Merged same issue topics.
I found this while walking in the mountains. Sorry if the picture is in bad quality screen shot it on my ps4 and took a picture with my phone
Merged same issue topics.
Folks, this topic isn’t the place where to post spots where you fell through the map.
For that, we have dedicated topic: Falling through the earth
This topic is for posting tears in the map, where you can see clear through and under/behind the terrain.
Not sure if terrain issue or terrain hole: In all churches with side wings, you can walk into the pillars (inside the building) from the wing’s side. Nothing happens (no falling through or anything) - seems a collision layer is missing.
Small terrain hole below castle:
Close to the weird conspiracy nut castle tower:
Holes around bunker walls (seems to have been reported before):
Hole near Garphammar:
Don’t know if the hole right outside the safehouse at Anl 118 Färela has been reported yet… in case it hasn’t, here it is:
Hole above Muskudden Port:
Holes between walls:
Holes in Annagruvan caves - the location of the first picture contains several tiny holes that are hard to capture, but visible while moving:
Thin hole near Tokeröd Farm:
Reply moved to proper topic.
Terrain hole between Hemmanskogen Logging Camp and Lilla Hammarnäs:
May be already reported:
Massive terrain hole at BF 113: