The Calle discussion

I’m more curious about all those people in beds with wires connected to them… they were shown on monitors in control room in the mission Behind the Curtain.

I think those are the people FNIX has hooked up to his machines

Off the top of my head, I can’t quote directly, but in the last mission FNIX says something that would point it still needing the body.

“My birthplace… but… He is not here. I am not here.”

So, whether it’s -

  1. His body transported and hooked up like the ones to beds
  2. The Brain transported and freakily put inside a capsule
  3. Completely virtualizing his existence

His vulnerability or form is no longer there.

I think it’s number 3 but thats just my theory

Yeah, I would also theorize that Ulmer’s mind is fully transferred to digital state and he can create backup copies of him if he needs to, also giving a possibility to transfer all around the world and start global domination. ( Generation Zero 2 :crossed_fingers: )

Where would that be? Finland? Norway? Denmark? USSR? Germany? Or heck in Tea Land?

Tea land facepalms you mean England, but that not a bad idea look at Aldershot and it has the prefect environment for gz army bases, Qinetiq, air port and extra.
( this is my opinion )

With the secret messages from Calle concluded with the FNIX Rising DLC release, i’ll close this topic to avoid further off-topc replies in it.


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