Storage box size

If they were to make a safehouse where you can store a large amount of ammo & supplies. It doesn’t have to be an increase plunda space.

Say what? It’s much easier now to see how much ammo you have, both in inventory and in bank. Click the ammo tab (as indicated by a bullet casing) and see the exact number of ammo of each type. What’s not to like?


Say what? The fact that I now have to scroll down for 1-4 seconds and wait while the icons appear where as before I simply dubbleclicked tab(I) and was done.

There is a substantial difference between stating that something is not possible, and that you have to wait some seconds for the result to appear … :thinking:
It’s ok that you liked the old inventory better - I like the new one better.

Dont put words in my mouth :wink: Im only saying its not easier or faster in the new system to have an overview of full inventory.
Yeah I shouldnt have replied in this thread… I dont care that much about the new UI or anything stashrelated for that matter :wink:

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Could always create a new character and just give the spares to them.

I’ve a level 1 that carries all my explosive rounds.


The tiles / grid was better for inventory swap, layout, and overall appearance.

It used to be the D Pad, Take, Drop, Close

Now its D Pad, Take, Take All, Drop, Close, LT, RT, LB, RB, reloading guns mid-battle is an absolute wind up. I remember you could set up your backup ammo in a tile next to your guns. 3 button pushes max. Now…menu, 2 right to guns, highlight gun, attachements, ammo, add new ammo, back out, reload, pray.

If this would be an option that could be applied I would welcome the grid section again no issues - the new one I’m still getting used to it’s not the best no.

Yeah, that was poorly phrased, I apologize. I should have said, “It’s easier to say, ‘I have enough of this type of ammo.’” You could say, “okay, I only need two or four stacks of this stuff in reserve, that’ll keep me.” Now, you have a raw number, meaning that, yes, it is easier to see how much you have total, but harder to assess if you have enough of that ammo. Which results in unnecessary hoarding.

Additionally, it becomes harder to gauge how much ammo you have in relation to the space left in your inventory.

Now, I’ll grant you, this could be an entirely individual preference, but I seriously miss the grid inventory, and really wish the stash box had been moved to that system, instead of both being moved to text lists. I also do not like how the text list is unsorted. (Technically it sorts based on first in, which results in a very messy pattern.) This, alone, makes the new system far less useful than it could be.

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What could be done is to have, for example, an extra storage box for ammo. It’s a resource we find large quantities of, and we spend it quickly. Good reason to keep it separate from other loot.

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Obligatory, “we should have a renewable ammo stockpile” comment.

I don’t know if I’m annoying people with that one. I still think it’s a good idea, though.

With all the new items and just stuff already added, and to be added in the future, an increase in the storage box would be helpful, and or needed. Maybe in increase to 500?

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Merged two threads covering the same feature requests.


In multiplayer, I can kind of understand why a larger storage box would be nessisary. But in single player, I don’t see it. We have the recycling station which you can recycle many things such as explosives, and weapons, etc. we have the crafting station, wich I think has its own storage capacity, (although I might be mistaken about that one) and we also have the storage box, and we have the option of having 4 characters, which we can max out on weight capacity. I have only run out of storage one time in my storage box, but it was because I was using it unwisely.

So there really shouldn’t be a storage problem in single player. As stated by Aesyle, there is more than enough capacity to store all f the weapons and then some.

In another topic, i even ran the numbers to get the exact amount: :grin:

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Personally, I don’t really understand why someone would want to collect all of the weapons from level 1 to level 6. I personally, at this point, use guns no less than level 3, and that’s because the US weapons drop rate is not great, so level 3 seems to be most common. Anyway, there’s no reason for somebody to collect all of the weapon qualities. It’s highly illogical to keep that many with you just to have them. So, if somebody wants more storage because of that, they might just need to sacrifice their level 1 Möller, and move on.

My numbers showcase every 5* weapon + every 6* weapon in-game + their attachments. If someone is going to collect every quality weapon, then yes, they will run out of space. But then again, like you said, it doesn’t make sense why to have every quality weapon. Better to recycle the lower quality ones and keep only the better quality ones.


its been how long since launch and we still have 200 weight for stash and 250 for material. why has neither of these vaules changed despites the content updates. 200 is not enough we need like 1000 just to do anything. and we still have shared stashs between characters. ive maxed all my usable characters just to hold stuff now. its sad they wil add all these new thigns but wont update base game feautres.

Same feature request topics merged.


1000!? That’s a bit excessive my G. I mean, for plundra, maybe an increase up to 300, and for our personal max perhaps 100, or 110, instead of specifically 96, which always seemed odd to me to have as a max.

But 1,000 even for base building and/or storage is a huge amount.

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The storage space was not 200 since launch. The inventory at launch was a grid inventory style. And the Plundra had a hard cap of 100 items. We then got the weight inventory. While not directly comparable, it increase all storage by about double the amount.

Material storage was not a thing at launch either, since crafting was not a thing until later.

This in mind, we actually did have a cap increase since launch.