Weird Disembodied Machine Sounds - Audio heard from dead and despawned machines

Firstly hope this is posted on correct thread if not sorry ! Ghost machine noises so bad today in mountain region, even relay beacons, ticks seems to be making tank noises after kill, I understand this is an old bug but is seems to have worsened and makes tracking machines harder …I play on PS5 which is much better game experience apart from this , anyhow hoping for a final fix :woozy_face::+1::+1:

Whenever I kill a lot of enemies, it sometimes happens that I can hear the thumping and howling noises a tank makes, although no (living) enemy is around at the time. It happened to me twice and to my friend once. Only one of the two players can hear this.

Either dead Seekers or destroyed Relais Antennas make this sound, and it is extremely creepy, cause you await the appearance of a tank, but no tank will come.

I can’t post an image as there is only sound to be heard, and I don’t have an audio recording tool.

I play the game via internet connection with my friend hosting the game. We are two players in total, and we play on PC.

It happened to me first, near a church.
Here are a few, but pretty much recognizable data about the church.

  • Normal Church with the side expansions
  • Bike Station near shed on the altar side of the church
  • In front (Towerside) of the church is a small, raised plattform with a steep decline behind a stone wall (a few cubic stones forming a bow)
  • To the right side of church is a bigger city with a gas station

These details (with the help of a map) let me to Alby Church, which fits the description.
The town should be Hagat then.

In front of the church was a Relais Antenna as well as some Seekers, Hunters and Runners.
After my friend and I were done with them, I started hearing the sounds of a Tank howling and trampling, but no Tank would show up.
The nearer I moved to the destroyed Relais Antenna (I think there was a destroyed Seeker nearby as well), the sounds got much much louder. I was the only one who was able to hear this, as my friend was quite confused and couldn’t hear those sounds.

The next time it happened it was in the middle of an open field, everything near was a single, destroyed Seeker, and this time the Seeker was clearly emitting the sounds. Again my friend couldn’t hear what was going on.

The next time it switched though. We had (again) destroyed a bunch of enemies, this time containing no Relais Antenna, but a few Seekers. The only person to hear it this time was my friend, and it chilled him to the bones.

I don’t know exactly, if Seekers are the reason for this bug, but it is purely annoying and it can’t be disabled. The sound intervals seem to be the ones of a normal Tank.

Please take a look at this.

Your’s cincerely,

Jonas Bauch

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Same issue topics merged.


There are plenty of gameplay recording programs out there. Personally, i’m using OBS Studio.

Hmm… yes, I noticed that, too. This sound phenomenon sadly seems to happen more frequently again…

Playing on PC

While i’ve heard these astral projected sounds essentially since day 1, i still find amusing hearing them. :grin: Mainly because then i can enjoy and listen the sound itself, without being occupied with something else, e.g staying alive.

I have tank noises happening too, whenever do a fight near the resistance hotel, I will start to hear not one, but TWO tanks stomping around. it’s usually near the cargo truck in the back on the slope and when I walk toward the sound I can get to the point where it seems that I’m right on top of it, which leads me to believe that the tanks are underground which is sad because they’re apoc and I want to get their loot.

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This bug is very common, sadly there not there , this happens all over the map for me since day one!

I’ve had a similar experience, where I just encounter a pair of floating fires from Seeker engines

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I thought this would’ve been fixed by now…
But it was definitely a shock grinding in the farmlands when I passed by a farmstead that hadn’t been burnt to the ground and I heard disembodied Tank noises, I actually jumped ngl because I wasn’t expecting it

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I’m actually an active advocate regarding fixing this issue, and I make sure to press it whenever I’m in contact with the devs. No word, so far :man_shrugging:

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I mean this is the same deal as the grenades sticking to the model or just not even being thrown at all.
An issue since launch and it hasn’t even been touched yet.

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It won’t stop me from trying, though! The more things fixed, the better. If there is time, of course.

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I’m the one who created the thread when the bug first appeared. The more people that chime in on this issue, the more attention it gets and the more priority it’ll have for being fixed. I’d appreciate if you didn’t redicule me or others for agreeing on the issue.

I often play GZ with headphones, and learn to listen to my surroundings. Avalanche Studios games have always prided themselves on providing excellent sound design, so it really works.

With this bug, not only does it disrupt gameplay in an unintended way, it also breaks the immersion that the game does so well to establish.


The yellow house, I can hear a tank, it sounds like it’s right on top of me. But there’s no tank anywhere around. I’ve had a couple of battles, put a boom box out, and the sounds never change. It’s the sound of a tank just hangin’ out, not walking.yellow house

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It’s the sounds of past killed tanks, coming back to haunt you. :grin:

Other hearings of such ghosts are here: Weird Disembodied Machine Sounds - Audio heard from dead and despawned machines, so, you’re not alone in this. :smiley:

I heard these sounds also, and the first few times I really was trying to find those tanks. :rofl: But now if it happens I just think ghost tank and move on.


Moved to relevant thread.


Hi, has anyone noticed loud engine noises under the ground in the farm region? It is kind of annoying as there are no enemies. Also, now the downed machines carry on making noises which confuses the situation when you are hunting.

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Thanks for reporting this. It’s an old bug relating to a report I made roughly a year ago so I’m moving the post there. I’m a big supporter of getting this issue fixed, so it’s worth bumping the thread.


Two posts today! This scared the hell out of me. It took a while to upload the video, but he’s still there, making noises. I think it spawned when a Rival appeared? I’m not sure how long he’s been there, though, I was just farming easy difficulty defense missions for Rival levels