We need a reset of single missions

AHA, bloody interesting!!!
I thought that meant a harder game mode.
Thank you very much for explaining, sir, much appreciated!

Question though…
Wouldn’t this be for games that have a HUGE Exp pool or HUGE skill tree, which can’t be filled in one go?
Like some RPG have for instance?

Also, if we get a game+… what would be the goal, sir?
I mean, we have both the exp pool filled and the 30 skill points earned in the first ‘round’, no, sir?
For a game as I described above this would make sense, as you have a goal for filling the rest in (exp/skill), but for GZ (as is, note), I can’t see a goal…?

How would you fill this in, good sir?

Please, note, people, I do not try to break the idea down, this is a serious question.
I’ll warn people from now on to avoid mistakes in what I mean and how I put things, and how people sometimes misinterpret my intention…
Just to avoid awkward situations that could’ve been avoided in the first place. :wink:

The point of NG+ is to pretty much to do all missions again with what you gained in the previous playthrough and adjust difficulty if you want. So lets say most of the missions in this game I did on Adventure, now I am at Skirmish. I can do NG+ and keep it at skirmish and do all the starting missions harder now than what it was before.


Ah, thank you, sir. :slight_smile:
Depending how heavy…
Maybe a larger Exp Pool could be brought in…
And level 40, for instance, so one can earn 10 or 20 more skill points…?
Being 1 skill point per 2 or 4 levels?
This way the level-cap haters got something as well? :slight_smile:

Thoughts, sir?

Personally, I agree. I’d like to get a few more skill points. When I started my main character, I didn’t learn about the level 31 cap until I was at about level 20, so I ended up putting a few skill points into things I wouldn’t have had I known about the level/skill cap.

At the very least, I hope they add in the ability to respec your character’s skill tree.

I wonder what the developers justification for the level 31 cap is? I’d imagine it’s probably so that a character doesn’t get so powerful they can mow through the machine army. Or maybe to encourage multiplayer, so each player can cover the others weaknesses.


Take a look at dev stream to know, at 00:10:10,
link: https://www.twitch.tv/videos/437997329?filter=archives&sort=time

And newer one as well, with more explanation, at 00:45:14,
link: https://www.twitch.tv/videos/550826095?filter=archives&sort=time


Game+ IF implemented, could actually be a way to do this.
Game+ people should no longer be able to join regular people… or?
It will greatly disturb their balance, thus fun.
Do you see it differently?
Let us know… :slight_smile:

I’d settle for a newgame+ that simply resets the missions. I really miss going through the missions again, and sort of get that new game feeling (well, kind of anyway). Deleting your save is of course one way, but imho there should be a true ingame alternative. I don’t think a newgame+ should bring any other benefits like earning more skills or anything of that nature, since going through the game from the beginning with a fully decked out character you already have more than enough of an advantage.

So for me, I just miss playing through the story again.

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What balance?
The moment you have a lot of weapons and are level 31 you are not “balanced” anymore for any new players.
Sorry but that is not a valid argument.
And you can always ban someone from your game, I don´t like to play with little kids, other times I want to play alone.
So no, having new game plus or a repeat mission option will not take the fun and bring imbalance.


Sir, if you only delete the characters, you get a full reset EXCEPT for plundra and all in it.
Just saying, sir.

Sir, you answered in your own question.
The whole issue indeed is the inexistent balance.
But oddly…
Even that inexistent balance… can be unbalanced (even further).
Which is what I pointed to, sir. :slight_smile:

@Xogroroth You make no sense, and you are the only one who is making up non valid problems for a request that will not introduce any balance problems at all.
Your experience will remain the same and not suffer any gameplay issues.
If this is one day implemented, the only issues it might bring are new crashes because the game is buggy and every time a update arrives there are new crashes or bugs.
And no one commenting over here wants to delete their characters, because if they wanted that, they already know how to do it.
NEW GAME PLUS or MISSION SELECT is a very NORMAL characteristic from most games since the 2000´s.
It´s not that hard to understand.


Have you actually READ what I said, sir?
No you did not, at all.
I am PRO this, sir!!!

I ONLY said, it might be better that Game+ players would not mix with normal players.
And about that, sir, I asked opinions.

So, take that tone a tad down, sir.

Thank you.

Dear Sir, I surrender, my patience has limits Sir, this conversation is crazy.

And btw CAPS LOCK are also used to give importance to words as it´s this case, not always as insults, interpretation…interpretation.

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8 posts were merged into an existing topic: Please add “New Game”

I love this game. I love the campaign. I wish I could play through it again. But I don’t like deleting my progress. I can’t bring myself to do it. Sentiment, I guess. I really want replayable missions!!!

Same feature request topics merged.


If you’re on PC, you can make manual backup of your save, then delete the original file, so that game progress restarts and you can do missions again. Afterwards when you’re done, just copy/paste your old save back.