Spoiler Bug (DLC Mission): Defend the hotel (Unable to complete "The Resistance")

There are some possible solutions, happy to go though them if you want to give it a try

What are the solutions ty :grin::ok_hand:

Well, there’s a few steps you can take to try an generate a different outcome. I don’t know how, or why this works - but has seen me through many issues mentioned by you, along with other misc problems also solved this way.

Firstly, re sync your profile. It’s done by deleting the local save on the console, then re-downloading your profile. Do not delete the cloud save, or all will be lost. Console save only. Start the game, and your profile will re-download. Normally takes a few minutes, leave it well alone until done.

That done, load your main character to a Safe house with Plundra. Do not engage any enemies, if you don’t spawn near one, fast travel somewhere safe ( Studneddon Lighthouse for example ). Store your gear in the Plundra as it will be used by another character at Level 0.

Once your gear is in Plundra, quit out and create a new character - anything you want, and equip your weapons, ammo, med kits ( whatever you stored from your main )

Head to mission start with new character and give it a go. It is very choppy outside the hotel, especially the end waves. I basically went between the two buildings NE, and NW 100M from the main entrance. They tended to run down the main road, and stay there so easy pickings.

Let me know how you get on.

Good luck. Alias

Many thanks will try soon :+1::+1:

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Dunno if it helps the dev’s in any way (on the PS4 version) the mission resets for me with the message ‘A player has left the mission area’, when no one in my party has left the mission area.

Does this happen because when you die and respawn, you dont disappear, you just appear to be transported back to the respawn area (hotel basement) really quickly. you kinda temporarily go underground and through a bit of void between the location of death and the basement, is that void still classed as the mission area is it failing because of that?

I just completed the 4 waves said go back to the hotel when I did it said talk to Anita and the waves started again but now I used all my ammo, explosives, I must have tried the mission least 4 time and the same thing happens every time, this game is going into file bin 13, I watched recording where they taken tanks out a lot less ammo and time that it took me.
Or am I wrong and missing something.

Reply moved to proper topic.


Mine’s broken just like yours, but nothing is dependent on it - it is the last mission. I’ve left it undone, and the poor sods crouching in their basement. Frankly, if they’re not going to come out and help me fight the beasties, then they can stay there.

Every now and then I rummage through their suitcases, and take their stuff, just to make the point…

I see there is no bug, you must fight down the Maschines very fast. Gather much mines and make a good minefild around the Hotel especially on the side Terasse and at the back corner. A Hunter runs there and lurks there. When you lay two or three mines at this corner, he is blind enough to step on them :joy:
When you go out the back entrance at the bar on the right Hand, there coming every time some runners that keep firing at the Hotel wall. Make a Minefield there and blow them away :wink:
Take your Iron broom (the KVM59) and the Pansavernsgevär cal 50 and tell the flamethrowers the new houserules.
With that i think you will make the mission. Pay atention at the lifebar in the left upper corner of your screen. It shows how strong they have damaged the Hotel.
Once you have finished the mission take some bottles out of the winecellar.:grin::laughing:

No, mine really was broken (I have no idea if it still is). I got the wrong number of waves, in the wrong places and the hotel lifeline was only halfway down when I had to go back and talk to Anita.

I’ll recruit some likely lads in a bit and give it another try…

Have send your safety file to Avalanche_knivspark ? pherhaps your savefile is broken. I had send mine to knivspark and he told me that all is OK with mine. A little more up in this topic is my communication about that issue.

Could it be that you where to far from the Hotelground so you have leave the fightin area. That can happen when you fight them outside the hotel. It could be happen too when you together with some gunslingers and one of them leaves the area, then the mission stops and you have to talk to Anita.

If you look at the top, dear boy, you’ll find it was my topic! :laughing:

Yes you’ re right :grin: but i thought i had the same problem cause i stucked in this mission.

After reading this entire thread (and struggling with this issue for several real-life days), I would suggest a couple of feature requests:

  1. When the mission fails, reset the player as well as the hotel. Especially restore ammunition. The mission is most frustrating because one can go through a thousand bullets or more, only to fail and not have enough ammunition to try again.

  2. During the mission, there is a display of current wave progress: “x of 4”. That’s wrong, because there are twelve waves. After the first four, or first eight, it appears that the mission is bugged when there are four more. Just tell the truth: “x of 12” waves.

If the above two changes were made, then this mission would simply be “difficult” rather than “impossible” (or nearly impossible).

PS: The entire DLC is brilliant. Thanks!

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Hi I’m currently stuck at Himfjäll and the task “The resistance”.
It says to talk to Anita and I do then she tells me that the Fnix are coming in a couple of waves.
So I kill all waves and then it says: Talk to Anita…she says again that the Fnix is coming and I should defend the Hotel. Now I have done this 4 times and it does not snap out of it.
I can’t in other words finish the task “The Resistance”.
Any help I can get?


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Stay close to the hotell. If you get to far from it during the fight you have to do the mission again. Don’t go outside the hotel further than the barricades.

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Same issue topics merged.


Did you not watch Tene do it? You can go further than the barricades, but not as far as the gate. He put mines all over the car park, and the mission worked as it should.

At the side, I don’t know. By all means the tractor is the big trap - when that explodes it has a big effect, so you want to keep the runners from triggering it, so that it takes out the Hunters behind…

I also put mines further away. But during the fight itself it came up that one of us was to far away. And that was a little bit out from the barricades. And then we had to do the mission again.

I did the Mssion the Resistance alone and i can confirm that there is no bug

I used mines to make a minefild at the side terasse and the way what comes from the skilift. At the second wave, the robots com from this direction. Important is to make a minefield beside the terasse behind the bar. And fight the flamethrowers really early.

After that my char was playing Foxy Lady by Jimi Hendrix.

Many thanks @Bootie for creating this topic and thanks a lot to @Xogroroth for donating ammonition, tips and keping me alive with the music he send to me. :grinning::+1::metal: