Swedish national day event

Hi i spotted this.

And its for you for you that is selling kidneys unborn children and other priced possessions for an experimental KVM 59.

You might go hunting then.


Are there any specifications? Or just the usual, player level, rival level, region level, and robot type/class.

I really hope things work out with the drop rates. I’m one of the many players effected with a seemingly 0% drop rate on experimentals…

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Was there a May (or early June) patch that I’ve missed?

I was kind of waiting for some machine, inventory and item behaviour clean-up before dropping back in

No update what i know of. Hope it comes out good and soon. =)

but an event is going live tomorrow its good for the unlucky ones that have not goten it =)

Any chance to increase my haul of experimentals is good (current haul, zero :stuck_out_tongue: )

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I was lucky enough to get a few experimentals… and all of them are the bloody Shotgun.

I managed to get the experimental kvm after killing around 5 rivals.

Edit: I’ve still been farming, and now I have 3! One for me, one for my friend who is below lvl 25, and one for either trading, or my second character. I managed to get one from a military harvester in one case. The rest were tanks.

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I am there with you!

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According to @tene - the best chance of getting the X-KVM is to destroy lvl 4 Rival Tanks (FNIX or Apocalypse).


So to clarify the whole “what machine to kill thing” you can look at it like this;
Rival level x machine tier x machine type = chance of weapon dropping

So for the highest chances you want a max level rival, a high tier machine, and preferably a tank

You can farm other rival machines but the chances diminish with each variable.

So if you get an EXP KVM off something other than a fnix or apocalypse tank count yourself lucky!

P.s long time no see forum, dont use this much these days hope everyone is well :slight_smile:


Same here @tene. Good to have you back, mate :+1: Got my KVM from my third rival - a military harvester.


Never have I ever gotten so much experimental clothing before. Gonna grind this event out as much as possible though.

First one apocalypse tank rival 4 from dlc island. Think the map score was the highest in my session as well. I dont remember the numbers on that.

And second one from an tank in the north region close to the windmills. Apocalypse tank rival lvl 4 as well so i think its like tene says but only 3 fireworks boxes for now they are werry rare for me i ges =P and epererimental cloths as well but only the ones i have current so no new there =)

Does anyone know what the new firework boxes do?

They act both as long range lure (e.g radio) and confusion for machines (e.g fireworks).

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Apo and FNIX tanks didnt drop a exp kvm for me (I got one before the national day event already), and I killed a few today of them, but I got my 2nd exp kvm from a fnix harvester rival. Btw. the apo rivals rarly dropping anything weaponish, while the fnix rival tanks were nearly 100 drop rate of at least a golden and sometimes a exp weapon. So I go for best to hunt it is by not farming apo tanks, keep farming rival fnix harvesters and tanks.

Continuing the discussion from May Update Now Live!: I haven’t played gen zero since the update of machine behavior but I notice the event for getting the exp kvn is back. If the hunters can harvesters can kill spamming weapons I guess I won’t have my first exp kvn weapon then. I do like the game the Easter eggs in himfall was good but the balancing for people that got the game late and for newer players was so not fair. I know with the whole pandemic going on, it is difficult to do patches and all so I am being patient and playing Other games. Those people that keep playing the game and complain, developers have heard us loud and clear. We have two choices, keep playing or stop playing and wait for the patch. Now I also want to say yes it is difficult in these times to make the patch due to COVID-19 but hey I am still going to work so it’s not impossible to get it done. We all need a vacation and time off sometimes so if that’s what the developers done, that’s fine but get back on the horse and make the game balance, especially for new players and then make a harder mode for experience players.

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Same discussion topics merged.

Also, one topic discussing about June 5th - 8th event is enough, no need to make several topics about it.
