Time to throw in the towel

This game is so far beyond repair it’s useless to expect anything but disappointment. It no longer matters whose to blame or why. The only thing that matters now is the amount of time gamers and developers are wasting on this totally busted game, myself included. Sometimes things just don’t work out. They are never going to fix the clipping issue which for me renders the game unplayable.


I agree, call it quits once we all get our money back. No hard feelings Avalanche Studios

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Yea, no hard feelings, just hard lessons for developers passing a game like this off as ‘finished’

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I paid money for this game. I am NOT Avalanche’s beta tester. This is ridiculous.

I grew up in the 1980’s. You probably weren’t born then but when I purchased a shiny new NES cart the game worked. It didn’t need to be patched numerous times just to be functional. I also understand games are significantly more complex than back in the 80’s. That doesn’t give developers a pass in my eyes.

How about video game companies not treat consumers like personal beta testers? How about you spend your millions on actually testing a game before release?

You know what this kind of thing does for me? It helps me decide where I spend my money. I won’t waste any of my dollars on ANY Avalanche game. Rage 2, Just Cause, etc.

At this point it’s becoming a joke. I love the fact that Avalanche Software wants my console information, along with who knows what else, to “help them” make a better game experience. No thanks. I already gave you my money. How about you deliver on the promise of a game that works?


I get it. I am fifty years old, and I feel the same pain. By now, though, I am aware of the risk of buying any game, indie or AAA at or before launch, and I accept that risk sometimes. What is the worst is that this team is wasting time on stupid crap like photo mode rather than attempt to fix gamebreaking bugs. That is offensive.


As I have mentioned a few times before and as the Devs have mentioned, they did NOT ignore current issues to bring you photo mode. Photo mode was almost ready at launch and only needed a few tweaks. Focus is on bugfixing.

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@SR_Carni Almost ready on launch you say? And so what like 2 months worth of tweaks to implement…? Sheesh… at that rate this game should be ready in about 2-3 yrs

The time it took to finish it should tell you how much priority it had

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I understand you’re upset I can understand were you are coming from. You have every right to feel frustrated and I sure can’t stop you from feeling that way but it’s important we look into this.

Avalanche studios have been working on bugs, it is not as though nothing has happened. They’ve constantly kept you guys in the loop of what is happening. You guys have also been an amazing community with all the bugs report and being so patient. We need to remember there is a rather small team behind this game which means it takes a bit longer than if it were a massive team behind it.

Let’s hop into this.

03/26/2019 (Tuesday) --> Which was Tuesday we get info from the CMs that they’re gathering the feedback and sorting through all the bugs. Which means logging it, sorting out it from most important then sending it to the team to reproduce and then patching it.Testing it. Then sending it out. Not so quick huh?

03/28/2019 (Thursday) --> We get information that they’ve been able to sort through some of the big issues with games crashing and they’ve been able to go ahead and patch those in the internal build.

04/03/2019 (Monday) --> The super busy community managers are able to schedule a live-stream where they can go ahead and address common questions and talk about the game and all the bugs they’ve been fixing. Gather feedback etc…

04/05/2019 (Wed) --> They talk about how they’ve been able to plan ahead and make layout what’s going to be fixed. It shows that the build in-house was being tested extensively and fixing bugs they find.

04/10/2019 (Friday) --> They’ve been able to fit in another dev stream where they answered questions and talked about what has been happening etc…

04/12/2019 (Sunday) - They send out another newsletter updating you guys that they are in-fact working on the game and that there has been over 200 bug fixes and improvements. Some of these the improvements included stuff which was easy to change on their end so they focus on these bug fixes.

Regular streams continue showing the progress that they’ve made and what they’re doing, keeping transparency.

04/17/2019 --> April update goes live. With tons and tons of fixes and improvements to help the game. After that April update is live they once again fit another stream in!

04/25/2019 --> Another update goes live patching issues Windows 7/8 users faced.


05/03/2019 --> As you can see they’ve clearly analysed what everyone has been suggesting and have decided to allow a small part of their team focus on that. It isn’t NEW content it’s improving on old content.

05/09/2019 --> We get a survey to fill out. A rather in-depth look to see what most peoples biggest issues are and to see if maybe the Community Managers missed something and what you want the game to be in the future. Once again shows that Avalanche Studios cares about the community.

05/17/2019 --> We see another newsletter from the team organizing
a stream and the team updating that they’re still here and they are working hard on fixing more bugs and getting updates out to you!

05/24/2019 --> We see them highlight some more stuff and say that the May update is very close. We also see a few features. A lot of people got upset about the QOL improvements. These are very quick things to fix which make a major impact on the game. It’s not as if massive amounts of resources is being dedicated to it and Avalanche studios is just closing their eyes to the bugs. No, they’ve admitted there is bugs and are fixing it.

2019-05-28 --> May update The may update is live. With a total of 75 improvements and bug fixes. These were issues which were complained about massively by the community.

So a quick summary. We got constant updates about the progress, we got constant streams to ask questions and we got updates. Generation Zero has not been abandon and in the two months since launch. There has been 275 improvements and bug fixes. That’s 275 issues/bugs that went from the community reporting them, to them being logged, organised, reproduced/considered, implemented, tested and then sent out. I would say Avalanche studios is doing a damn fine job if I do say so myself.


“Hey devs, I’m sick and tired of being able to get past the title screen on my PS4. pls fix”

If they do such extensive testing, then why did this last patch completely disable the game across PS4 and some Xbox players, as well as PC’s…?

The last fix totally screwed the game up on Xbox. Did you guys even try playing it after your fix? I’m being serious here. I now have frame rate issues on the first two missions. Dead machines are making more noise than before the patch, and seekers I killed are sitting on the deck making noise with their jets on full.

I was optimistic and thought they would fix this game, but I am out of patience and it’s going on ebay.

PS4 players can’t even play the game!

“If they do such extensive testing, then why did this last patch completely disable the game across PS4 and some Xbox players, as well as PC’s…?”

If anyone from the GZ dev or community team read this, in the spirit of “we’re all in this together” I think this previous point above from Snowy is actually something I think we’re due an answer on, what would be the chances of a comment???

Many thanks.

AFAIK, PS4 players got the worst of it. I play on PC and I could play the same day the update rolled out with no issues. I have a friend who plays on Xbox and he could play as well. We’re encountering bugs sure, but (like most open world game engines) I believe that the Apex engine can be a bit finnicky to deal with. Sometimes these things just happen the way they do. And when it does the devs will prioritize to fix the gamebreaking stuff first.

Definitely agree with ya there