injured and running out of health packs: what to do? Do you run, do you back off, do you back yourself and keep going? Thirdly, it brings back the fear of machines - I get killed by dogs more than any other machine because I don’t repect them. Fourthly, it would change the whole balance of the game back towards fear. Fifthly it would allow you to respec! Sixthly, it would mean that XP would be continuous - you’d need it to skill-up again, even if you were maxed out.

Now, perhaps you lose the skill point after 5 deaths until you finish the base game (otherwise the newbugs would never get up the tree). Or each death loses a skill point once you reach max, or Level 20, so that you get the chance to find your feet and learn how to survive.

I can’t see a down-side…

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While I like the penalty idea, many will make a shit storm I fear if this was implemented.
Think of those that hunted for an Exp .50 (example)…
Wanting ONE item so badly, they kept suiciding to make Rivals.
Personally I NEVER understood that, as the game is about survival, doing the complete opposite, even for a ‘so needed weapon’ just seems wrong to me.
Does not mean, that, if they choose so, I would respect them any less, or think less of them.

Which is precisely why I bring this up: out of respect to them.
It would surely be quite hard on them, I think.

Much like I defend and speak up for console players, though I see consoles as the absolute evil. XD

Well, quite! This is an absurdity, which that would stop at once…

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I SO agree!!!
Add a DECENT (Heavy) deapth penalty such as 2/3rd of all stats temporarily gone (but coming slowly back over time, say an hour), 3/4th of all skills ‘deactivated’ (and popping back on on one by one over the same penalty time) should have been in my very humble opinion been a base thing.
But… it never was.

Back when Rivals did not spawn for 5 days, folks kept telling me to “force” the system to make Rivals (personal ones).
Though I SO craved for Rivals, I simply COULD not bring me so far to do this, only BECAUSE this is just… wrong… towards the “game’s intention” (this being survival)).
So, yeah, 10000% with you!!!

Dammit… we NEED a Mod Kit… you and I would “make things right”… ROFL :wink:

I’m not against a penalty but I think losing an entire point is a bit much. I admit that sometimes I just let myself die rather than use health packs when I’m fighting a large number of machines near a safe house and that is very cheap of me but I also have many deaths where I tried my best but still was killed over and over.
I would suggest losing experience points so instead of going down an entire point each time it would eventually drop when you lose enough.

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Yes, I said possibly every five deaths, but once you’ve finished the base game, or reached max-out, then it gets ramped up on you. Maybe it begins with a loss every ten deaths, and then drops to five and then one per pop, but it would force you back into the original concept. More careful now! More survival, more reealistic in attitude…

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Oh boy, THAT would actually make me careful! :grin:

If I wouldn’t want to re-spec, that is.

PS: The downside is that eventually run out of missions and need to re-fill your skill points from killing enemies, which is next to impossible with reasonable effort.