[Weird Terrain] Dump miscellaneous terrain issues you see here!

Please post this in Floating Objects, thanks :slight_smile:

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This specific rock was already mentioned there.

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Oversize hitbox on northern end of the wooden bridge in Kalleby:


Just had a weird one at Torsburger Safe House. Exited and immediately fell through the landscape onto a dock below, which when I walked away, I came thoufgh the cliff face and the dock was behind. Funny. Walked towards the trucks and the whole area in front of the concrete was fall-through. Eventually, I found a piece of concrete that i didn’t recognise, because it is normally behind a cliff face. Finally took a screen shot.

First one is edge of ground, second is two yards to the left of the first (the other side of the cliff) and the third, another shot of it. But everything round the dock that wasn’t concrete was fall-through and when I came out and tried to go back up the ramp, suddeny “Run Left” was permanently pushed so I rushed round in circles until i quit the game to desktop. I normally come here, so it’s since the update I downloaded yesterday evening.


Later on in Torsburger, I found this at the bottom somewhere - what looks like a white sheet is well, a white sheet, one molecule thick, and two feet high, dividing the stairs in two. It cannot be crossed.




This was reported earlier in a specific location; I can now confirm that ALL staircases in bunkers like the one pictured have the same issue; the top-left corner is not solid and can be clipped through. This is fairly gamebreaking in many aspects so here’s hoping this’ll be fixed soon.

Example location; but it seems ALL staircase areas have this issue.


@Zesiir. Hopefully not too soon. :wink: I’ve tried to use this glitch in an attempt to catch Runners “phasing” through walls in the act. But since they lost their minds with the September update it hasn’t been successful (they basically don’t move around in combat mode when you’re out of sight). It would somewhat be a shame if that opportunity gets lost before that phasing bug gets fixed. :slight_smile:


There is a whole wall missing from the Inn by the coast (the one from the mission " Last Stand"):


A dead soldier buried in the ground:



Every gate door at this farm has some sort of invisible “pole” in the exact middle of the opening. You fit fine between the invisible pole and the edge of the gate, so it’s not a huge issue. But there’s certainly something there.

Simple bench-in-the-ground.

The road is floating above the ground in the first picture. The third picture shows the same thing happening with the dirt at that same intersection.


Ah, I posted this in the terrain hole thread. Will remove ithere.



Incomplete lake in Farmlands:


Lilla near Östervik - gate opens through hedge


Some more…


Tornberget near Östervik - garage door blocked by hedge

Östervik - Containers in containers

Björkhagen near Östervik - Fence slices objects

Björkhagen near Östervik - Front door has no “handle” (house cannot be entered)

Same on an indoor door in the neighbouring house

And again same house

Weird texture in the same area

Underground storage

Floating conduct

Lövnas (North Coast)

Viskandets Bord - Floating stone wall

Hermelinen Bunker - Black texture patch

Hagaboda - Natural carpet

Hagaboda - Floating ground texture

I am really disappointed about that one. I was so sure to find a collectable at the end of this limb. :wink:


Hagaboda - Yikes!

This is low, even for GZ. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

Hagaboda - Safe house bed

Stenmyra/Bridge - Flipped car stuck in ground

Marshlands - Bunker wall not meeting the ground

North or Nilssons Marinbygg

Norrmyra/FOA 2 locked ammo hut

Ängsnäs Manor - Invisible wall (right where I stand, cannot walk forward)

It is like a pole, you have to hit it exactly.


Me and many others have helped and posted tremendously to clean the old map up. Now we have the DLC and this stuff continues?! I really don’t understand.

Bergsfrugrottan cave - Soldier in the ground

Vrakudden - Person in ground

Marksätern - Invisible wall


South Coast region, big barn

Plank sticking out, visible on both sides;

At the same loc, just outside, there’s missing door;


And a weird texture behind the missing door.


Marshlands region, FOA2 ammo storage

Terrain clipping through. Visible only on this side.

Mountains region, store building

Big windows aren’t rendered when certain distance of it away.

Moving a bit closer (about 37m of it) and window renders.

Same with 2nd window.

And 3rd window.

That building is just South of my loc.