Xezr's Hardcore Mode [Updated]

My latest champion, 37 years old, father of five Örjan, is ready to take on Östertörn. Together with his ample supply of Boomboxes he will bring victory against the Machines with the aid of music.


Good luck with that. I’m starting another one in a couple of days - I’ll let you know how I get on…

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Made my start.

Here’s my dude, looking lost.

Here’s my dude at the end of the day, looking sharper - ready for a good sleep at my favourite safe house, having downed a Rival and eight Hunters. Onward and upward - half a skill point already…

NOW we’re cookin’ on gas…!

Lucky I had one more look at the forum before I went to my bed! My favourite safe house is 300 yards away from the white car! 5* .50cal, 5* sight, and five rounds of ammunition. Okay, then, all the way to Normyra to find some ammo! I reckon I can sneak in round the back…

Nice idea.

How about you being able to use one storage box at a safe house of your choosing but… only in that one safe house.

Would allow you to have a base to store and swap items and then hunt from but you always have to come back to that one safe house for dropping stuff off / restocking if you are getting low and savaging is not going well…

I am only lvl 12 now so a fair way to go in the actual game before trying this mode :smile:

Bless you, create a new character now, start at the beginning - do different-type quests, and leave the missions to your main character. It teaches you heaps about survival and how to think and move.

Not a bad idea actually; add it as a modifier to the Challenge :slight_smile:

Doin’ good. Örjan has reached Level 4, and just raided Muskudden Navalbase for some much needed better gear. There’s been a few close calls so far, but I’ve gotten through them on a mixture of stealth, careful planning and luck.


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Do not know why you carry binos and waste a space with them, when you’ve got a telecope on the weapon? That’s another five grenades, or another four rockets.

Because the binoculars provide a wider field of view, variable zoom and and greater zoom level than most scopes? Also, the view is always crystal clear, you don’t have to rely on finding a scope of suitable quality.

I suppose, but I’m not sure. I shan’t need them on this round, since I’ve got the 5* scope from the white car, but even so, I’d rather a couple of mines.


Name: Örjan
Days survived: 12
Tanks killed: 2 Military, 2 FNIX
Harvesters killed: 4 Military, 2 FNIX
Hunters killed: Too many to count
Apocalypse Hunters killed: 2
Rivals killed: 3 (1 Level 4 Apoc Hunter, 1 Level 2 FNIX Harvester, 1 Level 1 Military Hunter)
Achieved level: 11

Killed by: FNIX Hunter


Final Inventory:

New champion! Her name’s Berit, she’s 34 years old and she’s worked as an accountant all her life with little to no family ties or friends to speak of. How will she fare when we drop her off at Karl-Erik Lighthouse north-west of Norrmyra?


Name: Berit
Days survived: 1 long night
Achieved level: 1

Killed by: FNIX Harvester

Final Inventory:


After I left the Lighthouse I was surrounded in nearly all directions by patrolling FNIX Tanks. It was night, and various patrols of Seekers made it extra difficult. Through a stroke of luck I gained an early good weapon from an Apocalypse Runner, the Kvm 89. But taking on the two Harvesters inside the arena proved to be a fatal mistake.

Conclusion: Don’t mess with Norrmyra Artillery Base.

A little confused.

Lvl 1 and all inventory slots unlocked ?

I take it you have moved away from the self imposed limited inventory as well.

I am very tempted to try this but should really complete the main story first :grinning:. I am just finding myself stuck (by choice) running around Alpine Unrest at lvl 14 now. Doing more missions than bot killing.

No, it’s just to show all the items and mods I had equipped in total.

Ok… now I am full of questions.

Probably just something blindly obvious I have missed.

How did the Lvl 1 char unlock two points on inventory expansion unless you dressed another higher level character up to look like your lvl 1 which already had them unlocked so you could show the inventory ?.

Your lvl 14 has two points on inventory. One I can understand to enable you to get further down the tree but not sure why you preferred to put the second in there rather than on something else when you aren’t using those slots.

err, also, as shown in the screen shot above, your lvl 1 isn’t using any of the two unlockable rows in order to show all the items.

Purely curious, nothing more.

You’re not making any sense.

I haven’t unlocked any additional inventory slots on the character above, as one can see since they’ve got red crosses on them.

I have no level 14. The farthest I’ve ever gotten was with Örjan, who reached level 11. Putting a perk point in the inventory perk normally unlocks another 8 slots. In my mode, it unlocks an additional 3 since the rest are disabled. Add another perk to get a total of 6 extra slots.

err, also, as shown in the screen shot above, your lvl 1 isn’t using any of the two unlockable rows in order to show all the items.

Again, what are you talking about? The character is level 1. The items shown are the total of items the character had upon death, not necessarily in the inventory but as mods on weapons, in the hotbar, etc.


Indeed you did.

(20 chars…)

My bad, yeah there are small x’s in the corners. For some reason I thought they had a red diagonal bar across the boxes when locked.

Haven’t played this week so clearly bad memory.

Yep the lvl 14 meant to be the lvl 11 (my character is lvl 14 and I clearly swapped the two around by mistake when typing).