Weapon Wheel Megathread

Im trying to find the ideal setup for the wheel as I can’t select weapon in any of the corners using the analog stick it always reverts to 12, 3, 6 and 9 o clock regardless of the fact I was blatantly hovering over intended item. Plus its a crappy thing to have popup and navigate during a battle with 30 odd robots…you kinda get shot to pieces if you try to fumble with it too long. I literally memorise my load out, give them all numbers and count he taps left and right when im rushing lol works most of the time for me lol but its ridiculousI have to do that tbh.

I feel as though in 2022 we shouldn’t have to get used to something as trivial as a weapon wheel in a multi platform release :joy: if this was some dude working by himself on an indie game I wouldn’t be so critical. The devs should just hild their hamds up and say “fair play, we f*cked up” and fix it no questions asked. Half arsing something into the game isn’t enough for me anyways, I dunno about you folks?

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I don’t know how long you play Generation Zero. This weapon-wheel has been release this year. If you have played the game hundreds of hours with the old system you, of course, first have to get used to it.

It may not be perfect, because it’s a thing which has been added years after the release of the game, because we players wished to get another system. The way it was designed may not fit everyones demands and taste and it may not have been easy to do it for the devs, too, because it changes their original game design.

We can be happy to play this game where the devs react on whishes of the community and add new features and content, or we can be happy if we have a game that doesn’t change that way and take it as it is. But never all of us will be satisfied.

Of course, the way it works for Generation Zero is a risky way. There are many different oppinions, many descitions to make, many risks for bugs to appear, as there always are changes that go deep into the code and change something which was originally designed in another way.

But I am happy to be part of this community and that I found this game, which gives me fun now for about 2 years. There are not many games that did that.


I do. I’ve been playing the game for two years man. I think I’m a little more experienced then you. I think you just need to get used to all the quirks of the wheel.

He’s been playing for 2 days.

more play time = more correct

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It kinda does apply in this situation though. He’s complaining about a feature that takes time to get used to. When the weapon wheel was first added it took me a while to get used to it. He just needs more time to mess around with it.

“I can’t select weapon in any of the corners using the analog stick it always reverts to 12, 3, 6 and 9 o clock regardless of the fact I was blatantly hovering over intended item.”

If this issue is happening than that is a development problem. Idk why someone needs to “get used to it”


I would be interested to see a video about what @zombiebrains87 describes. I can’t imagine how it always could jump “back” to 12,3,6,9 o’clock.

Does it happen like that?
You have a weapon at 12 o’clock selected, try to switch to lower right, but it stays at 12 o’clock? Or does it even change to 3 or 6 o’clock, or maybe 9?

Maybe it’s just a false usage.
Of which system are we talking about?

Normally it works like:
Hold R1, move the stick to what you like (i. e. lower right) and hold it while releasing R1.

If you release the right stick too early, the selection returns to the starting point and the previously selected weapon stays.

Btw, while writing about that I agree that it would be more user friendly if there would be at least a delay for the return or if the selection wouldn’t return.

Well of course one will eventually get used to the wheel, after all I’ve been playing with the old weapons system since early 2020.
But the thing is, I can’t figure out what was wrong with the old system in the first place.

Yeah sure, listen to the popular demand and so, but would it really be impossible to make it optional along with a ”classic mode”?
Maybe it is really difficult to implement, I don’t know.

One detail that I personally think would be an improvement is having some sort of ”snapping” as you scroll through the wheel.


A classic mode would be the same definition as a harder mode. There are many situations now where you just need more guns quickly selectable. Or equipment.

That wasn’t as needed before landfall.

Well it’s just my opinion.

But they could enhance the old system by skills which could give you access to more quick selection places, like it is in borderlands 3 for example.

Optional, of course.

Well, to me the wheel isn’t the fastest way. But agree to disagree I guess. :slight_smile:

I’ve played this game a lot on Ps4 and I still hate the wheel. In my opinion it is total crap. Before the wheel on console I had 4 items plus 3 weapons. And I could fast and easy switch between them in a fight. Now it takes to long and in a fight I sometimes choose the wrong thing. In old system I shot up all 3 weapons then head for cover and reload. Now I use only one weapon before taking cover and reload because it takes to long and is to clumsy to switch weapons in a fight. A big game series like Ghost Recon use the same weapon system as old Gen Z and it works as intended. The only reason People want a wheel is so they can carry 8 weapons ready at the same time. Make it an option please.


This is how someone describes a car with issues, you know that right? “yeah it drives good once you get used to it” translates directly to ‘bear with the issue long enough and you’ll forget’.


That’s just an opinion.
If you are used to use something for a long time but then have to use something different, you have to get used to it to be able to use it as intended. That’s the way evolution works for billion of years.

Well, some may represent the point of view that they don’t have to change their behaviour because if something doesn’t work as they are used to, it must be broken. That’s the easy way of an (or many) individuals.

Evolution don’t have to be perfect.
But there are ways to improve it or to make the best out of it instead of just complaining.
Evolution is a process, not just a descition.

While I understand your point, a control scheme isn’t evolution. It’s a mechanic and there more than likely is an optimal solution for ease of use, even then some will always prefer it a different way.

If we were talking about a skill that requires a significant time investment, then I’d agree. But, from my point of view, a ux feature should be as seamless and quick to learn as the notification bar on your phone.

Nobody needs to take 3 months to get used to their notification bar, within a day or two you’re instantly able to disable wifi, flashlight, Bluetooth, mobile data, etc. all from one hub with minimal hands-on experience.


You maybe wonder, but even that depends on every personality.
After the last update on my huawei the notification bar changed completly. Still after month I swipe at the wrong place to access for example the flashlight. But even if that happens, I think it’s better now than before.

On my 3 year old iphone instead I still don’t know exactly how to quick access every setting.

But the weapon-wheel was something I got used to within a few hours of playing.

I don’t say that there might no be a better way, but it works for me ok.

But I agree that there might be some things that could be improved, at least for overall user experience (from beginning to lategame).

I don’t think the wheel is going away.

But there are always ways to improve upon it.


im still agaisnt the weapon wheel that i want it removed. its just makes pistol only useful to scrap it.

who do i care about new players? they get free weapons like as being feeded like a dog! and the people who gives free weapons they just duplicate weapons like they feeded nothing to that new players.
it means that new players never used pistols because free weapons.

( just to say that from pc people they dont do that here because theyre having fun getting loot. )

ps4, xbox one and other consoles is the one that im talking about. im xbox one.

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Just curious - why do you care about how other people are having fun in the game?

If you think it’s fun to get high powered weapons at lvl 1 and running around smashing things - then fine!

On the other hand, if you think it’s fun to start from lvl 1, using only what weapons you pick up, limit the weapon wheel to 3 weapons (Marksman rifle, AR/SMG/shotgun and pistol), and limit your inventory by not buying the weight upgrades etc. - then that’s equally fine.

Different strokes for different folks. I just don’t understand why it seems you’re trying to tell everyone else what is the “correct” way to have fun in the game - stuff doesn’t work that way.


new players get free weapons and then they play for 0.5-6 months and then they quit because of lag, too easy, overpowered people, never die because thousands of adrelaline and more lag from experimental ammo.

if the new players was not getting free weapons they will be playing for average 3-18 months it can be longer for people who like shooters game or robots.

if the new players gets free weapons but still plays longer than 6 months theyre going to get bored and then start to duplicate items and gives free items.

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