Weapon Wheel Megathread

Sounds not bad, but is that something GZ really needs?

Compared to how GZ started, we now already have great possibilities to personalize our inventory and quick access.

Although I think it sounds good, I still think that we’re just fine with what we have now.

Where is the freedom of taking descitions, if you don’t have to take descitions, because you can do everything by quick access or do everything immediatly with just one or two button presses?

I agree with some needed changes regarding binoculars and gas masks and the dpad buttons. But that’s all in general.
Well, I once made a suggestion for a level based weapon wheel and some limitations on what you may place on which slot, but I forgot if it was a seperated topic or inside this megathread.

Finally I must say that this part of the game obviously is the most controverse one, but that’s just because everyone of us has different experiences with other games, a different taste and is used to different settings.

So, here’s the thing: I think there’s a bit of confusion when it comes to the sense of identity and gameplay direction in GZ.

The answer to your question of “is it something GZ needs” is “depends on what players it wants to cover”.

GZ has sort of an inherent identity crisis that’s a topic for another thread, but the gist of it is that it’s a deeply atmospheric game densely packed with environmental storytelling and possibilities for immersive exploration (something that deeply appeals to solo gamers), but at the same time has encounter designs, skill caps/speecializations and a base management endgame that fit far more into a multiplayer co-op PvE thing.

…And while both approaches are valid and technically can coexist, some of the inherent design directions are slightly different.

Let me give some examples:

  • For solo players, the current skill cap is ludicrously low. You have to overspecialize to a degree where you’ll have major flaws that will be very hard or impossible to cover with tactics and/or equipment.
    …However, for co-op players, having 4 people means that if each one specializes on one part of the skill tree, all bases are covered and it becomes a fairly versatile class-based shooter.

  • For solo players, the current carry capacity limits, as well as the storage limits, are also ludicrously low. Even with all the upgrades, 96 is a very low number for when you’re always scrounging for ammo, guns and healthpacks that you either need now, or will need in the future; and when you go back to base to stockpile on ammo, even will all upgrades, it’s easy to reach the cap of your storage chest with spare guns, attachments and a smidge of ammo alone.
    …This also applies to co-op players who like to store spares for trading.
    …But… this is also an inherent challenge imposed into groups of 4 where you need to manage “who’s gonna carry what”, who’s gonna be moving incumbered and who’s gonna run lean, who’ll be the ammo carrier, who’ll focus on throwing lures and traps, etc etc.

…And it’s hard to just “choose one side” because this means alienating part of a player base, which can be a death knell of a multiplayer game – specially one with such a mixed identity.

My suggestion would be finding a way to try to fill both cases:

  • Make the weapon wheel changes I suggested, since they benefit everyone and don’t really cause issues for players who “don’t need more than what already exists”
  • Make it so players in SOLO MODE have far greater limits in cargo capacity and storage, since the current one vastly impedes their normal gameplay loop (and a lot of players resort to… “alternate means” to circumvent those limits)
  • Allowing players to have different skill specs between SOLO and CO-OP modes (with a Solo tree having a far higher skill cap, or no cap at all, and a Co-op tree having the current cap), so players can be the “Jane-of-all-trades” they need to be in SOLO, but also be the specialized class they want to be in CO-OP.

…I should make this exact post its own thread, now that I think about it.

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I like the weapon wheel myself i would like a few more slots to add to or maybe a second weapon wheel for consumables only like healing flares and turrets etc?

At the moment with so many items 8 is a very small amount.

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The amount is sufficient.
Take descitions for your best loadout for every specific situation.

Yes, that’s inventory management… A usual thing in games with an inventory.

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Its hard you need at least 3-4 weapons, 2 turrets and 2 healing… at low levels due to ammo and difficulty… that leaves everything else void basically…

In earlier days we had less of all (weapons, ammo, slots for weapons) and still were able to fight the machines sufficiently.

( :woozy_face: I sound like being old…)


I’m 49 i guess thats old, but for me this game is pretty hardcore to survive… the progression is very slow and the loot drops are mostly garbage and i’m level 11 already… still getting 1 crown trash. thats why i use the dlcs obviously they are vastly superior.

I’m on adventure setting.

For me as a console player the wheel is the worst thing that has ever happened to the game. The old way was much smoother to use. Now in the heat of battle it’s easy to choose wrong item. When everything was assigned buttons that never happened.
And in games like ghost recon you only have three weapons just like the old way in gz. But I know the wheel is here to stay. Unfortunately for us console players.


I think it’s ok for GZ.
It’s hard to compare with other games. We have many types of weapons in GZ, all for different purposes.

And in the heat of a massive battle (i. e. Base assault) I use almost all slots. The old system wouldn’t fit those demands.

  1. Long range/precise shooting: exp pvg
  2. Main combat rifle: exp ag4
  3. Big boom for multiple targets or structures: exp granatgevär
  4. Medikits
  5. Distraction/support: sticky flares, firreworks, autoturret,…
  6. Support: homing turret, flamethrower, …
  7. Backup weapon/equipment: pistol, melee, binoculars, field radio, jammer, tickbomb
  8. Support throwables: grenades, emp

I prepare my setup depending on what and how I plan to do something and whether I play alone or with my mate.

But to defend this I must admit, that compared to earlier days there are now much greater hordes of different types of machines so that often there is no time or place to change the loadout.

That’s the negative about “more, more, more”.
It’s never done with changing one thing to have more of them. More enemies mean you need more or faster ways to fight them.

For the current frequency I have to fight enemies I just would be happy to have a faster reload speed. I already use the skills for that, but game became faster and now reloading is the most disturbing thing. In most cases emptying a magazine/weapon goes faster than reloading. That feels unbalanced.

Speaking about the weapon-wheel there is just one thing I’d like to see changed:
It would be nice to start just with 4 slots and to become able to use more of them with higher character levels or maybe even by learning a skill.

By that leveling up would feel even a bit more rewarding.

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Considering the pre-weapon wheel days, and presenting a scenario where you had the original access to a sidearm and 2 rifles, the “new and improved” weapon wheel only adds 1 extra slot than before. Players simply asked for easier access to more inventory. This is not what we got, and the devs don’t seem to be taking our criticism very well. Ignoring player feedback doesn’t look very good.


There are thousands of players, each with own expectations.

How should a studio fulfill all these?

The community wanted a change and it got a change. Instead of just 2 main weapons and a sidearm we now have quick access to up to 8 weapons… Or whatever you want to place on the slots. Yes, we’re now free to chose what to place on each slot.

Now, as it changed, there are some who don’t like it. The devs already tweaked it after the first feedback.

What’s next in your eyes? Change it every time someone doesn’t like it? Wow, then the devs wouldn’t do anything else for the rest of GZs lifetime.

And you can’t just put a bunch of options into the game to meet every taste. The old system and the new system are incompatible with each other. There may be other systems as well, but here’s the same again.

It’s not just a different UI and another button or trigger that have to be set up. There is a deeper core behind it, that must be well integrated into the whole game.

And the game may limit the possibilities, too.

Ah, well, I’m writing again too much just to explain that this is no request concert. We have ideas, expectations, concrete suggestions, complaints, feedback… and the devs just try to deliver us the best possible experience.

And this can be yours, mine or anyones else. But not everyones.

That’s always the risk for a community-feedback driven game like GZ.