Weapon Wheel Megathread

I don’t miss it.
I got so much used to the wheel that I wouldn’t be able to play the game as it was before.

The sime reason? Because I can easily use so many primary weapons.

I don’t say the wheel was the best descition. Maybe there could be something else. But we shouldn’t just complain, but make sensible alternative suggestions how it could work for all users, no matter if they play on pc, xbox, Playstation or even steam deck.

One important thing I noticed in the last months is the sensitivity of aiming which should have a greater priority. Why? Well, play Call of Duty Modern Warfare 2 for some hours and then switch to Generation Zero and you’ll see.

And this sensitivity (or lack of sensitivity) of the controls affect more than just aiming. It’s driving, using menus, walking around,…

2nd, at least for console players, we need more flexibility for the controls. We should be able to have a set of controls that we’re able to change.

This could also include some control options you but don’t have to use. There could be some options for the dpad. Yes, cycling weapons may be important for some. But if not, why shouldn’t I be able to use them for flashlight, binoculars, gas masks, maybe med kits,… R3 instead could be used for melee attack. Select a melee weapon in inventory and your character could use just by pressing R3.

There could be additional options for the playstation touchpad, too. PC gamers may select (almost) all of their keys on the keyboard or attached gamepads.

But at the end, there is no other way than the wheel that could enable us to select as many weapons as fast.

A solution with less weapons could work, too, but not the way it was before.

I don’t see a need to be able to use 8 weapons. In a big game like Ghost Recon there is no weapon wheel. It uses the same variant as the old system in gz. On Ps4 you switch between your two primary weapons with triangle button and double tap for sidearm. Works awsome.
My feeling is that people just want a wheel because they want the game to be a shoot em up and don’t want to have to make decisions about what weapons to use. Before you had to make plans for an upcoming fights on what weapons to use. And i mp you could make plans for different roles. Now everybody has weapons for all different things that they can encounter. It was better for at least my gaming experience at it was before


I cannot argue with that.

I just look for a suggestion to that I once made. Can take a while…
Ah, it was in this topic

I just wouldn’t like to have a weapon usement/switching like in other modern/more realistic games. We need to find the gap between them and those shoot em ups. Borderlands 3 had a good way…

I recently played the game again on XSX, and it’s still completely frustrating not having quick access to more inventory items on console. If you only have one play style and don’t need more items on the fly, fine. But for those of us that like to mix up tactics on the battlefield and utilize all the new items available through DLC packs, quick inventory access is a chore. It’s been months now and the devs don’t seem interested in console player feedback anymore. Too bad.

Would anyone be interested in the option to upgrade the item wheel to have a 2nd ring? Those who want more access can upgrade. Those who feel no need for it don’t have to. Seems like a win win idea for everyone. Just a thought.

We (on console) cannot quick select less than pc players. Or am I wrong?
8 items with the wheel or with number keys (on pc).

Does anyone remember that I once said, many just want more and more?..

I think the quick select the old way was much smoother on console than this weapon wheel. Now it’s to easy to accidentally select the wrong item in the midst of battle.

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I don’t think it’s handy to press 7 or 8 on a keyboard while moving with wsad. I could even miss lower numbers if I didn’t get used to it.

If I think twice, it wouldn’t be bad to have a weapon wheel/cross on one shoulder button (just for weapons, 4 would be ok (with one for each quick selection buttons) and an item wheel/cross on the other shoulder button, just for useables, 4 would be ok (with one for each quick selection buttons).

In battles you probably don’t use the emotes wheel either, so it could be moved to somewhere else.

The “more” faction of course would cry for 8 selectables per wheel (not just a cross), because there would have been a 8-slot-wheel before, why not after, too…

The wheel keeps on turning.

While I use key 1-5 I find it incredibly handy to just be able to hold down TAB and select what I want on the fly. I use that quite often to switch items. I only wish I could bypass the slow animations like in Half-Life, but it’s not really that kind of game so it’s fine :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:

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On Ps4 it was smooth wheen you had quick access ito 4 items on the crosshair buttons. Instead of adding a wheel they could have opened up them for weapons and not just usables. Because the wheel is a pain in the ass on console. Especially if your controller is getting well used. One of my controllers have drift and the two games that it affects is this one and cities Skylines. In Ghost Recon, World War Z and Assassin creed that I also play at the moment it has no noticible drift

So when my good one is out of juice and I have to play with this controller it is extra difficult to choose the right item. It sometimes choose the one next to the one i want even when I’m doing it without stress playing in.

My good controller works fine in all situations. But in battle when you are in a hurry it’s easy to slip and by accident chose wrong. That mistake was not an issue before the wheel. So my conclusion is that 8 items is to much. The selectable window is to small. And it affects gameplay in a very negative way.

The emotes I have never used except when needed for daily assignment. And that goes for the people I play with as well. It would be better to have usables on that one and just have 4 slots per wheel.


Not being snarky here but do the devs have a proper UI Designer on the team, or are they all winging it taking turns? I think this would be a great example to use during a game development class on what not to do. I would prefer they focus on fixing this core element over adding new content for now. There are many good suggestions in this thread.


In general or in Generation Zero?
My primary controller got a drift on the right stick some weeks ago, too. But just in Generation Zero and not always, and not always in the same intensity. With Call of Duty Modern Warfare 2 I do no have these problems.

Well, in Generation Zero I was able to change the deadzones and now it’s ok.

Of the games I play now it’s only in Generation Zero. But when I played Cities Skylines there was also drift. The camera could start spinning.

In Generation Zero I notice it mostly when using the wheel. I choose something and It ends up being something in the space next to the item I wanted. And sometimes if I let go of the stick the character can slowly start turning.

But when I play other games like Assassins Creed, Rdr2 och Ghost Recon there is no drift. At least not that I’ve noticed.

So I guess this game and cities Skylines are more sensitive or something like that.

Maybe. That would explain slowly drifts of the camera. But drifts like when you’re walking straight ahead and suddenly the camera jumps about 90° left and 45° up, that’s hard to explain.

Changing dead zones or sensitivity in Generation Zero helped a lot. No more extreme drifts since then.

Is there a way to disable to weapon wheel on the PC? My game in now unplayable.

I take 2 steps & it pops up, I fast travel and it appears, I was reading some notes in a safe house and it pops up.

I moved the key from ‘tab’ to the ‘=’ key and the WW shows up randomly to say hello. It’s like Microsoft Clippie & you can’t get rid of it

Did you already try another key?
Did you check your keyboard? Maybe the key got stuck or there is dust under the key.

I tried moving it to a key completely on the other side of the keyboard, cleaned the mouse, air canned keyboard & soft vacuumed

Steam or xbox gamepass version?
Did you try to reinstall the game?

Does it work as intended if you reset the key to “tab”?

I’m a PC type. It still works, but I moved it to the ‘+’ key so I wouldn’t have to deal with it as much…the WW didn’t care

Personally I’m not the biggest fan of the weapon wheel and enjoyed having the two primary and one secondary slot with gear attached to the d-pad. I’ve gotten pretty used to the weapon wheel but it usually doesn’t allow me to work with having more than a medkit and either a grenade or diversion device.

I think that having the option to choose between the past weapon UI setups would be pretty sweet making it more a pick your play style than it already is.

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There’s a few possibilities for adding something that works like the equipment wheel, but that doesn’t limit us to a fixed amount (which is particularly important for people who like to have multiple guns and equipment in hand, and since the current default PC wheel only has 8 slots, that’s… Pistol, SMG, AR, Sniper, Shotgun, Rocket Launcher, Health pack, Lure and… wait, I ran of space for my binoculars…)

And let’s be frank, GZ is a game with lots of inventory options and potential situations, so the last thing you want is having to sift through your inventory window because you need to switch the type of health pack, or to reshufle things because you need a suppressed gun but forgot to put it in the wheel, or NOW you need those sticky flares, etc etc.

So I’d borrow the basic ideas from other games that are also heavy on inventory usage but assume that you can need anything at any time:

1. Metal Gear Solid
Since the very first metal gear, your entire inventory management takes only 4 buttons: “hold to show gun list”, “how to show item list”, and the two buttons to toggle said gun or item on an off your hand.

This has the downside of being fiddly when you need to find something and you have a LOT of stuff on your list, but this can be partially remedied by allowing the player to manually sort the list in a menu, and have shortcuts for a few of those items (on PC that would be the number buttons as usual)

The upside is that since the list goes to infinity, everything on your backpack is there, period.
2. Monster Hunter World
MonHun World takes the basic idea of MGS and merges it with an item wheel for a slightly more complex but also faster to access option, which is a configurable item wheel but with extra tweaks.

In reality, MHW gives you multiple item wheels: “once you toggle the item wheel mode”, you have a wheel (that you hopefully pre-sorted using the inventory menus) that you can select items either by using a stick on a gamepad, or your cursor if you’re on a mouse.

…So far, so same-what-we-have-now. But the trick is: it uses extra buttons to change the currently active wheel . On the gamepad example, you can use the D-pad to have quick access to 4 different item wheels (…or as many as you want if you just use left/right to sift through a list linearly, at the cost of sacrificing quick access). On the keyboard example, you can have your current 1-through-8 buttons, but then use, say, 9 and 0, or “[” and “]” to change to a different wheel, and presto. More items at your disposal, no inventory-sifting necessary.
3. Final Fantasy XIV
This one is hard because I’m not sure if it’s a patented system, and it’s focused more exclusively on the gamepad. It also has a steeper learning curve.

FFXIV uses a system called the “Cross Hotbar”, which is a system that allows you to cycle between three sets of “face buttons” on your gamepad, for a total of 24 shortcuts accessible with at most the press of 2 buttons at the same time. They use this system to allow people to access the whole plethora of skills and magic of an MMORPG class in the limited button space of a PS4 gamepad. And it works! I know lots of people who play with gamepads on PC because they prefer this system over having bars with shortcuts.

…Speaking of bars with shortcuts, for the keyboard and mouse folks, FFXIV also has an option: buttons 1 through = on the keyboard are shortcuts for the main action bar.
…But you can change the current active action bar with another button, meaning the same shortcut buttons can activate different things depending on the active bar.
Any of these 3 options, or refinements of them, could solve the problem of having so few inventory shortcuts; and a lot of them are platform-agnostic.