Tinnitus sounds from the TVs

Would it be possible to add a option to turn off the sounds the TVs make, both the “tone” and the “static noise”? Somewhat like the accessibility options for the crosshairs added


In most cases light switches in the room also affect TVs.

Yes! I’m flicking switches and shooting the ones that don’t react. But it’s tiresome and meanwhile you have to listen to the tone/static. Would be nice to have a single option to just turn it off. That would possibly also solve the issue with the random “beep” you can experience once in a while just walking around.


:thinking: What beep exactly?

Sometimes when you are walking for longer distances you can all of a sudden hear a short “beep” out of nowhere. Noting around you that could explain it. Think this was mentioned in some other thread on the forum: that it probably is the “TV-tone” that is played for half a second or so

I think this beep could come from a Seeker

I wonder about the same thing too… :sweat_smile:

I know which tone (beep) you mean.
Most of the time it occured I thought it would be some tone from my headphones.

Still don’t know where it comes from. Maybe it is like the “ghost-machines”, where you can here for example a tank like it’s just next to you, but can’t see him. =bug

And towards your problem with this tv-tone… Sorry, but should there be a switch for any sound or what else someone doesn’t like? :woozy_face:

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Coffee Stain Studios Already Did It… with Satisfactory.

Master, Ambient, Factory, Equipment, Music, Effects, UI, Dialogue.
Factory, Equipment, and Effects can also be adjusted per item.

Well I sure hope that the devs have learned from previous mistakes and do not implement everything people want to make the game easier. If someone has problem with the sound of the tv sound, avoid the tv’s or turn the sound down while you shoot them.

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Nope, there ist a thread buried somewhere where it was identified as a short beep(-burst) from a TV sound. The same applies to that short burst of static noise that occurs sometimes, it’s also a snippet from a TV sound. But iIrc no one could really tell when and where these sound bursts occur or what triggers them and it seems to be some kind of bug just like the ghost machine sounds. :man_shrugging:

Yeah I can’t imagine how having to not go to 90 percent of homes without having to turn a setting off or on could be annoying.

An accessibility option for noises such as that for people with hearing issues sounds like a good idea that is not hard to implement. I see no reason how having this setting could be bad in any way other than taking maybe some work off of something else.


So if someone would want colorblind filters or something would you be against that too? A great game should have accessibility options so that everyone can enjoy the game.
There is no reason to why this setting should not exist. At least that I can think off.


I’m never against anything if the devs decide it should be in, but this tv’s sound seems not of the same urgency as colorblindness. Since they can turn the sound off or down for a minute.

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Honestly said, the tone of the T V doesn‘t annoy me because it is a common tone for the end of broadcast. Surely when i come into a empty house and the Tv is running, first thing is turn of the TV by turning the switch or shoot it down. Pulling the cable is unfortunately impossible. But staying a few steps away from the TV helps also. The occasional beep what was mentioned here i‘ve never heard except the beep of a seeker.

I agree with @Gysbert that a colourblindness isn‘t comparable to a annoying tone that could be turn of. The best is turn your earphones silent.

What I wanted to say:
There can’t be a solution (or switch) for everyones problems or disabilities.
If I’m afraid of spiders, there won’t be a “no spiders” switch in spiderman. If I can’t see good at night, there won’t be a “always daytime” switch in games with changing times or which are play always at night. And there won’t be switch for any single sound probably someone has a problem with (i. e. high or deep frequencies).

Accessibility is good of course, but not possible for every situation in every game. Sorry, but that’s a fact.

Sometimes you have to find your own way/solution to solve or avoid a problem.

Just my honest opinion.

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Some games have a option to turn off “tinnitus noises” as a accessibility feature. Don’t understand why that seems to be so controversial in this forum.


Really? Didn’t know that this is possible. That would be a good option of course.

Would you just have written that at the beginning instead of “a switch to turn of the sound of the tvs”… :sweat_smile: :+1:

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Don’t know if it’s just me, but I think there has been adjustments to the static sound from the TVs.

In general the sound volume feels lower and I think that many of the TVs are completely silent after the update even though they are displaying the “war of the ants”.

Anyone else that has noted any/this change?