The game feels kinda, dull?

This games concept is really cool but i feel that the repeating cycle of the little challenge, just removed any feeling of thrill or addrenaline that makes a game enjoyable for me.

Once the story is completed, there is little point in playing. If me as a player isnt out for collecting weapons and collectables. I find there is no point in playing since the gameplay is way too repetetive.

So anybody else have remotely same feelings?

Here is a comment i made further down this post that expands on my thaughts: The game feels kinda, dull? - #11 by karnitin


I agree that for veteran players it has lost its thrill. I love to explore, and that’s what I am missing the most. Once in a while, there should be new locations added, new setpieces to find, new lore information placed, and story progression, because the story has not ended, in fact we gotten a new faction ( The Golden Faction) which really needs to be continued. Has Bolshakov survived? What is going to happen with Tatiana?

Wouldn’t it be nice if the devs announced: “Go and find all the new lore snippets and visual storytelling locations we have added for the explorers of the game”. :crazy_face:


The new enemies are fun untill you kill them a couple of times. Its been a month since i played GenZ, i killed the new reaper variant once. Aaaand i didnt find it any fun.

Im just bored of this game in its current state. And im sad that its not fun since i really like the concept. especially it being a game located in sweden of all places

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Well, with the new spawning method in place, I killed both Tyrant types 10 times to get the two different augments fully researched. But now, I only walk around in the world, hoping to find something that the devs secretly added. :coffee:


Absolutely agree! New missions too.

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When they started adding npc’s in the main land is where is started to feel the updates are a bit empty.

We all asked for more robots, and you got the treatment.
More guns also. Many people asked for it, and You got the treatment.

You’ll have to wait a long time until they start adding new locations. From my guess

If they will ever do…
So much potential, but it almost feels that GZ is on the last meters of its end of life.


Told this before here in the forum and surveys;
There is so many places bellow ground that has doors missing electricity or is still locked left to explore.
And even more unavailable doors has been revealed when new underground bunkers and tunnels and the big crater was added. Let us lockpick, let us hotwire the doors with a car battery and add what’s behind to the missing parts of the story. Exploring new bunkers for the first time is one of the best moments in GZ.


That issue is present in most games no?
You finish the story…and its over, you either play a new game plus with some small changes or you just start over.
PVE games are even more repetitive due to usually a lack of story content, you go from point A to point B and then to Point C, then its over and you repeat.

Thats just how things are.

At least GZ is a bit more unique than most games.

Having “dungeons” and new islands would give a bit more to do and explore, but it would only prolong the inevitable…


I agree.
But somehow GZ is different.
You can still play on and wait for new content which may change everything on your current world.

But you cannot really make a new game for example in an other difficulty, because the stations are shared between the worlds. Yes, you can create a new character, but all your stations still are the same.

Well, of you delete your savegame File, then it’s really a new game… But I miss the option to start a new world with my existing character but without my plundra.

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Before anybody asks, yes this is chatgpt. I put my original text through it to make it easier to read and understand. So without further ado. here you have my thaught

Balancing and Difficulty Concerns in the Game

One of the major issues I see with this game is the imbalance between the threat level and the player’s capabilities. The “biggest threat” in the game, which the Swedish army couldn’t defeat, can be easily overcome by a teenager armed with a gun, rocket launcher, and 297 medkits. This disparity diminishes the overall challenge and believability of the game.

Lack of Consequence and Thrill

The game also suffers from having too little risk and too high of a reward. When you die, there’s no real penalty—except perhaps a blow to your pride. The lack of meaningful consequences makes the game less thrilling. Once players realize that death has no significant impact, any joy and excitement the game initially offers fades quickly. This phenomenon is similar to many horror games where the fear factor disappears once the enemy is fully understood.

Difficulty Scaling and Enemy AI

In my opinion, the difficulty scaling should be much higher. The machines in the game are portrayed as ultimate combat machines that wiped out the Swedish military and home guard. However, it feels unrealistic that a lone teenager (or even a group of four) can easily take them on. To address this, the enemies should be made smarter and harder to kill. The current mechanics, where setting traps and luring machines stops being necessary after acquiring an assault rifle or rocket launcher, undermine the strategic element of the game.

Community Involvement and Future Development

I have many ideas on how this game could be improved, and I’m sure others in the community do too. Once the developers finish recoding the core game to reduce lag and improve stability, they should engage with the community to gather feedback on what the game needs most. Rather than focusing solely on new additions, they should consider changes to the core gameplay that could make this already beautiful and brilliant concept into a long-term, enjoyable experience.

Beyond Multiplayer

While multiplayer is a current necessity for enjoyment, the game shouldn’t have to rely on it alone to create an engaging experience. The key question that developers should ask is: What makes players not want to play this game, and how can we address that to make them want to play, even without a focus on co-op?

I was going to say i hope this relates to many of you, but the truth is of course that is wish it didnt. I wish that this game would have these issues fixed so that feeling the need to have to speak out about these things wasnt neccesary.


Totally agreed.

That’s difficult.
With machines being smarter and harder to kill, they are currently way too many.

With less but smarter and harder machines on the other hand, the world could become too empty with a lack of action.

Maybe it could be different if the tactical and strategic combat would be more rewarding and on the other hand the consequences of dying or even getting hurt harder.

That’s what they always did.

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This is a example of a Great idea and one i feel needs to be added as soon as possible.

You Said if the Tactical and Strategic would be more rewarding. Id think this could link to a increased Difficulty, Where the enemies are numerically superior, there is only one option Run. Thats what the trailer even said, So i feel that the game should honour that part, Running is always a alternative. Run and regroup then approach from a different angle set traps, make ambushes. And when confronted with too much or having a Machine you cant take on in a reasonable time, untill more machines overwhelm you, run or you can for example risk losing your gear/weapons. Or risk having to redo the current mission. This is a popular Game mechanic to implement for a reason. The ultimate price, is your gear its what allows you to fight. to stay alive.

And maybe make a Healing cap depending on how much damage you have taken, that requires you to return to base to heal up. Instead of this ridiculous Infinite healing mechanic, that turns you imortal.

Maybe a script? Expanding the world that’s influenced by?
Why not to Danmark, Norway, Germany…? I think the possibilities are endless.
Combined with weapon packs that belong to those countries (more cashflow etc.)

Maybe it’s too expensive at this point to invest in development.
They’ve got such a strong and great base now. Maybe investors - I would.


I feel personally that expanding into other countries defeats the core purpose/idea of the game being set in sweden 1989

Nature of a game, I guess.

Yes, of course, but in most cases the game ends if the story is completed.

Not GZ. You can still play on just for fun or to grind for better weapons and more, make missions or complete challenges.

And additionally, with every free Update there can come more. More missions, more items, more story, changed regions or locations to explore.

But the time between those Updates is very long unfortunatly. And there isn’t much to do, If you already have everything. At least it becomes boring after a while…


While everyone is definitely entitled to their feelings, thoughts, and opinions, I feel that this game is still relevant. Keep in mind, I’m agreeing with wanting more! I hope that they are working on something in the background. But at the same time, I worry that the more talk there is on “end of life” or “it’s dull” could feel like to the devs, “maybe we should pull the plug.”

I’m not saying that voicing that is wrong by any means. In fact I’m hoping maybe it will help. But its been said before that they don’t have a huge dev staff and they’re trying to use what they have to keep things coming. But a company has to have hope as well as money coming in to keep things like devs making more. Soooo many have said that they love the game and would pay for a DLC with more islands to explore. Maybe that will be coming. All I know is that I see the potential with islands on the map, but we can’t get to them.

I know that it feels like more story is needed with perhaps the potential for closure. (But maybe could still go around handling the ongoing missions and the random bots here and there after the story is completed.) I too find myself wanting more, I just hope that devs see our wanting more as, “Let’s make more” and not, “Well that was fun - Let’s now do something else”.

Hopefully I make sense here and please know I’m not trying to be contradictory or a troll.

I appreciate everyone’s thoughts and hope we get more down the line! :grin: :+1:


I very much enjoy this game- enough that I sprung for the remaining five DLCs that I still didn’t have (that I once swore that I’d never purchase). The game feels dull to many because of a lack of new storyline and new room for exploration IMHO. I find this particularly disconcerting because I’ve heard it repeatedly said that there are no plans for either new storyline content or to expand the map to include one or more of the islands- and silence from the developers regarding any new content of any kind does ‘not’ bode well for this game. It’s beyond belief, really. All too many games are punched out as trash. Generation Zero on the other hand, is a gold mine that’s not being mined- and that is one colossal waste.

That having been said, I’m off- to play Generation Zero for awhile…


Some talk about a end to the story… Blaspheme you infidels! (j/k)
Okey, there is loose ends to finish before it’s time tie the sack together.

Or, just open the map in game and see the area of all islands we never (well some have) set our foot on.

Either way it could be a DLC with the loose ends and /or new stories, or maybe a GZ 2 if the amount of objects has reached a limit? Anyway I’m still impressed how good this game looks and the atmosphere it gives a.k.a. there is no need for a big rework on a new graphics engine.