Xezr's Hardcore Mode [Updated]

You’re not making any sense.

I haven’t unlocked any additional inventory slots on the character above, as one can see since they’ve got red crosses on them.

I have no level 14. The farthest I’ve ever gotten was with Örjan, who reached level 11. Putting a perk point in the inventory perk normally unlocks another 8 slots. In my mode, it unlocks an additional 3 since the rest are disabled. Add another perk to get a total of 6 extra slots.

err, also, as shown in the screen shot above, your lvl 1 isn’t using any of the two unlockable rows in order to show all the items.

Again, what are you talking about? The character is level 1. The items shown are the total of items the character had upon death, not necessarily in the inventory but as mods on weapons, in the hotbar, etc.


Indeed you did.

(20 chars…)

My bad, yeah there are small x’s in the corners. For some reason I thought they had a red diagonal bar across the boxes when locked.

Haven’t played this week so clearly bad memory.

Yep the lvl 14 meant to be the lvl 11 (my character is lvl 14 and I clearly swapped the two around by mistake when typing).

It’d be pretty bad if I cheated at my own Hardcore Mode :smile:

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Well, it is only a best efforts mode :grin:.

Didn’t want to come over as accusing hence putting in the “Purely curious, nothing more.”.

Assumed you weren’t bending the rules as it would be pretty obvious with the screen shots, therefore the curiosity :+1:.

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New champion! Though this time, things are a bit different. This is Captain Danjel, 38 years old, from Russia. Sent to gather information about the situation on Östertörn, he must complete two objectives before heading to his pickup point.

Objective 1: Investigate the Torsberga Artillery Fortress, to find out the situation about the swedish defenses. (loot the bunker)
Objective 2: Investigate rumours of secret research at FOA 2 facility. (take picture with photomode)
Objective 3: Extract from Ålnästet (clear all enemies)


Paratrooper Gear: Starts out with ‘Good’ quality AI-76 and full stack of 7,62 FMJ ammo, 2 Hand Grenades & 5 Advanced Medkits.

Travel Light: Only one equipped weapon allowed.


Well, that’s broadly where I started - pistol to the first bunker, and load up there. Killed by a dog. Second and third both killed by dogs - my favourite, above, went out after a fight, low on ammunition to loot and met a dog at point blank range - boom. My latest one is still alive, and got the .50 cal out of the car, but three rounds left for that, ten rounds of buckshot and 40 of .247 - puzzled as to where to get ammunition…


Okay, he’s dead. Why do I insist on taking on tanks? I fired every round I had, and threw the hand-grenades and the damn thing was still upright. Then it killed me. What? Not the mission! Oh well, back to the drawing board.

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Here’s a new Modifier for ya;

A Pastry to Die For: The only healing item you’re allowed to use is the Semla.


Don’t tempt me to join this madness …


Too late, the seed is planted. XD

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I’ve only ever found one!

This is my attempt at the Challenge: Play to level 15 on Guerilla, with my own Hardcore Mode.

I started out at Yttervik and started to loot the surroundings. It soon dawned on me, that attempting the Challenge with my current world state had a few unfortunate side effects. There were no weapons around.

I snuck all the way to Salthamn before getting my hands on a rusty Pump-Action Shotgun. From there I could get some better loot from the newer added locations, and a decent amount of medkits. I laid a noise trap at Saltholmen Bridge, but due to accidentally backing into a bush the Machines went for me instead of the 10 gas canisters I had placed. Oh well.

Through a combination of sneaking and striking from the shadows I made my way to Saltholmen Church. There I encountered a veritable onslaught of 2 Rival Hunters and their 6 friends, and an assortment of Military and Prototype Runners, and 2 Seekers.

Despite the arsenal I had collected (2* Meusser .243 Rifle, 2* 12G Pump-Action Shotgun, Kpist-58 and 9 EMP batteries) I made my last stand inside the church, and got perforated by a Hunter’s .50 machinegun.


Name: Yngve
Days survived: One horrible night
Total kills: 21
Playtime: 2 hours
Achieved level: 1 :sob:


I’m gonna try a variation of the old and new hardcore rules, with my own twist, when they finally fix the game. These are the changes:

  • No permadeath - if you die and is out of adrenaline, loose all firearms (melee weapons are kept) and start afresh (bullet 2 is void)
  • Adrenaline is allowed - and must be used when you die - no fast travel to safehouse (bullet 2.5 is void)
  • Only half inventory capacity can be used (“old” rule revived)
  • All other rules remain

This should (hopefully) focus more on long term survival.
PS: If you want a real challenge, start on Himfjäll :flushed:

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A few modifiers are fine, good luck :slight_smile:

Ok, I’ve decided to do FNIX Rising in the above mentioned hardcore mode with a lvl 8 character (which was played from scratch under the “old” hardcore rules minus permadeath).
I’ve played app. 4 hours, and still haven’t reached the ringfort. I totally got my ass kicked by a military harvester, it called reinforcements 4 times before I finally was able to take it down - cost me 3 adrenaline and a ton of medkits! :no_mouth:


I also found a FNIX generator near the Minken bunker.

These are screenshots from the beginning of the first mission.

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Sucks if you die and lose your weapons, and only find a sledgehammer :smile:

Yeah that’s gonna suck pretty hard. I need to scavenge for that precious adrenaline in the bunkers! :sunglasses: But hey, I have a 2-star Brännboll Bat now! :smiley:
Actually I’m just tweaking the rules right now: If you die (and run out of adren), you loose only firearms and can keep melee weapons - that’s fair, ain’t it? :laughing:

Good rule-book for a hardcore mode. Would love to see it implemented in game

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