Why people use bugs on this game? ( making themselves easier)

why? just why people try the hell out of it to get bugs to make it easier for themselves? i know people are different but the stupid idea of people being different to find bugs, to have an unfair advantage against enemys.

like bro thats different? I don’t think that is different. i think that counts cheating. example max level on all skill tree, or new players getting free weapons from random people to have easier difficulty allowing the new players to kill any types of robot without a struggle. or worse having infinite storage from mules? whaaaat why so many people do that? its unreasonable for making it easier.

the most annoying thing i got angry about is developers allow the bugs to be kept! because of annoying bug people and some others too!

what can we say about this? its ruining the gameplay for alot people that they dont realize.
( i missed spelled alot so i edited a little. )

which one is the best choice to remove now
  • fix all of them!
  • fix all of them but keep the mules.
  • fix the problem of new players getting free stuff.
  • keep the bugs.
  • i dont see the problem of those bugs

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What bugs are you talking about, specifically? Or are you referring to certain exploits, or mods?

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the bugs i said are the most common ones ive seen if theres more then you can choose to say it or not.
so pretty much exploits bugs that makes people easier to play.

A mule is not a bug.
It’s something that grew up with the game by giving us 4 characters with a shared plundra.

But I agree that this is a thing that shouldn’t be in the game anymore in some way. Each character should start with his own plundra. But I don’t know how easy this could be realized or if something else could be touched by this.


It’s a different generation of expectations in gaming.


I think he’s talking about the fact that you can duplicate items by giving your items to a new player, and then you can restore your savegame manually.

There isn’t any way to prevent this, if people want it. But I don’t see why it’s a problem for you how other players play the game.

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I think it’s not a matter of how some play the game.

In my eyes, using glitches and bugs for your or someone else benefit is not equal to playing the game. It’s abusing the game. Cheating.

And for cheating it doesn’t matter if someone else is harmed actively.
That’s why I and others care about the question why people do that. Why should I start a game if my intention isn’t playing the game as it is meant to be played?

I guess it’s a matter of personality. Maybe of generation, too. At least my mind isn’t able to give a logical answer to that.


I agree. It should be no problem.


The problem here is when cheats/mods/exploits spills over to the multiplayer experience, which I have mentioned numerous times. As for what people do to their own, singleplayer experience is up to each person imho.
As for item duping, it’s inevitable that some will use it considering how the game currently works, but in the end, that particular “glitch” isn’t really that important. What gets to me the most is when players can use the grenade launcher like a machinegun, with unlimited ammo, meaning they can take down even the reaper in a matter of seconds. That thing has messed up my multiplayer experience so many times I’ve since stopped playing multiplayer at all.


As there already is the Apex connect, one part of an solution could be:

  • Save the player progress and the characters (inventory, plundra, ressources, challenges, collectibles,… no more shared plundra) online at the apex connect account.
  • synchronize with local safegame
  • if local safegame is older than online safegame, use online safegame (overwrite local)
  • if local safegame is newer than online safegame, use local safegame (overwrite online, if lost connection to internet for enabling to play offline without losing progress)

Or did I miss something?

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Omg, so now people can’t stand the PC-player’s ability to load an older game-save, for when they want to replay older missions. :thinking:

Stop trying to find solutions that will only benefit your wishes, try to manage your own game, and who you play with. I don’t want my carefully saved save-games to be overwritten.


If you don’t know the difference between bugs and mods…

It’s no built-in ability to load older games safes.
It’s not a feature.

Btw, console players may do the same currently. (copy safegame file to usb-drive, or back)

Would you even call hacking the game an pc-players ability to change the game like they want?

It’s not a solution for my benefits. I try to find solutions for the initial problem the creator of the topic mentioned.

With this solution I would try to stop abusing the games filesystem for whos ever benefit.

Another btw: if one wants to replay an older mission, one is now able to start a new game in a new world.

Another possible benefit:
By saving the progresses directly online the risk of data corruption of the local safegame could be lowered.

Arrrgghhhhrr :face_vomiting:

Doesn’t Steam already back up the save game files if allowed to do so? And that is where a corrupt file can come from. You load a corrupt file to play, it doesn’t load, but because you had to log into steam it also saves that corrupt file. Then even the BAC save becomes corrupt, so you have no choice but to delete the save files and restart from the beginning.

I don’t see how the Apex account login and saving the same files would prevent that from happening also.

A lot of the backing up of the sav/bak files is from the game not having a method built in from the date it went live. Also, it wouldn’t be necessary to do manual backups if the game didn’t crash so much and lose place/time/corrupt the files, missions don’t work correctly and so on. A lot of games that already have backup service built in, allow to load older copies and still play in multiplayer, online games . But they also have anti-cheat/mod/trainer programs built into to prevent cheating in multiplayer.

Starting a new game is not the same as using a save file that is the reaper spawned in the arena or any other event that was fun to play the first time and go back and play it again possibly with friends. Which, for some of us, maybe a lot of us, it is what makes Gen Zero so much fun to play.

Other than the skill and weapon mods used in public co-op games none of the OP issues have to do with changing one’s personal game at all.

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That would be horrible.
If it wasnt for some savegames i saved in an USBflashdrive i would have lost everything because of the bugs the devs did not fix!
So no, no online savegames.
Its already bad some games require you to be online all the time.

Yes, it is.
Just was an idea. Just looked for a way to be safe for manipulated safegames.

So guys, if you complain about something or don’t like something or see an issue in some situations, don’t just mention it, try to find a solution and discuss about others.

A simple “fix it, doesn’t matter how, but fix it” doesn’t lead to a solution or a solution “most” can live with.

Yeah, no.

There is no way anyone should remove my ability to manipulate my own save (especially if I affect literally zero people). I have used this multiple times to replay the game before a ingame replay feature was added. It took 3 yearsa for that to happen. Not even mentioning the main reason I do this, to backup my saves against the game destroying your save.

I can see an argument against using mods within MP lobbies. It could allow people to troll easier. This can be fixed with an actually good in-game matchmaking/joining system.

At the end of the day some people get way too bothered by something that affects them so little. Who cares if I mod something stupid in, make my weapon spam rockets, get all skill-points, or even infinite storage? It does nothing to you/

The devs say themselves this game is community driven on their website, what is more community driven than doing these things if you want to?


from my way to fix that is when is. if specific players left and have dropped something it will despawn in few seconds.

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Yeah, that pretty much sums up my opinion about it. Do what you want, as long as you’re aware of the risks, and don’t force it on others like in multiplayer. Other than that, we’ll have to agree to disagree with certain aspects. I know it’s a term I use a lot, but it’s a good foundation for a discussion forum.

Most of us here know why modding and such isn’t a popular subject here. That also goes for exploits, and communicating such is against the forum rules.

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