The Resistance is pants (mild spoilers)

One of the recurring complaints about the game is that it’s too easy in co-op and noticeably harder in solo, so adding the classic example of “much harder alone”, the task to defend multiple locations at once? Proooooooobably not a great idea … :confused:

But that’s not even my point. All I want is an even break.

Attempt 1: Dark Rival

In the middle of the defense, an Apo tank wanders in. Then, another Apo tank, this time a level 4 rival, joins, and they cover each other. While I engage the tanks, thinking the first one might be part of the mission, the other bots wreck the barricades.
Maybe the location should be fenced off during the wave defense? I don’t know, could be argued either way; if this had been the only issue, maybe it would’ve been amusing.

Attempt 2: The damage comes from within the house

Hunters inside the building, and not even on the ground floor, either. Not sure what happened there.

Attempt 3: Poverty

Game crashes in the middle of wave defense. Not only does this obviously fail the mission, it also means that I don’t get to loot what kills I got so far. So, on restarting the game, I have next to no ammo, and the resistance’s stash of mines and grenades does not respawn as the mission resets, which arguably it should. So not only did the crash fail my mission, I also won’t be able to repeat it until I’ve farmed for new resources. :pouting_cat:

To be honest, I’m a bit sick of it at this point. All I want is a chance to fail to my own incompetence rather than the game’s vagaries. :confused:


I agree so much. I just wrote a post about it myself.

Had the hunter in the building, burnt through all my supplies, resistance stockpile is gone.

The entire mission feels extremely rushed.

Instead of letting the mission take place inside the normal open world, they should have created an instance that resets whenever you fail the mission.

You just need to know when to hold them, and when to fold them (Run Like Heck)

When i soloed The Resistance mission, i didn’t use any of the land mines laying in and around the hotel since i didn’t spot those (had POI icons turned off). I barely finished the mission on 1st try, with hotel having about 30% health remaining. Did drop down 4x times and spent half the 7.62mm and .50 cal ammo + all HE rockets and 5.56mm i had.

Did spot the ordance once the mission was over. Though, not much good of them at that point.

Note: while dropping down only 4x times may seem little, especially since one full a-shot stack is 20x, 4x is too much for my book. If i drop down even once during combat - that’s already bad for me.

I hear ya and feel for ya cause I’ve done it 3 times already and don’t know why. Does it matter if you die and respawn at the hotel? Do you have to erect the defences? Why does the mission fail?

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Prerequisite mission erects the defenses. The Resistance is all about battle. You’ll fail it if game buggs out or when hotel’s HP reaches 0.

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I’m here to report that all of this, even after the March update, is still occurring (happened x4). :hot_face:

I’ve given up on The Resistance mission for now, just running around and finishing my Challenges and hunting Rivals until I hear something has been done about this mission.

Devs, please look into this - very difficult to enjoy the game when the ‘final’ (okay, nearly final) mission is bugged this bad.

Thanks in advance! :star_struck: