This video really puts a light on how GZ is today and what it has sadly become

I watched the video and I admit, there are things I’m still looking for. But I think that’s what they (the devs) are doing = working on more. Granted there have been a lot of micro releases for weapon packs, but haven’t they been fun?! I know I’ve loved them! Especially the heavy weapons that was just released.

As for the “what it could have been” comment in the video - I don’t think that’s a fair statement. Only becuase we haven’t heard them say, “That’s it - We’re through.” On that day, if we haven’t seen all the possibilities explored yet - then sure - maybe we could say it then. But as they’re still actively working on it (maybe not at the speed we’d all like) I still think it’s awesome that more is still on the way!

To me that means they’re not done and there’s still hope!

As far as mods go - I get it. I see both sides and even Carni said that he understands to a degree …

But even he stated that we could be asking for something we just don’t understand …

Let’s face it, there are devs that have been working on this game from the beginning and look at the glitches and issues that they fixed to get where they are today! Imagine a self promoted modder getting a hold of that! Whew! That would look pretty crazy IMO.

In respect of the devs and the community I share my thoughts and feelings and I second what Zesiir stated …

I’ve found myself heated at times at what others have said as I’m defensive about this game. But I realized something. People are discussing these points because they want the same thing I do - to make the game better! We just need to respect each other’s opinions even if we don’t agree!

On that note: I’m just glad we can all agree that I’m always right and everyone else is always wrong!
(Hopefully everyone knows that’s a joke!)


Hey so about the EULA, I think something is a bit wrong. I was a little curious to see if anything had changed since I last took a look at it a few years ago. Between section 17 and 19 there used be one called 18 Prohibited use. It’s gone, well partialy. The text “18 Prohibited use” and the paragrahp explaing the section has been removed, however the list of things it prohibits is still there.

Here is a screenshot from a video I made talking about GZ’s EULA back in 2022. I checked there first as I rememberd having taken screenshots. The section number is out of frame but “Use of your own…” is still there. Above the highligthed text in yellow is a paragrahp missing from todays EULA, talking about the things in the list below being prohibited.

Now here is a screenshot of the EULA from today. I doubled checked with the F3 button to see if it was just moved, but 0 results.

Here “Section 18 Prohibted use” and it’s associated paragraph is gone. I knew a screenshot from an old video wasn’t a good way to check how the EULA was before. So I went to the web archive. The earliest date featuring the complete version of section 18 was June 6th 2023

Here is a screenshot from the webarchive

It can be concluded that the EULA after that date was changed, for reasons unknown. Wich I believe could lead to confusion. While the majority of the list have the “May not” or “Will not”, some dont. However I’m very suprised that the section number, it’s title and paragraph just vanished so easlily. One minor thing, Section 27 Modification has changed to 7.

A little ironic given how it’s stated it wants us to check the EULA peroidcally. By no means I’m I a legal expert. However I think this is something serious and someone with legal expertise should take a look at and fix. Perhaps also changing last updated if this is how the EULA is meant to be now.


Oh… there is something off for sure… That sure needs to be fixed, i can see how this can cause a lot of confusion.

Btw! great work! holy moly!


Carni, I do appreciate the effort that you’ve put into the game, even if I’ve sometimes come across as harsh. I do believe in this game. I play the game straight up and have purchased every pack that’s been released. My only real beef has been that the game has far greater potential than what we’ve gotten. That said, I just don’t understand the secrecy behind your next update. The last few reports have told us nothing of any real significance. If you’re satisfied that the community will like what you’re all working on for the next update, then why not just tell us? I’m not suggesting that we be given every last known detail. But how about a clear idea on what you’re doing? Frankly, my belief is that information of that nature would do wonders for the community.