The heck is this?

@JuanEyeJack isn’t having zero health the objective in generation ZERO?

I think you confused it… ZERO deaths is the objective/goal. :joy:

Oh, I think we all lost…

Oh… yeah… I definitely had that backwards. I blame dyslexia

I think the problem with the mod displayed is the fact the clown maxed ALL skill trees and probably made it so he’s using ALL of the peak skills the rest of us only choose 1 of. Really sad to cheat at a pve game not that cheating in general is any better. Doesn’t help that the fool has no where near the old max lvl of kills let alone the horrible k:d…(only being judgy of the modders k:d since it’s the only thing legit on that account)

The player in the pic is an easy to spot player. It is clear that they want to use something in my hosted map I do not want, so they get kicked.

Last night, I had 3 players join my map, we hunted reapers by jumping from region to region. Fight a few machines and a spawn is triggered, first one was a reaper. After the destruction of the reaper, we move to another region, letting the first region reset. This time farmlands, next spawn almost instant we destroyed one machine, level 1 rival was the spawn. Then a base. While two players took care of the rival, two of us destroyed the base. all going well so far and as timed. We then moved to the South coast, another region ready to spawn a reaper/rival and a base. I lead the squad to a safehouse close to a hunter hang out and good chance of a tank with a harvester there also. It so happened, we had both and all the hunters. A rival spawned and then a base.

Then out of no where, a region no one has been in for months, only has a level 2 rival of it’s own (mountain region) so no Soviet forces to fight or cause the region level to change without player being in the region. For months it has been still.

I go into my region solo and destroy all the rivals and little by little I build the region level back to 21+ to spawn reaper with no Rivals. This seems to make the game spawn machines like crazy to try and get machines to spawn to rivals, I destroy those level one rivals as they spawn. but no time to work on this region, so just leave it alone.

Out of nowhere the level 2 rival jumped up to a level 4. Then a rival spawned in the region, region with no fighting or player in it, and it almost instantly jumped to level 4. It is a very strange behavior for this region with no way of getting those kinds of region points that fast without major battle going on in the region.

Add to this a friend sent me a warning that there is a mod that a player can join a hosted map and it starts changing game timers of the map causing machines to spawn very quickly. I don’t know how mods work but I suspect that could be why an empty region just starts spawning things it should not. I was warned that the map goes back to normal after the player using the mod leaves the map. Which I exited the game quickly and wondering if it was a mod that caused my issue last night. I do not know. But it was a first for me. And hope that a manual back up save loaded back in would save my map. If it was a mod, that is the harm a player can do using a mod that a host knows nothing about and changed my map.

Keep in mind, a lot of effort goes into maintaining a map to a standard set by the owner. And a player could have destroyed hours, days, weeks, months and in the case of my map years of that effort.

I boot players that join my map and start offering free supplies and weapons as soon as they join. It remains me of the pervert that wants to offer a little kid candy and help him find his lost puppy by getting in the van. i don’t want to find a lost puppy or want candy, leave my map alone!

Did you check the rivals origin by opening his details page? I had 5 rivals in mountain region (I really rarely play there), but 3 of them where from farmlands.

So they can level up, too, if farmlands is being played in.

Wow you’re gonna boot me quickly then. If I see a new player with poo quality gear I’m making some space and gifting him/her my extras. I don’t rock a candy van I just manage my spares in a way that takes up too much space. I don’t have the heart to scrap my extras so I hand em out when I can help another. I get some people want to earn rather then be gifted so all they gotta do is walk away and I’ll return the spares to the companion inventory. Booting me for that will still make space though :joy::joy:

All my level 4 rivals have been on my map…guessing over a year now. They are happy where they are and I know where all of them are from. The level up rival id the only one from the mountain region, the spawned rival was in the mountain region when it spawned, making it a rival from the same region it spawned in.

Spawning and hunting reapers is what I do. Not to gain anything, I have more than enough of everything. It is the fun of destroying machines and then the reaper I enjoy. Doing so with what I loot on the map, recycling what I find on the map and converting it to what I use to destroy what is on the map. I am still recovering some supplies (uranium) I lost when the reapers would not allow looting. This style of play forces me to limit what I use to destroy the machines and not just go to my locker and get more.

Think back when there was no reaper and loot was always in short supply, even on machines. It is that way with some resources like wood and uranium. Limits in the game that makes bad choices very clear.

New players: I get a bunch all the time, I host a public map. I drop scrap loot I don’t use near a machine, sometimes mark it on the map with a radio. I let players know what I am doing. Then they can choose it they want what I drop or not. I don’t keep extra weapons in storage long, everything I keep I reuse or toss. My mule is well over stocked but hardly used anymore.

But new players also get to fight reapers and loot them, a lot of machines they can loot from and I like to think I help them learn how to play and get what you need from the map and not other players. Why play if it is all just handed to you? i also guide them on how to use the map to hide from the machines to ambush them at closer range. Really fun to pop up over a ridge and you see what could be a swarm of hunters just dropping before they can even go into combat mode and you don’t hear a single PVG going off. Some of you may do that solo, but try it in co-op with a good squad of players. Snipers become commandos.