The Calle discussion

I think Im asking a dumb question but who is calle? and is he the guy from the broken tower in the mountains region?

He could be the guy who died of poison? (ignore top circle)

Calle aka Uncle Calle - the biggest conspiracy nut in Ɩstertorn.

Unlikely, since there are at least two people who ended up with the same demise;

1st one (to whom you referred):

2nd one:

ahh the guy from the mission flying objects got it

No. In Flying Objects, you 1st go to the Fredrik Blomā€™s house and from there, to Ingrid Granqvistā€™s house.

oh lol imt being an idiot i completed all missions ages ago and forgot about most of the stuff sorry

Hello this is part of this i think as the calle discussion in down

Thatā€™s cool could someone translate please?

To you survivers
Be on your guard! If youā€™re reading this then iā€™ll have to warn you. A new machine has arrived! It looks like the big ones with four legs you know, but this appaired to be developed, taken further somehow. It isnā€™t enough that it has those deadly weapons like the other (tin cans), this one attacks with gas! So for gods sake keep your distance or else youā€™ll have a bad time.

Sorry not a 100% translation but close enough.
Norwegian is a very simular language to Swedish but it has some differences.

Calle is talking about the apoc harvesters

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Few replies moved to proper topic.


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Can someone tell me where the heck FNIX is making more Because we take down the production facilities on Ostertorn and Himfall like Come on! They just keep making more! probably turned the airbase into factory knowing them maybe experimenting with the planes anyway ill stop im rambling

Are you sure that their main production is in the islands or they havenā€™t transferred the factories to mainland? Maybe the big part of Sweden is currently occupied by the machinesā€¦ Oh, so delicious prospects for GZ2

Posting withdrawn by author

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will the sequel to Genereation Zero be called Generation One?

Converted bunker similar in layout to FOA53.

All we see is the final shot at the end with the patients are kept

perhaps FOA 2 in the marshlands.
Itā€™s most likely that all FOA locations is either a major manufacturing location or research location for the program.

But what is FNIX using the captured humans for?

Those humans there have been there before and I believe theyā€™re in limited amount. You canā€™t really get more of those types of people. Iā€™m putting it out there that I believe these people tried to sign up for a sickness treating program to try save their lives.

FOA tries to make a connection with a brain to a computer interface and make it that you donā€™t need to use joysticks or anything. That you can control a machine remotely by connecting a brain to a computer and using the brainā€™s neural signals to send information for the machine to execute. This in theory is how rivals work, this in theory is why machines are operating tactically. Ulmer is THEORETICALLY (canā€™t emphasize enough how off I might be) being the lead brain connected. Ulmer is the forefront of FNIX, using the militaryā€™s system to control these machines, but with the additional patients, they all exist inside of the machines.
Because Ulmerā€™s body is missing, we canā€™t tell if he actually does not need it anymore or if he has found ways to relocate it without disrupting the connection. Ulmer before revealing his existence inside FNIX orchestrated malfunctions in the system and ordered heavy amounts of resources through shipments to make the bodies by the beds last longer (indefinitely).
Anyway, all those connected bodies are used for their brain. The machines can work on commands, but can also be somewhat manually controlled through these connected minds. The motivation to kill human beings and exist as FNIX for all of this might be that all of these humans were out of hope when they joined the program. Why would they join a sketchy treatment place for their issues if there was hope and all was good? Now they have the ability to live and exist. In the beginning, they protected their existence by locking out and killing Swedish soldiers. They had weapons, now the resistance had weaponsā€¦

When IT the trailer says ā€˜Iā€™m done being politeā€™, I think FNIX is no longer regarding human life. No more sentiment, just cold murder. The issue to wrap my head around is how it works within the connected minds. Do they work as a whole big hive-mind that uses Ulmerā€™s voice? Are the brains individual and can communicate, making Ulmer the spokesperson and leader of action? How did they come to terms with that then? Would they not have some minds that oppose these ideas morally or is all morality gone within them?

Quite the block of text :smiley:

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Glad you chipped in on this one Pufty. Looking forward to seeing how your theory plays out.

Spoiler! for DLC but to do with calle

Calle is alive you meet him at maskar!

iā€™ve had the impression that Ulmer had completely transfered his mind to FNIX and his body had passed from HIV/AIDS

Yes He was dying anyway I think his body probably died and they took it away in a bag thinking well we failed! WRONG Now we deal with machines that just love shooting us