Spiking the Guns Collection Thread

Same here. Tried many times. Traveling to/from another safe house has no effect.
Video: https://youtu.be/IUVYyu5i4OI
PS4 slim


Having the same issue game crashed and the second part of the fortress is locked up like fort knox cant get in their to destroy the artillery i was in when it crashed but cant use the computer Again to unlock doors and im on quest is incompleteable Xbox

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This needs to be fixed asap because it is one of the main missions. Are devs aware of this?

Recent patch fixed this bug for me

That’s nice… PS4… still can’t complete this mission.
After 1.03 or (First April update , unsure what version # Pc and Xbox) May be the same.

So I got to experience it in a buddy’s save and really enjoyed it. Tho of course it didn’t save in my solo, even tho I’m pretty much done with the game. So the whole “host can’t be further in story than you or it won’t save” is broken.

Hopefully it’s fixed soon enough. Tho will say, on PS4 pros we all got about 5fps during this mission so the FPS drops on PS4 is still my biggest problem. In time it will all be good… I hope

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I have the same on PC, after last patch

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I cannot get through the door at 2:05. That is locked too.

Video: https://youtu.be/IUVYyu5i4OI

Thanks to 2 posts about fast travelling found solution for myself (PC).

Assuming you can still get into Torsberga through the big green doors where the mission takes you to turn on the power and find the terminal to unlock the doors to the 3 artillery cannon controls.

When I saw the doors locked and red, I fast travelled back to the closest safe house.

Then I fast travelled to the starter island to cross the white border (this might be why this fast travel trick works for some and not others because they didn’t travel to another region)

Then fast travelled back to the closest safe house to Torsberga. At which point all doors leading to the artillery section of the bunker turned green, even the closest one to the safehouse which is what worked for me.

I really hope this helps all of you because this was very frustrating for myself as well and the devs defintely need to address this issue.

I forgot to mention I did go back into the main bunker to turn the main generators on again. They were actually on because all the lights were on but the light on the generator was red after my reload and is supposed to be green when generators are on.

Also was one post on Steam where someone couldn’t destroy the terminals for the artillery cannons. I found that creeping up each of the 3 stairwells crouched I came upon the consoles with the Tick attached to it and targeted it first before attacking the other Ticks or coming out of crouch. Its explosion seems to destroy the console.


Thanks. Jumping to a Safehouse in another district, and back, worked for me. It reset the enemies and the artillery doors unlocked again.
I encountered the bug yesterday. I unlocked the doors and went inside, but I did not finish the mission. When I loaded the game today the doors were locked again.

So I’m on xbox one playing solo with the new update and I’m doing the spiking the guns mission right and I’ve done all the steps, unlocked access to the artillery bunker but the door to it is still locked and I can’t get past it. I tried going back through to see if I could use it again but nothing seems to work. image

Platform: PC

Steps To Reproduce: Spike the Guns mission: Progressed through the objective to “unlock access to the Fort Torgsberga’s artillery section.” All the door’s to that section remain locked. I cannot get into the artillery section, even though the objective icon sits on the door.

Images / Videos:

Host or Client: Steam

Players in your game: just me


this is fixed for me, thanks.

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I have this exact issue. How was it fixed for you?

Common forum etiquette: If you found a solution for an issue, you describe it.

No clear solution and absolutely no idea if this may be of some use but who knows.

I had a “similar” problem quite some time ago, long -after- I had completed the entire mission (in one long run).

I went back to Torsberga Fort for supplies (and a gun I apparently missed), only to find the doors locked. Switching on the generator again didn’t work (although it may have been part of the “solution”).

However, I fast traveled and walked/fought around for a couple of hours and when I went back to Torsberga Fort again later the doors were suddenly unlocked again. I can’t remember anymore if it was within the same session.

Maybe fast traveling out of the region (the starter island may have been the “magic” place) and/or the reset timer, fixed it somehow. But since I’m not sure it may also have been a combination of leaving the area and the game.

What I would try first is this:

  • Leave the entire South Coast Region (to Yttervik or something)
  • Make sure the game saves after fast traveling there (shuffle something in your inventory)
  • Exit the entire game
  • Restart the game
  • Fast travel back to Torsberga safe house and see if it fixed the issue

If that doesn’t work, I’d try the same thing but with leaving the game running for some time (no idea what the exact reset time is) while I’m in Yttervik. Although, since you seem to have some serious crashing issues, that is probably not a viable option … :confused:

Yeah I’m finding sometimes its open and sometimes it’s not and if it’s not I just do other stuff for a while and it will somehow be open again. Of course this involves restarting the game too but not by choice. I crash constantly so I don’t have much choice about restarting. Torsberga is a mess.

I had this same issue, I fixed it by fast travelling back to Iboholmen Church and running across the map back to the doors and once I had got back there they were then able to be opened again

Platform: PC

Description: in my singel player game having turned on the power and even going into the other bunker I found myself at the back door near the safe house and decided to take a break.
When I get back into the game i find the door i had come out now has no power and no way for me to turn it back on. you can see that the task list shows I should have access.

Kinda at a loss as to what to do here.

Hey, I’ve moved this to the collection thread we have regarding this issue. Check the first post I’ve made here for a possible solution. If that doesn’t work, come back and I’ll make sure the devs see it.


Hello. Had the same issue. Slightly different setup. Completed mission in a friend’s world. When I returned hit the “door still locked” problem.
My solution.
Went and hit power switch. This turned on the power for most doors. But not one to artillery.
Wandered over to -4442, 4415. Found a large hanger entrance. This door worked and leads to artillery computers.
Hope it helps