[Weird Terrain] Dump miscellaneous terrain issues you see here!

PC, Steam

Description and Images:
Broken terrain in the Archipelago Region:

A rock clipping through staircase:

Many locked trucks have openable containers with floating locks, here’s an example of 2 of them in the Forest Region:

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Windows 10, Intel i7-2600K, 16GB RAM, NVidia GTX 1070

Mix of bad meshing and terrain to be improved

multiple items meshing together, also FNIX items clipping in with pre-existing barn props

roofs of the barns are slightly unrefined, but is low priority due to the likelihood of people getting atop them

Here are a few floating objects, either the truck is missing or they have lifted into the air. (I put my companion underneath it for better visibility.The location is in the forest region.

There is an invisible barrier right in front of the airplane in the Anl 144 Vidsele Safehouse

Forest Region, floating things in the middle of the road. Apparently a car or truck is missing.

The ladder to the roof of the green building in Boo Bruk AB is barely usable. It feels blocked since one of the recent updates (like so many other places).

It might feel blocked but it isn’t actually blocked, at least not for me. Ladders have always been a bit awkward. Just press forward and spam jump. :coffee:

Yeah, that’s what I do nowadays (just to get sometimes catapulted back through the air). But this ladder actually was working fine for the longest time, just like many others, so I thought reporting would not hurt. I am also looking for a door to a garage that felt blocked by an invisible ‘hump’ that I had to jump over. Somehow movement feels a bit sticky/stumbly for some time now. I wonder what happened to the map (see also my post above regarding the Anl 144 Vidsele Safehouse).

Two white lines in a shed in Rusksele. If you stand right above one, there is also a strange lighting effect on your weapon. Looks a bit like missaligned assets.

Yes, I think the barn prop comes in two pieces. Looks like it hasn’t been aligned completely.

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A post was merged into an existing topic: [Terrain Holes] Dump 'em here!

The pond by this base assault/defense with the dead bodies can be entered and walked around in. Though going in too far will cause the usual reset to land to happen. Also no, you are not safe from enemies in here, but shooting them while inside it is kinda trippy.

And yet another barn in the vicinity of Stenmyra with white lines and weird lighting:

Found these running around, not sure if they’ve been spotted

Bush clipping inside of shed:

Ground clips inside of a garage:

Another bush clips inside of a shed:

Part of building collides with a shed:

Weird road texture

The whole driveway from Sandbo to the road is messed up with both terrain problems and texture problems, would take multiple screenshots to show all of it.

Oflyt? This must be a secret submarine dock.

i lost a rival due to falling threw ground before, long time ago. approaching the rival, & rival had been destroyed :woozy_face: and then I fell threw map because that part of the map didn’t load correctly for some reason, it stayed that way until I restart game

Brand new Showdown thing bellow Veronicas new hideout house in Klinte.

Did a run from house to house for some loot and basement at the apartment building looks like this now.

Maybe its a feature! :joy:

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