Weapon Wheel Megathread

im still agaisnt the weapon wheel that i want it removed. its just makes pistol only useful to scrap it.

who do i care about new players? they get free weapons like as being feeded like a dog! and the people who gives free weapons they just duplicate weapons like they feeded nothing to that new players.
it means that new players never used pistols because free weapons.

( just to say that from pc people they dont do that here because theyre having fun getting loot. )

ps4, xbox one and other consoles is the one that im talking about. im xbox one.

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Just curious - why do you care about how other people are having fun in the game?

If you think it’s fun to get high powered weapons at lvl 1 and running around smashing things - then fine!

On the other hand, if you think it’s fun to start from lvl 1, using only what weapons you pick up, limit the weapon wheel to 3 weapons (Marksman rifle, AR/SMG/shotgun and pistol), and limit your inventory by not buying the weight upgrades etc. - then that’s equally fine.

Different strokes for different folks. I just don’t understand why it seems you’re trying to tell everyone else what is the “correct” way to have fun in the game - stuff doesn’t work that way.


new players get free weapons and then they play for 0.5-6 months and then they quit because of lag, too easy, overpowered people, never die because thousands of adrelaline and more lag from experimental ammo.

if the new players was not getting free weapons they will be playing for average 3-18 months it can be longer for people who like shooters game or robots.

if the new players gets free weapons but still plays longer than 6 months theyre going to get bored and then start to duplicate items and gives free items.

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That’s an interesting (and very over-generalizing) theory, that I don’t necessarily agree with.

Anyway, I don’t believe the weapon wheel is going away - neither does the ability to give away weapons.

I don’t know anything about item duplication, nor am I interested in it - but I hope it gets fixed if it’s a serious issue.


the duplicaton has been staying somewhere like 4-9 months im not sure if its fixed but people still say helping new players ( but they just give free weapons and then helps missions to level up the characters.

Well, you at least cannot transfer experimental ammo schematics.

For experimental weapons they just would need to change that you not just become able to find them from lvl 25 on, but that you’re additionally just able to use them from lvl 25 on.

Just some ideas.

Another idea:
Change the wheel that each slot has a special purpose. *

  • Slot 1-4: primary weapon or item
  • Slot 5-6: secondary weapon or item
  • Slot 7-8: just items

Yet another idea:
Bind the available slots at the characters level. *

  • Slot 1-4: Available from beginning
  • Slot 5: from lvl 25 on
  • Slot 6: from lvl 30 on
  • Slot 7: from lvl 40 on
  • Slot 8: from lvl 50 on

*as examples.

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Great suggestions! :sunglasses:

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the another idea sounds fun instead of that just add on sewing station that you upgrade youre backpack to increase slots and you need levels still because higher skill levels = more smarter.
slot 5: 10 lvl to upgrade backpack ( you need resources of course like thread and others. )

that works perfectly it will make people play more longer just for that! because you need too level up alot!

and you can start using when the player is level 25 thats just perfect.

but it feels like the people going to give 5 stars and its still powerful.

And what do players get at levels 40 or 60 or 1000? Gaining skill points stop at level 31 but the carry capacity increase is a choice the player makes with skill points.
For PC players the unlimited use of the 8 slots just happened a few months back and now you guys want to get the limited choices back? Just because you want EVERYONE else to use pistols too? Why stop at pistols, why not limit a slot to just rocket launchers, throwables or only first aid items? One slot that you gain by leveling up that is just for the EXP PVG? Kind of going back to limiting the player’s choices on how they would like to play the game.

I understand the concept of putting training wheels on the controllers for beginners but if they only need to hit 12,3,6, and 9 then they will develop a bad habit of sliding from one direction key to the next and when they get upgraded, they will be hitting the wrong keys all over again. Wouldn’t it be better they learn from the start what keys do what and can put things where THEY want them?

A beginner will start with very limited weapons and supplies to start with, why can’t they customize the keypad keys for themselves?

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Keep calm @JuanEyeJack.
That are just ideas.
And by reading your comment I get the feeling you didn’t read the ones before properly.

With your opinion you’re able to give ideas to improve this idea.
These “training wheels” on the controllers are just something someone on pc always has on keyboard. Not just for 4 slots, but for every slot. And on consoles you still have to open the weapon-wheel to use the quick selection.

If you like to be able change the keybinding, ok, why not. But on console you don’t have this option with gamepads.

A beginner should normally start with very limited weapons. But most feedback I read let me think, that at the point where I just had a möller, a 12G, a meusser and maybe a kpist with limited ammo, others now have dozens of weapons (because of weapon packs) with enough ammo for the archipelago or even a complete set of experimental guns by playing with others who are willing to share.

Many members told that they want back the old system, which was extremly limited. I guess that won’t ever happen.

The idea of upgrading the available slots instead just came by playing borderlands 3, where you can have dozens of weapons but just can use two for a long time, until you upgrade your slots for quick selection.

I just put these together with a little bit of limitation on the slots.

Well, for even higher levels I currently have no finished idea.

Maybe the amount of items per inventory/wheel-slot could be limited, too. 10 until level 10 and 10 more for every 10 levels. That would prevent spamming grenades, fireworks, first aid kits and so on in the early levels and could spare the limited carry capacity. Additionally you would be forced to play a little bit cautious instead of being a day-one-rambo. And you get a constant reward for playing on and on.

Again: just ideas. Like them or not. But instead of becoming cynical give hints to change the idea to a better one. I know you can do better.

This is not a step forward but a step back is what I am trying to express.

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Sometimes you have to step back to be able to see clear/to see everything.

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Maybe ammo is more plentiful now, but when I played before, I used pistols to conserve other ammo types.
But yeah, I’ve been advocating mechanics to make pistols more useful, for example through close-quarters lockon.

Merged threads, since they cover the same feedback regarding the Weapon/Item Wheel.


I mean I still use pistols and the less used weapons because I enjoy the challenge. I almost never use the PVG unless I’m farming for loot or. a new Item. My favorite loadout is the N16, N9, and the Experimental Medkits.

The First thing i didn’t like about the Weapon wheel where how much that it blurred out everything behind it
Also that you could not move while using it, so i opted to use the “number keys” like before, but that showed a big Issue for me: the Loss of the Ability to Rebind weapon and gadget Keys D:

All but the ladder have been changed…
and every time since when there were an Update I’ve always looked to see if the options remind 1-8 have been Re-added, and since it have never been changed… <.<

Can we Please have the Rebinding options back for keys 1-8?
So i can go back to 1-3 (Weapons) F1-F3 (Gadgets) and B (For Binoculars)
as i made that setup within the first 4 hours of playing and stuck with it till the Weapon Wheel were added, because i could not re-config it, not even in an .ini settings file -.-

and switching to Binoculars is still rather clunky, as i at times still hit B instead of 8… -_-

Also Speaking of Binoculars… when will the attached Optic be shows on them?

I was really bummed that a recent update made the left and right D-pad simply equip the next item on the weapon wheel in either direction on consoles. Those D-pad button presses were empty before, which was a total waste, and I was really campaigning for those blank clicks to be quick heal and bino access to keep med packs and binoculars off the wheel to leave room for battle things. I’m just curious, are any console players here using D-Pad left and right on the regular? Or do you find it redundant and no better than using the wheel?

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Exactly this!

A simple and loud: no. (from me)

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While I feel things like the weapon wheel was a good idea, I also feel that some of the old features should have been left in place. For example:

  1. Bring back the sidearm slot, double tap Y or hold to Y to access it, like you had it before.

  2. Allow the Left and Right D-Pad buttons to be keybound, so they can be bound to anything in the consumables tab.

  3. Use the RB/LB to add button combos for various menus. There is nothing as annoying as having every bloody menu being on one button and having to wait the 5-10 seconds for the map to load so I can switch over to the inventory to use something in combat I didn’t already have keybound.

  4. And please for the love of all that is holy, clean up the code.

Due to updates like the weapon wheel, things are running more and more ragged. The FPS drops in the toilet in more than half of the combat engagements, the game crashes when entering heavy populated areas or cities. Have y’all made an incredible game? You betcha, I love this game, even with all the humongous and glaring flaws. When I reffer a friend to this game, I want to hear about the insane adventure and awesome experience, not how they crashed 15-20 times in a night and moved on to another game in frustration.

I want the people I love to spend time with to enjoy this game as much as I have in the past and present, but these bugs, glitches, and crashes are showing WAY too often.


Wait, wait… GZ has a weapon wheel? :crazy_face:

Seriously though, I just use the 1-8 keys on my keyboard. Not sure I’ve even tried the wheel yet. Hotkeys are always faster. (PC gang advantage.) :wink: