[xbox] [movement disabled] [Lilla Hagbo]

xbox x
Lilla Hagbo

  1. entering structure ground floor to top floor via doghouse to boat to second floor patio
    when entering the door way player gets stuck next to couch. movement disabled displayed on screen by status bar
    (temp fix) turning and random firing facing out side frees player
    “held hostage” 1hr 50mins total until temp solution found to free player

  2. blasting thru past the couch to the table and fridge player gets stuck again movement disabled displayed on screen by status bar
    (temp fix) turning and random firing facing out side frees player
    “held hostage” 10mins total until temp solution found to free player

did not attempt to enter door to secondary room do not want to get completely stuck and restart the game.

  • update
  1. back on ground after dispatching a enemy in small wood shed with ammo box player gets stuck movement disabled displayed on screen by status bar
    (temp fix) turning and random firing facing wood slat wall (doorway to the right side of player)frees player
    “held hostage” 1min total until temp solution found to free player

  2. vehicle garage - weapon box player gets stuck movement disabled displayed on screen by status bar
    1568.302 - 4354.169
    in a desperate attempt to free player I shot up vehicle and blew it up. suicide attempt failed as explosion did not kill the player. out of ammo on main gun. switched to scoped rifle (garage door to player left side next to wall) zoomed in to lamp a fired 3 shots freed player
    “held hostage” 10min total approx. until temp solution found to free player

player note. the game functioned fine with minor glitches and errors until I came to this area. this experience has just flat out ruined the game for me. im done. back to grand theft auto.

Recommendation - bailout option in pause screen to return to a prior area

The Movement Disabled icon means that your character is encumbered by carrying too much.
Is it possible you freed yourself by firing your gun because that removed ammo from your inventory?

to be honest, i just returned to retry this game again. as soon as i started were i left off, last save point, i was still stuck. after researchingfor a “patch” i realized this was done on as a feature. this “player disabled feature” for lack of better words - poorly executed.

think about how many players bailed out and quit this game because of this, thinking the game was bugging out or broken.

(more than likely figured this out by now, its been a half a year for me to return to this game)

would have been nice to know that the player is “stuck” because hes overloaded.

if the “movement disabled icon” displayed “you are too heavy” or " dump some gear" would have been more understandable.

if your going for real life feel for the game, in real life i would not pick up more than i can carry.

most games apply that by “not allowing you to pick up more items than you can carry”

That’s true. It’s not obvious enough. Sometimes I wonder why my char does not want to sprint during the fight just to find out that looting some machines just put me over the limit.

Really? Funny, I didn’t stumble over any game that does this. My favourite game I play parallel to GZ is The Long Dark. In this game there is also something like not being able to sprint and a threshold for being stuck when having to many things in the backpack. But here that char talks and tells you that he will not sprint anymore or cannot move any further.
Since in GZ there is no talking char implemented I think the visual for being stuck / overencumbered could be a bit more obvious. (I made a suggestion for a talking char in Nov last year, but this was not well received Talking characters)

Since we’ve finally confirmed this issue is not a bug, I’ll be locking this one.

If you’re unhappy with how the current encumberance system is, try #feedback-feature-requests.
