So I have been trying to grind out a reaper and I can’t help but notice that I struggle finding Tanks and Harversters. This has become so annoying to the point where I sometimes just wanna give up because I spend 30 minutes finding a tank [or harverster] and then less then 5 minutes defeating it. I think that enemies should respawn everytime you re enter the game or atleast respawn more reguraly because this is getting frustrating. Maybe add a option to choose how long it takes for machines to respawn. I werent too sure if I should post this in feedback or general but I decided that this fits more in feedback.
Too clerafy this is not an attack against the devs, I love there work and has ever since the game lanched back in march 2019 and I will both follow and play the game for a long time ahead. This is merly some critique to make the game more fun and enjoyable for me aswell as the rest of this community.