[Terrain Holes] Dump 'em here!

Platform: PC
Description: Very small slit in the ground only visible at night due to yellow light inside it. Just S of the S entrance of Skarven bunker. Completely invisible in daylight.
Steps To Reproduce: Go to co-ords given in screen shot at night.
Images / Videos: see below
Host or Client: Single player game.
Players in your game: 1
Specifications: AMD II X4 645 Processor (4 CPUs), ~3.1GHz / 16GB RAM / GeForce GTX 1060 3GB

Not sure where to put this, so I’ll put it here and if it’s wrong it can be put in the right topic. The farm house at Applebo farm has got some serious holes, one is when you go into the top floor bedroom you fall right through the floor down to the ground floor, but if as you enter the room and try to jump over to the mat on the floor you jump right out of the farmhouse altogether.

South-east of Military Compound. Long rip in the ground along the side path, starting at the T-junction (or is it a Y-junction?).

South of Military Compound on top of the big hill. Multiple holes along the same line, not all visible from the same side.

And a very small error a little farther along the same line on the small bald spots. It’s hard to see in the screenshot but it’s the “line” between the grenade and the tree in the top right corner. It looks like a minor texture alignment error from some perspectives but it is actually a crevice.

On the big hill halfway between Ramberga and Muskudden Logement. Pretty long rip going all the way over the edge.

Terrain hole near one of the gun batteries at Torsberga Artillery Fortress. Notice the tear in the floor. Approaching it from the wrong angle will either get you stuck in place, catapult you forwards or you’ll sink into the ground.


Long rip through a tangled field edge. The two images are of the two ends of it.

You’re lucky I caught these, it was a glorious sunrise and I wasn’t looking at the ground much.

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Just a tiny little one :wink:

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Very long crack in the ground at Stora Dyrbo Farm stretching across a third of the farm area:

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This isn’t a Terrain Hole. Please post this in the Weird Terrain thread.

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I see it has already been reported there, so please can you delete that post Xezr?


Posts removed, no problem :slight_smile:

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North of Norrmyra Artillery Base in- and outside the locked storage shed. Only really visible from one side unless using the flashlight:

And a very little one in the road west of Anl 144 Vidsele:


I think these posts will help the devs out a TON in future updates. I dont belive we will be seeing many world holes around anymore.

Problem is there is a simply HUGE number of graphical world glitches to fix - these added to the floating objects fixes would possibly keep one person employed full time since we keep finding so many. :frowning:

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The purpose of threads like these is to point out all the little things that need fixing to the devs, that they can keep working on over time as new patches are released. Several terrain issues, terrain holes and floating objects have been fixed since these threads were first posted.


Big rip at the east side of the Skåleberget near Östervik:

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Another terrain hole just northwest of F23 Airbase.


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I’ve looked but can’t find this hole posted before. Outside Sillavik.

Found this one and sorry about bad pic best I could do. I fell in it but on the plus side of things it killed 3 tank that where about 50m away.

You guys are missing the best one its been around since launch and its well hidden ill get it to you soon have to get over to it all i can say is its a lake you can jump into and underneath you can walk around