So I visited Östertörn (kind of)

Hej guys!

I just returned from my one week vacation in the Swedish country side and what can I say…it feels a lot like the game sometimes. I even cought myself thinking “there might be good loot in that house” :smiley: from time to time. I’m pretty sure if someone would’ve played the sound from a tank during midnight I would’ve freaked out :stuck_out_tongue:

If you have similar images just drop them here =)


You should have pulled out a Ghetto blaster to play the Generation Zero soundtrack for the ultimate feeling :sweat_smile:

Here is another topic with photos


I watch a couple of house restoration videos set in rural Sweden on YouTube. The forest is right up to the small cleared lot edges and I am always watching for red lights lurking in the bushes…

Imagine you play(ed) Generation Zero AND live in a place like that in sweden.

You walk through the forest next to your house.
Suddenly you hear a noise. Sounds like a Lynx.
You immediatly go prone and crawl towards the edge of the woods and there it is…

Your neighbors mower.
