The Final Showdown - An Update On Generation Zero

I am glad to have been part of the ride with Gen Zero.

  1. I wouldn’t call it a full revamp (I don’t think the control points shown in the counter will be added for example) but multiple locations in the Mountains region will be changed.

  2. Which gamebreaking bugs are you referring to specifically? If you’re referring to performance, there will be more fixes but we have been slightly prioritizing stability over performance lately, so I can’t guarantee it’ll run at 144FPS all of the time. It’s also still an old engine version with a lot of legacy code, which makes things more difficult. I can only guarantee that we’ll do our best to make it perform as good as possible within our limits.


That’s not possible, as it would take an ENORMOUS amount of time for us to prepare these kinds of tools.

I’ve always wanted an end to GZ, just not so suddenly, there’s still so much that could be done with it, especially the islands that haven’t been used yet, well it is what it is, let’s hope it continues or a 2nd version of GZ is coming out, perhaps already in the works, but not revealed here to make it more of a surprise.

Yeah, so much potential in this IP, world, story… But too much for the used engine.
That’s sad, but let’s hope they’ll do it better next time.

Carni, do you think we’ll get back a way to spawn Tyrants in other regions besides Forest, Farmland and South Coast in this last update? Like we were able to do before June 25th? (Skyfire Update).

From my point of view, what about the bug that vanishes almost all of the safehouses? Will it finally be fixed?

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Yep! And the Tyloveden Base a lot of us can’t claim anymore after the Building Blocks mission was introduced? Or the machines that completely vanishes when destroyed?

That’s another point.
In my 2nd world I can’t progess, as there is no base to destroy in this mission.

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@SR_Carni Regarding nr 2. there are some bugs that require attention.

  • One of the last major updates from 2024 introduced low performance in terms of having low FPS when shooting against machines, specially bad while using shotguns or explosions, and this even happens in next gen (PS5, Series X) and “good PCs”, it was not like that before.

  • There is a bug in which some of the DLC weapons cant get ammo unless we have non DLC standard weapons that already uses that ammo
    The ones i know about are the PM71, Minigun and RLG7 (100% sure)
    Im unsure about the N16 Kotenok and S21.
    The solution is to have in inventory/backpack a weapon that uses the same ammo type, (not available for RLG7)

  • Another bug that exists and is more difficult to reproduce is the issue about augmentations, some disappear from the weapons and sometimes the weapon and some itens disappear or are moved to the Plundra without any action by the Player.

  • The Ammo Pack and the Paramedic Response Pack only work 2 times and not 3 like they did before.

  • Besides of that I would like to add the issue with the weapons or projectiles of apoc hunters and apoc tanks (mines)… Idk if the wolves mines are affected, too… Or any other machines weapons or projectiles. Feel free to add them. They simply don’t do any damage

These are all bugs that were introduced in 2024 and that i know of, I of course dont know which of them are already fixed in the Upcoming “Last Update” but i felt it was important to pass the information, and if anyone knows of other recent bugs feel free to add.

PS: Only one of them is actually “Gamebreaking” but i had to pass this info, and no, 30 stable fps would even be okay to me :wink:


I get ammo for my RLG7 from time to time.
It’s quite rare compared to the granatgevär, but it’s there. Just picked up 10 rounds yesterday.

But the rest, I just know the minigun and pm71, too, still have this issue as you described.

Besides of that I would like to add the issue with the weapons or projectiles of apoc hunters and apoc tanks (mines)… Idk if the wolves mines are affected, too… Or any other machines weapons or projectiles. Feel free to add them. They simply don’t do any damage.

That is exactly what I think, I never thought they would end it so soon.

Yeah, especially after this years 5-years-anniversary.

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I get more ammo for the RLG7 while its not in my inventory than when i use it.
Get it now? Its not even rare at all, get a lot of them from enemies and some from the enviroment “spawns”!

PS: Forgot about the empty attacks you described, already copy pasted it .

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Can’t remember that. Maybe.

Repair shock ammo to work and un-nerf PVG

What? Has the PVG been nerfed? How? When? :thinking:

Idk. Nothing that was ever part of a patch notes.

But some people have the opinion that it must have been nerfed because earlier they were able to do more kills with less shots.

That there are many other factors that may have affected their killing rates often doesn’t come to mind.

For me it recently did work somehow, but maybe not as it should. I accidently used it while switching to my ai76 instead the pm71 in the heat of a battle. I shot some rounds, heard the sparks and then switched again. After that I still heard machines rolling into the lightnings and exploding.

I didn’t really look at if the arcs all were there where they should have been… But, with this in mind:

Wasn’t there an issue with the projectiles of shock ammo and more (i.e. explosive ammo) which just stayed at the place in the air where they hit a target and didn’t move with the targets?

Hmm :thinking:
Actually, when it comes to so called «nerfs», the one I would most like to see reversed is the nerfing of Hunter machines.
For someone that began playing GZ after year 1, they probably don’t know about this. But in the first year, Hunters were extremely deadly. Back then, if you as a low level player ran into a group of 3 FNIX Hunter out in the open, your best option would be to scream for help! They were much more aggressive, their attacks were much more accurate, and more than one of them would attack you simultaneously. They really were a nightmare, but in a good way. It felt thrilling when you managed to best them.
I think it must have been after they «fixed» the infamous «april update» of 2020, and implemented 3 difficulties, that something was nerfed with the machine’s aggression level and accuracy. Since then, the base game machines have sadly become too easy. I have spoken about this many times on the forum before, and would love to see it amended. It likely never will be now.
Thankfully, even for a veteran, end-game player, lvl. 4 rival Spetz. Firebirds are a real challenge, as well as the Vulture, so you can still break a sweat fighting these machines. :sweat_smile:


Also, a final matter of difficulty I would like to see «fixed» is to change the Apocalypse Tank’s mortar weapon into something entirely different, and much more deadly. That mortar (prox. mine) weapon does not match the threat level of that machine. It’s basically no more than a toy. Maybe as dangerous as firecrackers, but that’s a stretch. :wink:

Instead, why not give them a large cluster grenade like the Apoc Hunters have, but with a larger area of effect, and with radiation damage on top. Now that would give them their deserved potential.