Weekly stream - summary request

big company meeting happening at that time.


Pfh, they just want to fika in peace.

Refering to google a fika just normally takes 15 to 45 minutes. Must it really be during the date of the stream? :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

Currently the weekly stream almost is the only way to get some news. We’re waiting for an update, for a roadmap for 2023 and for a dev-letter. If at least the last one would be published, many players patience-meters would becalm a bit.

Know what I mean? We’re nervous.

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No need to be. I know that I can’t provide any details but, I know the devs are busy bees for a reason. Once the road map comes, you’ll see. :+1:


Sounds like we can expect something great.

I’m the kind of player who will wait for the end of a game’s development before finally playing it for real. I did that with Before We Leave and I had no regret.

I’m kinda doing the same thing with Generation Zero, as it seems they are still implementing new mechanics and polishing the game. :man_shrugging:

I read a few comments about how the numerous updates messed with the tone of the game; with its atmosphere… I know it happened with No Man’s Sky, which I loved during Year One, up until big updates which transformed the game I liked… This game from Hello Games is why I’m being cautious with Generation Zero. I don’t want to sink 100+ hours into a game which will suddenly become an entirely (or even slightly) different one after a few updates.

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The way how they actually work is in a CIA style “we are working on something but cannot tell”… I mean there is a new community manager, I would expect continuous communication towards community from someone with such title, or am I expecting too much?

This silence sucks.

No updates (working on, cannot tell)
No roadmap (working on, cannot tell)

IF I went tom my clients and told them I am working on updates AND a roadmap, they would kick me out of the door because HOW I can working on updates without a roadmap ??

I don’t get this :-/


Well, there always is an internal and external roadmap. And as there are different departments for different tasks (bugfixing, story-/content-updates, DLC… Or whatever) they will all have another own internal roadmap.

I can see that the new community manager has to bring all these together to create a publishable roadmap.
I can also see that they want to publish the roadmap as a promise of what will come, not as a list of what they are planing or trying to do. So the infos should all be in dry tovels.

Carni told that he plans to release an official dev-letter… And I wonder what takes so long… It doesn’t have to be perfect, even if it’s his first one. It even isn’t limited to one per month. So why don’t he tells what he can and may tell in a short letter and updates it as soon as he has more secured information.


Heyo! The dev letter will go out tomorrow :slight_smile:
I understand that hearing no news for a longer period of time than you’re used to can be worrying but please understand that game development takes a LOT of time and a month is basically nothing in its scope.
Official statements take a lot of time and effort to formulate because we don’t want to say anything that could be misunderstood and we can’t make promises in areas where we haven’t made final decisions yet. I hope you’ll find some clarity tomorrow!


Thx man. I’m excited.

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Story DLC, Story DLC, Story DLC…

Hey, I dont have any issues with you, we are always waiting for updates, and some of them often break something that is fixed later, but i dont agree with what you said.

The game is almost the same as it was before.
You have many weapons and ammo types, some machines, you destroy them all, there is a beautiful countryside and you can die easily, that is the “basic game experience”
The rest that is new , the crafting and schematics, you dont even need to do anything, you can pretend they dont exist, you dont need to use them if you wish, you can get anything from machines and environment.

I also dont see a problem with No Mans Sky, it lacked too many stuff in 2016 when i bought it, its a lot better now, a LOT BETTER, dont even remember one thing i miss about the old versions.
There might be a few other games (like Stellaris) where they changed the game base mechanics and i could understand your position there, but not with these 2 games, besides that…are we supposed to wait 5 or 8 years till a game is finished to play it?
Life often gets more complicated, busy…and you never know whats around the corner.

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I don’t share your level of concern though…

Why? Because “No public roadmap” doesn’t mean “no internal roadmap”.

Oh… It seems someone else made the same point. :wink: :+1:

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An absolutely epic end to the stream with a whole batallion of Hunters, and we emerge victorious.


No stream today… :warning:

No stream indeed, @SR_Carni has taken vacation.

Hope it’s not the same vacation as Pontus took. :thinking:

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Haha, I sure hope not! Carni does a fantastic job as CM.

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Yes, he does indeed.