The Evolving one

first of all its important to update dlc like they never updated himfjall from pretty much never got updated. and if they just make sometimes apocolypse appear from control points, that can work. like why is the apocolypse robots trying to destroy our bases?

like fnix is main purpose is to make bases and evolve

military robots purpose to be at military bases

prototype robots are tested robots that has been never upgraded and just have no main purpose

apocolypse robots rarely spawn from mainland and thats it nothing else.
( a highest class robot that doesnt have an main purpose? )

I like this theory :ok_hand:, I might just join you in on it because it would open up so much for the future of Generation zero.

Also because I want FNIX to greatly expand their capabilities and size. Maybe grabbing resources from mining the moon lol

Assuming that the island of Ost is the only ground FNIX occupies it’s no wonder that they would continue to defend and make a hold out until they can, “and I hope” build into the infrastructure underground making residency permanent.

But also so we can have a sub level under the map

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