Weekly stream - summary request

also a reaper might not be necessary, from watching the video, unless there’s another special

That was likely a bit of miscommunication on that twitter post regarding the event. Itll just be the machines that Carni mentioned on Stream

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i like the gnome mask :face_with_monocle: it will fit good with the lunar jacket, good clothing combo

maybe the reaper mis-communication was for the selma event :rofl: maybe the Reaper ate all the semla, and that’s were semla is, lol

I totally misspoke about it being 9th-13th! It’s of course 9th-24th. Sorry about that, there are a lot of dates going around right now.


I wonder if Semladagen & Valentines Day are both celebrated, :smiling_face: , instead of those nasty chocolates from Walmart, how about a Selma instead, a sweetie for your sweetie, I don’t think they sell them from were im at, always playing the game & always seeing stored away Selma in my Plundra always makes me hungry, lol

i guess the selma event starts tomorrow, Feb 13, be looking for those plates with them on it

Am I wrong, or were we supposed to get a resistance report last Friday?

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No, you’re right. That’s what Carni announced.
Well, maybe he was confused with this date, too. :joy:
@SR_Carni what’s up? :wink:

A lot of dates floating around, but also busy times! There will be one this week :slight_smile:

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it’s Feb 13 :smiling_face: and found 4 already

Just a few words:

  • Next update announced for tomorrow, 11 am.
  • free anniversary skin pack available tomorrow, 11 am.

The skins can be obtained by killing machines next to working radios/boomboxes.

The machines will have a different cosmetic?
Any hint to what the update brings besides the skins?

Skill system changes?
Mountain Revamp
New enemy?

Carni said that there were some hints/spoilers in the past weeks.
At least we know that we’ll get the feature to ping locations and machines.

With that we can tell our team-mates where to go or what to attack. And with “team-mates” the companion is included! :tada:

There will also be tons of fixes and some other improvements, like a new source for more wood.

Ash had some words about new enemies. She said that it’s very difficult to create a totally new enemy, but the chance for some variants of existing machines is there. Not now, but maybe in the future. I didn’t get everything they said as I just heard to the stream while doing something else, but they talked about seeker-companions and a soviet boss-rival (advanced firebird?). Best, you take a look at the video by yourself regarding that.

They also talked about adding some more narrative, but again I’m not sure if they said something like if we could expect a story DLC in the future.

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A super Firebird would be a nightmare because its not that easy to shoot them.

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I know what you mean.
On consoles, or when aiming with a gamepad, even fighting a lvl4 rival speznaz firebirds can be way more challenging than fighting a reaper.
It’s hard to dodge, it’s almost impossible to hide and they can be hard to hit while moving. And if they don’t move, they shoot.

And not to forget that in most cases some hordes of Lynx are nearby, too, and they are way more deadlier than those rocket runners the reaper spawns.

I don’t want to imagine what special abilities a firebird-boss could have…

I also dont like on PC to fire at fast air moving targets…
its not only that, the terrain is full of trees, at least most of the firebird spawns have lots of them.

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and I already tried getting already today, March 23 - April 7, the date listed on the bottom of thumbnail :roll_eyes: they already said that the date was wrong, written there, no worries, ill get them tomorrow

can the boomboxs & radios work with anything enemies :blush: even the seekers, does anyone know, either way, it will fun :grin: throwing radios at every seekers in sight

Didn’t notice it yet, but yes, they said that the date changed some Times and Carni excused for the “mistake”. If I’m not wrong he also talked about the 28th, but correctly said “tomorrow”.