Why people use bugs on this game? ( making themselves easier)

whot? you don’t care about the problems that bugs exist for an year and could be longer. and you dont see the problem?

from what im saying is the bugs i said they exist for the longest time ever from bugs. i could be wrong but thats critical! because when i play multiplayer i only find people that have experimentals weapons and thats including experimental ammo. but theyre low levels and they did few missions completed.

you thinks thats no problem with it @Gysbert?

like why do people want to cheat like they dont see it that is cheating/bugs? cmon bro you really want something else when theres something is very important to fix?

its been staying for too long its an actual problem. that people trying to ingore it because they like it!
generation zero was sopposed to be survival and find weapons. and now its not survivals and you don’t need to find weapons because of these mental people giving free weapons from every new person they see.

I didn’t say I don’t care about the bugs that exist, I do not focus on bugs (which I rarely get). But yes, I don’t see a REAL problem for other peoples gameplay. People who accept weapons or using cheats or mods are only cheating themselves. But it’s their game and if they like to play that way, it doesn’t bother me.

If you don’t like those people, then only play with people you know, and are thinking like you about this. It is never a good idea to play with random people. There always risk that they are unpleasant.


The difference to many other games is that everything you do, you do it on the complete game. A mod would affect your single- and multiplayer-game. A mod that affects multiplayer affects every players experience and safegame who joins or hosts the game the mod-user is playing on.

It’s like bringing a machine gun to a sword-battle. It’s against rules of the battle or at least against rules of fairplay.

That’s why there should be something that just let you play in singleplayer with modified data/files… Or just with others who have the same modification.

Maybe a good included official mod-support and matchmaking could solve this.
There are so many games, even ones that are ~20 years old, that are able to detect if one player uses modified data… And keep them out, if the host doesn’t use them, too.

But, again, Generation Zero has just one (or 4) worlds to play alone or with others in. It doesn’t differentiate in singleplayer or multiplayer worlds. Maybe this a an option that should also be added.

I agree, but for this game I also see the risk, that one who uses cheats, glitches, exploits, mods may harm the others players experience AND data.

There are so many bugs and issues in this game which already resulted in permanently destroyed or damaged safegame files. If now one player uses cheats, glitches, exploits, mods it may harm the other players.

As you @Gysbert just play this game in singleplayer and have been lucky just rarely having bugs or other issues, you don’t have founded experiences for this discussion (in my opinion).

You can’t say: “it’s others players own fault if they play this cooperative multiplayer online game with other people they don’t know.”

Even just by playing with two really good friends of me, who just play alone or with one of us three, we already had some big issues with completly broken safegames, or lost safehouses. Now imagine what could happen, if just one player just once joined a multiplayer game with just one player using modified data. It could act like a virus and expand from one to many other players. And you don’t know if or when it may break out… And break your game.

I agree to play Generation Zero just with real friends, but that’s because it’s a cooperative game.

For a Call of Duty for example I have a different opinion, because it’s competive in general multiplayer modes.

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What a very interesting read

What is interesting? :coffee:

PC gamer moment Bert.

They can so they will

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Well, some PC players will, is more accurate.
Console-players can, and some will, use glitches too. (maybe just for fun, and where is the harm?)

I have, but I ignore trivial bugs.

The word Cheating in games has a totally wrong connotation, as if using glitches or shortcuts or cheats is something really bad and should be punished. But if we all look back in time, we would see that cheats were incorporated in many games by the game-makers. It’s human nature to like it if a shortcut is found which might not be intended by the game-makers. Thinking out off the box feels good, even if it’s not intended.

People should be honest and recognise that they probably too, cheese the game once in a while by, for instance, looking up solutions on the net, or reload a game-save over and over to get that 50 dashkills achievement. In GZ, restarting will respawn enemies, and when this is deliberately done to respawn enemies it is cheesing the game. And we all do it! Don’t be a hypocrite, and say you don’t.

Yes, back in the past, I often used hints and guides to find hidden things in singleplayer games. Some games offered to enter cheat codes, some games where modable (officially).

I, attacke27 and others don’t talk about this.
We talk about abusing mechanics, cheating and using illegal mods in a cooperative multiplayer game.

Well, it’s not as bad as doing the same in a competive multiplayer game where players do that to win, to be “the best” or just to harm others gaming experience.

But here at least it could harm others players gaming experience, maybe even their safegame if some hidden bugs combined with manipulated data lead to faults in the code of a safegame, once saved may destroy hundreds of hours of time invested.

This should be prevented.

I don’t know how to make it more clear.
What else I should say to explain my or our position.

You say, we should let everyone play the game like they want. I say yes and no. You may play like you want, as long as it don’t affects others in a negative way or breaks laws and rules. Not more, not less. Not just counts for gaming btw, but for most real life situations as well.

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My solution to avoiding cheaters is simple. I play closed games with friends only. That goes for most MP games I play. Problem solved.

Much like software cracking, cheat / anti-cheat is a back and forth game between the devs and people making these cheats. Devs patch holes, cheaters find new ones. In the end, the cheaters always seem to persist.

GZ has no mod support, yet there are people that use them. You can use various trainers to manipulate your game stats, skills, abilities, etc. There’s really little to nothing devs can do to block this. And ultimately, it’s not a competitive game, so really the incentive to expend a lot of time, resources (and $$$$) on that just isn’t worth it.

This is a case where end users need to take it into their own hands vs getting devs to save them. If cheaters bother you that much, either kick them out of your hosted games, or leave other games you join where you see them. Or you can choose the same path I did and only play with people you know.


I do that. Many others maybe, too.
But there also are people who just want to play the game they bought in the way it’s offered. And some even don’t have friends to play with or don’t know one who ownes the game.

I don’t say it’s easy. I’m sure it isn’t.
But I think it’s at least worth to think about possible solutions instead of doing nothing. At the end the honest players lose fun, the critics get more, the game and its dlc get selled less and the working stops. Maybe even the servers get shut down. That’s the point everyone has lost.

Maybe there could be a version control by hashvalues to prevent modified game data. Maybe an official mod-support and a good matchmaking or filtering (allow/disallow mods/just same mods) could help, too.

Btw, if even some people are able to join locked/invite only game-sessions (was reported some times, too) the game has a great issue. With this even the ones who just want to play just with friends are not safe anymore. Maybe it’s just a pc-thing, but it’s still one Generation Zero.

This is very annoying and keeps me from playing Gen Zero in public co-op, but I do this very thing. As far as pack mules in public co-ops??? How would you even know another player is doing it? Really? How would you know they save their game files? And why would it upset you a player with a low skill level getting a higher-level weapon? Free trade is allowed in the game. Again…Really? We all have the option to exit a public co-op game we don’t like the way it is being played by others.

We all play the game the way we WANT to play the game. Next the Karens will want us to do the missions in the same order they did them. Geez!

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It baflles me that people still will sit and complain about how other people play a game that is mainly a solo game or co-op with friends. How does it affect you if someone got a experimental dropped to them at lvl 1 from a friend? Or if they used a glitch to kill a machine (for example when the grg rocket spam glitch was a thing). Sure if someone is using exploits, glitches or other things to troll or disrupt public lobbies then that can be a problem, That’s why the kick option is a thing.
This forum never fails to entertain me with bad takes.


Ok, maybe we all should calm down.
We don’t talk about all the same.
We have two opinions if you look at the poll, but in the end there are way more different opinions. Everyone has a ton of arguments but for and against different things.

Let’s end up with cheating and hacking is bad, harming others is bad, helping others is good.
I’ll leave now (this topic).

Let end up with, Constant complaining is bad and Using cheats in games isn’t bad, it’s not that cut and dry. Remember how harsh you treated Harold when he told he used a cheat? That too is harming others.


Sorry, I didn’t want to be as harsh (@Asphodelus, @Gysbert). Sometimes, I guess, I just don’t use the correct words or grammar so it’s missunderstood.

I try my best to use the english I learned, I even try to validate the words chosen often by google translator, but we all know that it’s not the best solution.

And of course, some words often may be missunderstood, if their definition is not clear.
Cheating, if I use it here to complain about, in general is doing something illegal to get a benefit against others. I’m talking about multiplayer. One gets a benefit, others get harmed. That’s not ok.

If one uses cheats just for his/hers advantage in a singleplayer experience, it’s up to himself/herself. But again, if there is a risk, that it may change code of the safegame which may be transfered to others by playing multiplayer, it’s not ok anymore.

And I truly can’t remember any game where this risk was theoretically as high as in Generation Zero. Sadly.

Are we fine, again?

GZ isn’t a player vs player game so there is no benefit that would harm you. But that would not even happen if you play with trusted friends. It’s up to you to make sure you play the right people.

Personally, I don’t think GZ is that hard that it would need a cheat. It’s not a game where you are forced in highpaced fights. I can easily avoid them, and take my time. But I can understand that there are people who are in a situation where they can only enjoy games if they get a little extra help. Like the older people, or people with a disability, or any other disadvantage.

I don’t believe that something harmful can be transferred to other people, it’s not like a virus. It’s like the value of ammo is set higher, or something like that.
I think this is just an assumption, where is the proof that this has actually happened? In 3 years this is the first time I heard of this. I’m sure that cheats were used all that time.
Is harmful contamination even possible, doubtful, but I’m sure you will have an answer to this, otherwise it’s pretty careless to use an unprovable argument in a discussion.

Sure, we’re talking :crazy_face:.

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I do. I always did. Alone or with trusted friends.

I agree.

It is based on what I heard and read over time. But you’re right, I have no proof.
There have been so many situations with broken safegames, that I see a risk that errors in the code or manipulated data may cause this. When I had the error with the disappearing safehouses the first times and I hosted a coop game with a friend, he had the same issue the next day, too. He was lucky to have an actual backup in the cloud. Mine instead seemed already to have been corrupted, so no chance. Since this day we just played in his game where everything worked fine.

Even if there is no more proof, it doesn’t mean that it doesn’t exist.

I had some corrupted games and it had nothing to do with using trainers, moddifying files , even if i wanted it i dont own this game for PC and i mostly played alone .
It was all bugs from the game and updates (2019 to 2021).
So without some good evidence there is no proof.

True, but conversely it doesn’t mean that it does exist and presenting this as an argument when it has no factual basis, risks leading to confusion and false impressions. Not to mention the damage it does to the game’s image. (quoted no proof arguments below)

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Hey guys, didn’t read the full discussion/conversation, but it’s allright with me.

The game is a bit overwhelming for some people who aren’t as fast as they used to be :laughing: or handy with buttoncombi’s etc.

But I try to diminish the trainer support in stages.
It’s a bit strange: now I walk in womens’ clothes and the bots aren’t neglecting me - so that’s not a solution too.

Working it out :stuck_out_tongue:

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