Skills Respec please

I think if they adjusted a few other things and made it less tedious to level another character, we wouldn’t need a respec. I personally dont need one as it is. Based on some of the things I’ve read on the forum, I have avoided things like hacker that looked better than they are on this playthrough attempt.

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If your level was account wide, so new characters started at that threshold, for example?

I mean, there is a real conflict in here. We can’t simply start over, for our alts. Most progress shares over, but some does not, in weird and confusing ways. Challenges carry over, mission completions lock out, but we can’t rerun missions? Which is the most obvious reason to roll a new character.

The multiplayer element allows for you to start from scratch, but there’s not much point in that, because being higher level doesn’t confer the kind of absurd stat inflation you’d usually see.

I’m sitting here thinking, a better solution to respeccing would be a slotted skill system, like The Witcher 3, The Division, or The Secret World, where you have X number of skill slots. So you could never have more than five or six “active” skills at a time. Possibly with a system where your specialization gets bonuses for having skills active in it’s “field,” like Vanguard and Marksman having bonuses for red tree combat skills. For example: Marksman granting additional damage the further you are from the target, based on the number of red skills you have slotted. Or Vanguard increasing your damage resistance based on the same.

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In my last run, I have not.
I still have points to spend, all I took was the whole tree for Marksman, and a point here and there, not inventory though.
I never get to the point I even put something in that space anyway, unless I want something stashed aside.
I always have more than half an inventory free!
So I do not need these points spent, thus…
I did in my previous, but only because I had points left.
But most, if not nigh all, do get it, just like I did before.

Well, I think we would not need a station or so.
Just a ‘drop’ (going with this idea here), use it (like a HP pack or so) and do it where-ever you see fit.
Mid in combat for all I care, lol.
I believe most will be intellectual enough to do such in their safe house… XD
Then again, I have been wrong before… rofl (Oi I am a bad man.)
Still, as I see it?
1 point at level 20, 1 at 30, the end.
Why keep respeccing???
Get a tree you think you like and go with it.
You get 20 levels (note, following my example, could be level 15, or 10, or maybe have three respec points, one each ten levels, I’ll leave that open, though, to MY! taste one even is more than enough…, but that’s me. Never had any use for respec, hence.)

This baffled me as well since day one!
Make new character, head ingame with your new dude and… wait… not so new?
Used, second hand stuff?
How so, all you did with the first character is ALSO done on the second???
“NEW character” should be just that and nothing else: NEW!
Otherwise rename it to “second Hand Character” dangit.
And ofc. Third hand for third character, we have to keep, as Miss @Flick says, the flow of things. XD

Why make a second, if it is not a total restart?
I mean, that would make no sense, would it…?

As per my previous point: Why isn’t a new character NEW?
Seeing missions make the big exp, why on Earth drag the done missions into the (not so) new character?
Wonder what they were thinking there, what their motivation was.
IF they keep this idea, then we should have the exp and SP from that as well!
If only for logic’s sake.

I’m only doing a second character because it’s something to do the game is worth playing and to make the correct skill choices that I didn’t do on the first character…we may never get a respec option

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There is something satisfying about taking down a tank with a handgun…lots of bullets though

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Well yes, I meant however: what is the use of a 2nd char, if it ain’t new.
As in: from scratch.
Do you enjoy your 2nd char to the most, sir?

Yeah you know maybe they could solve the subject of this whole thread by just giving any additional character you create the same amount of skill points that your main has which you then dole at as you so choose to that character.

Personally I want more points as a solo player so I can have all the skills I want. I mean this multiple character thing just makes no sense because I can’t even instantly switch them out during my solo play game. I have to exit to the main menu. Anything I dropped on the ground is gone, and enemies spawn in that weren’t there before after I switch. So I can’t use character switching tactically due to that. So… the whole thing seems pointless.

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It would have been logical, if you create a character and keep the missions done, that exp would be put over as well.
I totally fail to get the current system, why they figured it would be a good thing?

This level cap/skill point cap is there for a balance that does not exist.
Increasing these skill points would make the game even more imbalanced.
Which, OBVIOUSLY, is a bad thing.

IF you REALLY want all skills unlocked… use a trainer?
These can do just that.

Just thinking out of the box but what if there were no skill tree points but a proactive skill learning for example the more you ran your stamina would increase or if you used a certain weapon your handling and skill of that weapon went from novice to adept and so on?? Thoughts

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I know it’s off topic slightly

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The reason I want to keep respecing is simple, I want to see as much of the game as possible, and I don’t have the time to level up a new character just because I wanted try out Hacker instead of Engineer. It would give a more casual player access to more of the game that they wouldn’t have seen otherwise.


7 Days to Die used to be that way and it was excellent. You could also find magazines or books that could unlock skills or increase already learned skills. It was excellent for immersion and lots of fun. They have removed that system though and replaced it with a system where you get points for reaching new experience levels that you spend to unlock skills but it’s a lot more logical than GZ’s implementation. Also far more extensive. Still I really liked that original system and so did the vast majority of the user base if feedback and reviews are any good indication.


I just think if we had all skills available to us and then it’s up to the individual to make whatever character want to be in the confines of the game.
It will never happening anyway far too much effort to rework the skills system

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Probably so. I myself would be happy if they would just bump the level cap up a few notches since I have to “waste” a lot of points just getting to the things I want that are dispersed all over the place behind things I have no need or interest in and have no noticeable benefit. It means I really end up having only 15 or 20 at best actual upgrades. So just raise the cap and I can work through the mess.

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I get that.
But it will not be done tomorrow.
Use a trainer in the mean time to test and play around with skill points/skill trees?
Make a ‘new’ char, add your SP, fill desired tree, have fun…
Doing this on a second char does not influence your main. :wink:

Merely a way to get by meantime, no?

i like being able to have different characters with different skills sharing the same mission log. I’d prefer swapping over to an entirely different character for different things rather than having one person that I would need to keep moving skill points around over and over depending on the situation.
I’m also glad missions carry over because It’s hard enough staying motivated to redo the missions over again every time have had to restart the game or look for the missions i lose to bugs. I would not like to have to do it for each character.

experience and skill points carrying over as well would make sense

OH, that IS a good point!
Thank you!!!

This is the reason I ask stuff (sometimes over and again) to learn new ideas.
@kakarron 's was darn good…
New thing learned here. :slight_smile:

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It all comes down to giving the players the choice. I like the system as it is as it is a new approach and I appreciate it.

However, the wish for completely starting over, preferably without losing the previous save, is equally justified. The game should ask you, whether a new character should share a world, or have a new one.

This could be solved by not having character save files, but world save files. And for every world you can create up to 4 characters.

And when you load a world, the unused characters sit in safe areas not receiving any XP and stuff.


Make all just optional, please…
That would be in everyone’s taste palette…
To make the game to your specific taste…

I could erase those pesky human NPC’s then. Tssssk. XD

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Respec skills is a must have!