So I thought I’m gonna make some input on this
I don’t think experimental weapons make the game easier, I think they make it faster and add some variety.
Now I explain why
First of all they are not OP, so far I got:
EXP. 50 cal. - it actually works as I would expect from the base one, maybe 5 star version. 50 cal. was my biggest disappointment honestly
SMG - yeah you can shoot faster but it will also eat your bullets quickly, I use it to kill Hunters faster
Rocket launcher - I think the base one is very underpowered as much as base 50 cal. I honestly rarely use it, now shooting 2 rockets at once makes it 2x faster and you waste rockets 2x faster as well
Shotgun - looks cool, you need to adjust to its range, doesn’t do that much damage in my opinion and it’s fine
so there you go… so far I couldn’t find anything OP about them
Now let’s talk about game difficulty
I have around 100 hours now and most of that (probably around 80%) is playing solo. Now some people make it look like this game is very very easy, I kinda don’t share they opinion, I think it’s hard for solo player. Enemies are too much of a bullet sponges, they can kill you in 1 - 2 seconds if you are not running around like a rabbit on crack (very immersive huh?), they can see and sense you from as far as you can see them, stealth is ultra lame in this game since it’s only useful for avoiding them not for fighting them (have you played MGS V ?, maybe add some tricks from there). Rockets and grenades are very underpowered, exploding canister has to be transported inside tanks butt and detonated from a sniper shot from 100 meters away while there is one more tank and 5 hunter jumping at you. like seriously?
We dont have sticky bombs, luring bombs, EMP bullets, invisibility cloaks, no proper traps, no thick armor… so honestly there is not so much stealth or tactics in this game as you imagine.
the only tactics are:
can I afford to fight this or do I sneak arround?
If yes then throw everything I have at it and run arround, die 5 times, run back keep throwing things until its dead. loot, repeat.
If game makes you think about how you gathered all those Ak-47 bullets and now you gonna waste them on a tank, harvester + 10 hunters then it’s not a very fun game in my opinion. If there was something else to do like I don’t now… building mini settlements, trading outposts, interacting with other players, but I’m now touching on Fallout 76 idea… (good idea, bad execution)
now if experimental weapons can make this a little bit faster with less bullets, and less times dying then I’m fine with them.
Are they realistic?
I would say they are not on Star Wars fantasy levels. They are called experimental and I’m sure you would find something partly working throughout the history of wars and Area 51 (lets storm this one)
So there you go guys, it’s not such a deep game with advanced tactics as it seems when you playing it for the first like 10 - 20 hours. it’s actually pretty shallow and missing a lot and a lot and a lot to make it work as devs and us are intending…
EXP weapons just added some variety to something that was getting pretty old to me and made things feel little bit less like a chore
thank you for reading.
This is my opinion