Something I've noticed

The experimental 50 caliber sniper rifle makes fighting tanks way WAY easier.
Usually when I find a tank and attempt to take it down I die about 7 times first
First tank I came across went down in about 10 shots
Combined with the right skill they won’t be able to touch you
Same with hunters 2 or 3 shots does the job wasily


On the other hand the rivals are tougher taking 20 - 30 shots , and the Apocalypse machines 20 - 30 - 40 - 50 shots , and by the sounds of dev team in last stream they say more machines more guns , more ideas are already on the table :+1:

well yes. You found the most powerful weapon in the game. It was intentionally very powerful. It makes it easier, sure, but before if you knew what you were doing you could bring down a FNIX tank without a lot of trouble. Welcome to the arms race.


The problem with these powerful weapons, IMHO, is that they still use the same ammo, so you’ll start using them by default. I would have preferred that 5* had been kept as the “top guns” but new harder to find ammo had been introduced. Then you would use different ammo types depending on the enemy.


Some kind of unique ammo for the experimental weapons would be cool, and it would make sense as well.
Experimental 9MM rounds for the X-Klaucke 17
Incendiary Rounds for the X-AG4.
Empowered 9MM rounds for the X-Kpist M46
.50 High Velocity rounds for the X-PVG90.
Compact HE Rounds for the X-Granatgevär.

Only problem, where could we find them?

It’s worth looking into :slight_smile:


Mind telling me where to find this 50. Cal of yours?

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I drops from rivals (randomly, rarely).

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Well, one idea would be that rivals would drop them. Experimental ammo with these super advanced battle machines, wouldn’t that make sense? Then fighting rivals would have a purpose: gain the power to fight other rivals or apocalypse class machines. As I read the postings here, a lot of players collected all the 6*'s within days of intense gaming. Then the novelty and usefulness of the rivals are kind of depleted, right? If they were your source of powerful ammo, even I would grow kind on them :slightly_smiling_face:


@IanForce I don’t play intensely and I found two full sets of exp weapons within a few days. I think the problem with them (with my binary goggles on), is that they don’t have a niche purpose, they make the existing weapons obsolete.1 There’s not really a situation where I’d think “stow the regular AG4, I need fire damage!” I just use the exp AG4 the whole time. Which slightly raises my damage output, and the robots get raised to match. It sucks if you’re not tricked out already.
I still look back to Doom for the elegance of its simplicity. Each weapon could get you out of a jam one way or the other, but one weapon doesn’t replace another.

1 The exp shotgun works backwards because it's supposed to be a melee weapon. That's why it's as useful as a club.

And that is the arms race exactly. Some time ago I argued that they should have introduced one - only one - completely new experimental weapon, perhaps with two functions (assault/grenade) with special ammo. That weapon would have one specific purpose namely fighting the big guys. And that would be its niche. Anyway, things moved in a different direction. So let’s try to make lemonade :slightly_smiling_face:

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I’m not really into accepting lemons.

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Yeah, but what can we do about it, @Flick? And we are still both here, right?

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I’m reflecting and trying a few things before I write that essay about why I’m not having fun. What I’m thinking of doing is reverting to the previous version. I’m particularly narked because I paid £30 for this, spent months trying to get it to run while the price permanently dropped by a tenner, and then only got a few months out of it before it changed (in my opinion) too far. I know the EULA with the recent patch declares their right to alter the deal. I can only pray they don’t alter it any further.
The recent changes demonstrate they’ve lost interest or confidence in the premise they sell the game by, and I’m not going to pretend it’s ok and stick around.


It’s no fun when the hunters fire Sticky explosive fletchetes to take most our health then we use a health pack bandage they fire more Fletchetes repeating the cycle until your dead .There is no break to even run away .Sod it I don’t know whats going on anymore , never had a game with so many ups and down aswell as .:exploding_head: :zzz: . I will stop there , cheers


You are probably right. Or they try to appeal to a wider audience because they need the money. Or the simply think it is a super cool idea. Anyway I’m afraid we are a minority. So should the game go down a route that sells so they can afford further development, or should it stop here, so we can play it until we get bored anyway? I don’t say it is like that, but it might be.

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I feel I am in the same boat as you guys, only I haven’t really been around prior to rivals and Exp guns and now Alpine NPCs and stuff. I’d always go for more stealth and atmosphere vs. kaboom.

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I would agree if a) they hadn’t introduced new enemies that “suggest” you use the tier 6 weapons, and b) we weren’t inventory-bound already.

Aye, also, there was only one quality of each gun. Either you had the plasma gun, or you didn’t, but you didn’t have a good or a bad plasma gun. In my book, the less time is wasted comparing weapon stats, the better.

Perhaps, but I do carry an AG5 for use from within buildings. In case I want to avoid that whole “shooting the curtains on fire” business.

Not sure what that means?

I understand your misgivings about change (any change, really, but especially change for the worse), but that bit puzzles me. How long did you expect to get out of it?

Oy. :-/

Oddly, I’m not having misgivings about change, I’m looking at GenZero reverting into every other game, and losing what made it stand out. I’m pro-new, and from my perspective GenZero is losing that to retrofit features other games built in from the start. A gutsy way to compete, that.
I expected to get more than a few months with it. I usually do with games. I didn’t expect it to change character that much either since it’s not a subscription based thing. More fool me, I guess.

Edit: I read that the exp shotgun was intended for some form of melee, and that’s why slugs have a range of about 2 meters etc. I find it useless, and I’m poking fun that it’s only good for physically beating bots over the head with it. They’re bots. I should have left it on the desk as a paperweight.

Agreed, I’ve gone on record with similar thoughts before. (With the one distinction that I liked what we saw during beta and every (non bugfix) change we saw until the DLC seemed unnecessary to me. I’ll talk about the DLC else-thread.)

For what it’s worth, I was pretty nonplussed too. They offered me a game, I liked what they offered, so why change it after the fact? They already had the money, and I already had the game I thought worth what I paid. The deal was complete.

It could perhaps be a bit stronger. There may be a case for one in a team carrying it for the stagger. Other than that, I guess it’s a bit situational, but suppose you’re taking down a FNIX tank, where you’re almost literally standing underneath it and kicking it over like a trash can. Don’t need much range for that, so at least the two shots will do fine for that.
Maybe, it’s a more natural fit for a Vanguard personality.

I’ve been playing the vanguard :-p It’s no dice.