The heck is this?

I love mods… for the right game! Like Skyrim, Fallout or Conan Exiles, etc… and wouldn’t ever go back to playing them without the mods. They add too much to the vanilla game to go without anymore. But they are designed for a modding community and Gen Z is not. In games like Conan exiles (multiplayer) the server admin chooses the mods and everyone has to have them. Everyone plays on an equal footing. That’s not the case here. This guy uses mods that give him an unfair advantage over others. He can basically have as much resources as he wants depending on the mod (plus lvl 10,000 means he was probably given 50,000 uranium). Sure he can come across as a nice guy handing out free stuff like handing out candy to babies, but it’s real annoying to the people who have ‘bled and sweat’, grinding for years and trading for that wood, cement, etc… only to have someone just give it away like its nothing cause he can just make more with mods. Modders should stick to SOLO only.

Not terribly good, no! Lol

Oh… I’m sad now…

I take it back! I must have been looking at the numbers wrong. You are mighty!

please read this again.

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How does a mod player disturb others?

I don’t know if you know this or not but there is a good size trading market for Gen Z weapons and materials on paces like discord.
So what I said here “it’s real annoying to the people who have ‘bled and sweat’, grinding for years and trading for that wood, cement, etc… only to have someone just give it away like its nothing cause he can just make more with mod” is very apt to modding this game.
All the trading and effort that people put in becomes worthless

If they only play by themselves they can mod all they want. But it becomes a tricky thing when they join others who got their stuff honestly when he didn’t.

@JuanEyeJack so… are you saying my kd is terrible? And that I should uninstall the game? I read it again… I think that’s what you’re saying.

I don’t think like you but ok

@Crimblix He dosent say It

@Blurzinnn I know I am just messing around… my kd is not what I mentioned. I am just goofing with everyone :crazy_face:

Cool, and after all how many deaths do you have in the game?
I forgot

I think 60 even right now, actually

60? Just It?

No, just 60. Maybe. Give or take ±1

What is your level in your First accont?

My first character level is 45

No no no. If having zero health is your thing then the ratio does not matter, continue with how you enjoy playing, That is what I am saying.

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To each his own. Applies to game play i think. Lol!