The Final Showdown Update (12th dec) - rumours and discussion (wiki)

The ending should consider what Veronika said during her encounter with Fnix at the end of “Goodnight” Fnix Rising DLC.
“One day… one day I’m going to find you, and I am going to delete every line of code in your body.”

I look forward to explosive boss fight.

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Okay, Semla? XD no, not possible

Hey, have we tried

Om Sverige blir angripet av ett annat land kommer vi aldrig att ge upp. Alla uppgifter om att motståndet ska upphöra är falska.

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Here is a better view from atop the apartment building overlooking to the island in the distance. I tried to get the exact position from the images that were posted. Obviously there is no Resistance hideout or base here in Klinte, yet. Using the SSP, I was able to get atop for the blow image.

It appears that the island will get some alterations to the way it looks now. Can’t wait.

FYI, 3 Explosive canisters should do the trick to get up there.


Indeed. There seem to be some trees cleared out on the right-side of opposite island (2).
So maybe the word “Sprawling” was not referring to size, but to content of things to find.

And it is easily reachable by underground tunnel, boat or pontoon bridge.

Teaser picture cut-out


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It seemed obvious to me that this space, with the high walls is somewhere in the underground network. If we look through gap of the big Hatch in FOA 2 arena, we can see high wall going down. The walls are that high to be able to transport big machines to the Arena.

As for where this mysterious door is, is anyone’s guess.

We might reach it through:

  • arena (using the big elevator)
  • Underground station C (Red door or tunnel)
  • Garphammar Warehouse (Big green door)
  • Ripan Maintenance base (Door with Bloody hand)
  • New island

The question could also be:
Is it a way in or a way out.

I also think that it’s below the big hatch.
Will we be able to enter the hatch and follow a tunnel behind that door, maybe to the new area on another island or
Will we come from a tunnel network, from another island or maybe Kilsberget, exit through that door and then leave by an elevator through the hatch?

With the 2nd option… Will we then stand in the middle of the arena with locked doors and have to fight the showdown in the arena?

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You think it could be a way out, while the tease says “Something could be behind it”. :thinking:
Unlikely, I think we need to go in through that door. But we might come out that door again, when/if we live. :laughing:

As for how this story arc with play out, there are so many possibilities to even consider. I love some of the idea I seen from others. But If we get more information we might make an educated guess, but for now I really don’t know, and maybe it’s better not to know. :coffee: What? Gysbert what are saying, of course you would like to know… :crazy_face:

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Was a new island actually confirmed?
A new area could be the underground network

Could be you have to find something like access cards, badge, disk or anything else to gain access to the bunker door. Then you can enter or exit. It is the way you access bunkers now; wouldn’t it be the same? You may have to perform a few missions to know where to find things to access the door.

Could be you have to gain access via the same way you call in the tyrants but you have another option to pop over on an island.

And we all have been thinking of more areas to explore like an island, what if the update takes us to a large underground tunnel system, under the main island.

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Ofcourse, but we first need to get in before you get out. I thought that Madchaser meant we got in some other way, and this door we talk about, was the way out. However, there is something behind that door that might prevent us from doing that.
I was merely saying that I think that’s the way in, but of course that too is just speculation.

If a new area is an island, then the tease picture in klinte fits the idea that Island 2 is were we need to go, especially as the island seemed to have been changed a bit. Possibly trees needed to be cleared to accomodate a landing area

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Additionally it isn’t said, that the shape and size of the island after the update still is the same.
Maybe it becomes smaller… Or a great part of it becomes inaccessible.

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But is it confirmed that we are getting a new island? Or just a new area, which could be an island.

That’s what Carni said.

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Yes, I read that. It might suggest that the new area is an island (comparison with Himfjäll), but is not actually confirmed in this text.

I thought that maybe on Discord this might have been confirmed, but for me Discord’s chat format, is too fast and to unclear who is reacting to whom. I get brain-fog if I stay to long on there. And then there’s also a lot of off-topic noise. Very hard to get real information. You might have seen it confirmed. But I guess not. :coffee:

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New teaser 20 Nov at 16:17

In the middle (leftish) that might be a laptop

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I agree.
The whole complex looks like it could eventually be below the right handed structure on the picture with the 4 screens due to its almost round shape.
But that’s just loosly guessed.

When I saw that snake-like pipe with the bright light in the middle, I imagined it was yet again another manifestation of FNIX speaking via a mechanical snake with its all-seeing eye. :crazy_face:

Mmh. Could also remind me of GLaDOS.

there is no lemon lie, :birthday: , there will be cake, portal 4 today